
1、作可数名词用,“练习,习题,体操,功课,操练”等,常用复数 。
I'm doing my exercises我在做练习/功课 。
Doing morning exercises is helpful to our health做早操对我们的健康是有益的 。
You should do more spelling exercises你应该做更多的拼写练习 。
2、作不可数名词用,“锻炼,运动” 。
You are weak because of the lack of exercise你身体弱是因为缺少锻炼 。
Take more exercise,and you will be healthy多多锻炼,你会健康的 。
3、作动词用,“训练,锻炼” 。
【exercise的用法初中】You must exercise yourself in order to be stronger and healthier为了更健康更强壮,你必须锻炼自己 。
They are exercising troops他们在练兵 。
You don't exercise enough你锻炼不够﹝作不及物动词﹞ 。