【关于空气污染的资料 关于空气污染的资料有哪些】大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。关于空气污染的资料有哪些,关于空气污染的资料这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Stop water and air pollution in China Along with the rapid economic development in China, water and air pollution have become more and more severe. Everywhere we go, we can see rivers, lakes and even the sea are polluted and have become dark and dirty. Fish have died out and water is no long suitable as drinking ***.At the same time, the air in every big city in China has, to some extent, been polluted by factories and cars on the road. Particularly, on rush hours everyday, it is hard to breathe for people who walk on the street if there is no wind or rain. Shall let this situation go worse and worse? No, certainly not. So what shall we do to prevent people from polluting our water and air? I believe that on one hand, every local government should take quick and strict measures to stop those factories from polluting rivers and lakes any further. On the other hand, we should restrict the number of cars on the street, so that air in the city can be kept cleaner. Moreover 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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