有什么好的旅游景点 湖南省有什么好的旅游景点

学习让我快乐 英语作文谁能给我篇要简单点的 。学习让我快乐这篇作文需要写出学习快乐的原因以及为什么爱学习 。
Many students take study as task and they don't have much passion about gaining the knowledge from books. As teenagers, they like to hang out for fun instead of sitting in classroom. But I am enjoying reading books so much. Nowadays, people always say they want to see the world as it is so big.
Though I can't travel around the world, for the lack of money and the age, I can see around the world through these books.
I get to know different cultures and see the diversity of the world. It's full of charm and inspires me to keep searching the amazing nature. Reading books brings me great happiness.
释文:许多学生把学习当做任务,他们没有什么激情学习书本上的知识 。作为青少年,他们喜欢出去玩而不是坐在教室里 。而我却喜欢读书 。
如今,人们总是说这个世界很大,他们想要去看看 。虽然因为没钱和年龄小我还不能环游世界,但是我可以通过这些书籍来看世界 。我了解到不同的文化,看到了世界的多样性,充满魅力并激励着我继续探索神奇的大自然 。读书带给我很多快乐 。
study,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“学习,研究;课题;书房;学问;人名;(英)斯塔迪”,作动词时意为“学习;考虑;攻读;细察;研究;用功” 。
case study个案研究;案例研究
course of study学科;学习的进程;研究课程
further study进一步研究;深造;继续教育,进修
study 和 learn 都是学习的意思,但是略有区别:study 主要表示“研究”,重在过程;而 learn 主要表示“学会”,偏重于指结果 。表示“学”的动作时,可以互换 。如:
Will you study French his term? 这学期你要学习法语吗?
Have you learned English yet?你学过英语吗?
How long have you studied / learned Spanish? 你学西班牙语多久了?
求一篇学习使我快乐的英语作文Learning is an enjoyable experience. I like to learn new knowledge as it gives me new perspective to view this world. I like to review old knowledge as it strengthens my way of thinking. I like to learn from the books as it helps me to receive the information conveniently. I like to learn from the teachers as they impact me the proper methods to master the knowledge. I like to learn from my daily life as it enlivens my written knowledge. Learning inspires my insterest and curiosity of this world, learning makes my life colorful. I love learning.
well,reasonsforthisquestionarequitealot.andnowijustwannatosaymine.这个问题的答案有许多个 。现在我来说说我的 。
it'ssimple:ifeelhappywheni'mlearning.它很简单:因为我在学习的时候感到快乐 。yes,idoenjoymylearningtime.是的,我非常享受我的学习时光 。
seeingthis,youmightfeelconfusedandbecauseofthis,iwillexplainittoyou.看到这个原因,你可能会感到疑惑,因此,我将向你解释它 。
wheni'mstudying,ifeelmyselfsailingintheseaofknowledge.当我在学习的时候,我觉得我正在知识的海洋里航行 。
there'resomanymysteriousdoorswhicharewaitingformetoopenandthere'resomanyunknownfieldswhicharewaitingformetoexplore.那里有许多等着我去开启的神秘之门,那里有许多等着我去探险的领域 。inmytriptoknowledge,everystepimakecouldletmeseescenesineversawbefore.在我的知识之旅中,我迈出的每一小步都能让我看到我从未看到过的景色 。
inaword,tome,learningisawaytoexplorethiswonderfulworldandgathermylivingexperience.总而言之,学习对于我来说是一种探索这个奇妙世界和积累生活经验的方式 。
ilovethehappinesswhichleaninggivesme.我爱学习给我带来的快乐 。
求一篇关于“努力学习,快乐学习”主题的英语作文,120个词左右,急!【有什么好的旅游景点 湖南省有什么好的旅游景点】Students here, I want to tell you: the world no one can succeed easily, those who stood in the Olympic champion, high on the podium, which one player without sweat tears even bloody hard training? Those admitted to Peking University and tsinghua university ", which favored "suffering is not through the cold window study hard?