
年画是怎么来的?【搜狗年画】我国年画历史悠久 , 据东汉蔡邕《独断》 记载:我国最早的年画是“门神” 。画的是 神话传说中的人物、古勇士、虎等 。到了 唐代 , 出现了雕版印刷术 , 年画更大量印 刷 , 广泛流传;宋代 , 随着木版雕刻技术 的发展 , 木版年画门神又在民间流传 , 并 出现7表现王昭君、赵飞燕等妇女人物的 年画;明代年画发展成为一种独立的艺术 形式 。


根据年画不同的表现手法可以将年画如何分类?根据年画不同的表现手法可以将年画样式分为:木版年画、 水粉年画、月份牌年画、工笔年画等等 。当今我们看到的年画作 品中有许多在绘制和印刷上已超出民间年画 。如丙烯年画、喷笔年画等 。

年画简介 英文版New Year Painting
Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival, is the longest and most important holiday for Chinese people. It is usually celebrated from the eighth day of the twelfth month to the fifteenth of the first month (lantern festival), by Chinese lunar calendar. Traditionally, from the 23rd to the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, every family cleans and paints their houses and does New Year shopping. In rural China, hanging New Year paintings is a must. Bought from the market, New Year pictures are hanged on every important spots of the house-the gete, rooms, the kitchen, the storehouse, the well, and the stable. Portraits of village god and kitchen got are usually pasted up on niched to express people's wishes for peace and happiness. For average Chinese farmers, hanging New Year paintings bring about unusual festive joy and delight to them.
Many provinces in China are known for their distinctive New Year paintings, from northern Hebei, Shangdong, Henan and Tianjin , to southern Shandong, Henan and Tianjin, to southern Guangdong and Fujian, from eastern Jiangsu to western Shaanxi and Sichuan. Among them, the painting genre from Wuqiang County, Hebei Province enjoys a long history, diversified styles and widespread reputation.