
专题02 名词
Supposedly you can do it in two hours, but we stopped at the different gates and ___9___ (watchtower) to fake pictures or just to watch the local people going about their daily routines.
考查名词复数 。句意:据说你可以在两个小时内完成,但我们在不同的大门和了望台停下来拍照,或者只是看当地人进行他们的日常生活 。根据句意以及前文形容词different可知,此处可数名词watchtower是复数概念,应用其复数形式 。故填watchtowers 。
…and often provides money for conservation and benefits the ___2___(develop)of the local areas.
考查名词 。句意:这不同于传统的旅游,因为它能让旅行者了解这个地区——无论是地理环境还是文化特色 , 并且经常为环境保护提供资金,并有利于当地的发展 。根据空格前的定冠词the可知,此处填入名词development来做动词benefits的宾语 。故填development 。
___9___(activity)there range from whale watching to hiking(远足)and accommodations aim to have a low impact on the natural environment.
考查名词 。句意:那里的活动从观鲸到徒步旅行并且住宿宗旨是对自然环境影响达到很小 。根据谓语动词range可知 , 空格处应填用可数名词activity的复数形式作主语 。故填Activities 。
The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at the top will remind you how tiny we ____2____ (human) are.
考查名词复数 。句意:当你站在黄山山顶看见波涛汹涌般的云海,你会想到我们人类是多么的渺小 。human是we的同位语 , we为复数,应用human的复数形式 。故填humans 。
In 1844 they bought it for $1,200 and some land from Charles Dresser, who performed their ___3___ (marry)ceremony in 1842.
考查名词 。句意:1844年,他们以1200美元的价格从查尔斯·德莱瑟手中买下了这座房子和一些土地,查尔斯·德莱瑟在1842年举行了他们的婚礼 。结合设空前的形容词性物主代词可知,此处要用名词形式;结合设空处后的ceremony,可知此处意为“婚礼”;提示词marry意为“婚姻” , 其名词形式为marriage,marriage ceremony意为“婚礼” 。故填marriage 。
Many students say they will talk to their friend or classmates because they’re of the same age and can understand each other.
考查名词复数 。句意:许多同学说他们会和他们的朋友说或同学讲 , 因为他们是同龄人 , 能彼此理解 。friend“朋友”为可数名词 , 结合句中their , 所以此处要用复数 。故friend改为friends 。
I always assist my parents in doing the dish after meals.
考查名词单复数 。句意:饭后我总是帮助父母洗碗 。固定短语“do the dishes”译为“洗餐具” 。故将dish改为dishes 。
…but if you conveniently throw it out, wind and run-off carry the waste down the sewer(污水管) and directly to the ocean, affecting the marine life including the fish, a main source of food for ___8___ (human).
考查名词 。句意:每一块被制造出来的塑料都将以某种形式留在环境中,但如果你图方便把它扔掉,风和径流就会把垃圾带入下水道,直接流入海洋,影响海洋生物,包括鱼类,人类的主要食物来源 。human为可数名词,此处表示“人类”应用复数形式 。故填humans 。
It seems that people in western countries are becoming increasingly worried about the side effects of drugs, and are turning to various ___2___ (treatment) such as yoga, reflexology and acupuncture (针灸) to complement, or sometimes even replace, western medicine.
考查名词复数 。句意:西方国家的人们似乎越来越担心药物的副作用,并开始寻求瑜伽、反射学和针灸等各种疗法来补充,有时甚至取代西医 。treatment意为“疗法”,为可数名词,在various后应用复数形式 。故填treatments 。
I made an ___7___(appoint) with the acupuncturist in my area and turned up at his room the following morning.
考查名词 。句意:我预约了我所在地区的针灸师 , 第二天早上去了他的房间 。在冠词an后应用名词 。make an appointment意为“预约” 。故填appointment 。
I had a concert ticket for a show that I couldn’t attend .I was trying to sell the tickets.
考查名词单复数 。句意:我想把票卖出去 。根据前文“I had a concert ticket”可知,只有一张票,所以应用名词单数 。故将tickets改为ticket 。
This expensive, yet simple act of kind really made my day.
考查名词 。句意:这个昂贵却又简单的善举让我开心极了 。在介词of后应用名词作宾语,名词kindness意为“善意” 。故将kind改为kindness 。
If we choose long-lasting clothes, it helps solve two key______4______ (issue) at once-overconsumption and the declining quality of many clothes in stores these days.
考查名词 。句意:我们购买耐穿的衣物的话,在一度过度消费和衣物质量下降的今日 , 可以解决两个关键问题 。two后接可数名词复数,issue的复数形式为issues,故用issues 。
— I don’t feel I can accept her words.
—But what she said was fair ________.
A. contentB. commentC. contactD. concern
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:——我觉得我不能接受她的话 。——但是她的评论是客观公平的 。A. content内容;B. comment评论;C. contact联系;D. concern关心 。由“I don’t feel I can accept her words.”可知,此句中想表达她的评论是公平的 。故选B项 。
Some countries are increasing their use of natural gas, and other forms of .
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:一些国家正在增加使用天然气和其他形式的能源 。A. source(信息)来源;B. energy能源;C. power力量,权力;D. material材料 。根据句意和句中“natural gas”可知,天然气是一种“能源” , 因此句中指的是其他形式的“能源” , energy意为“能源”,名词词性,符合句意 。故选B项 。
It’s said that dogs will keep you _______ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.
A. companionB. colleagueC. companyD. relation
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:据说,当你感到孤独时,只要你愿意,狗就会一直陪伴着你 。A. companion同伴;B. colleague同事;C. company陪伴;D. relation联系,关联 。根据空后“when you are feeling lonely”可知,此处指“狗会陪伴你” , keep sb. company意为“陪伴某人” 。故选C 。
—Will you take my previous experience into________ when you fix my salary?
—You bet. We always do for senior-level positions.
A. mindB. thoughtC. referenceD. account
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:——你确定我的薪水时 , 会把我以前的工作经验考虑进去吗?——当然 。对于高级职位我们总是这样做的 。A. mind思维;B. thought想法;C. reference参考;D. account描述,账户 。根据句意及常识可知,此处是固定短语take…into account“将……考虑在内”,意为“将我以前的工作经验考虑在内” 。故选D 。
Under no ________ should passengers leave the underground platform and get on the tracks.
A. circumstancesB. situationsC. occasionsD. cases
考查名词辨析 。句意:在任何情况下,乘客都不应离开地下站台上轨道 。under no circumstance为固定搭配,意为“在任何情况下” 。结合句意 , 故选A项 。
You’d better pay your loan on time, as late payments may affect your ________ .
A. conditionB. creditC. incomeD. status
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:你最好按时还贷,因为逾期还款可能影响你的信誉 。condition状况;credit信誉;income收入;status地位 。根据常识可知,逾期还款影响信誉 。故选B 。
It is generally agreed that new contents should be added to a good dictionary at regular________.
A. gapsB. intervalsC. lengthD. distance
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:一本好词典应该定期添加新内容,这是大家一致同意的 。A. gap缺口;裂缝;间隔期;B. intervals(时间上的)间隔;C. length长度;D. distance距离 。结合语境可知,“new contents”应是指随着时代发展而出现的“新词”,随时会出现,因此应及时定期更新词典内容 。“at intervals”,固定短语,意为“每隔一段时间” , 符合语境搭配 。故选B项 。
When it was my turns to speak, I stood on the stage with butterflies in my stomach…
考查名词 。句意:轮到我发言的时候,我站在舞台上,心里七上八下,手上都是汗 。it is one’s turn to do sth“轮到某人做某事”为固定短语 。故turns改成turn 。
Good morning everyone! Today I want to say something about my parent.
考查名词 。句意:今天我想说一些关于我父母的事情 。根据下文的“My father is…”和“My mother is…”可知,此处指“父母双方”,需用名词复数形式 。故将parent改为parents 。
She is cute and can do a few trick, which are funny and usually make me very surprised
考查名词单复数 。句意:她很可爱,会耍一些小把戏,很有趣 , 通常让我很惊讶 。trick“小把戏”为可数名词,根据“a few”可知 , 此处表示复数,故将trick改为tricks 。
He had been in this world for some month and I didn’t want to end his life.
考查名词的数 。句意:它在这个世界上已经生活了好几个月了,并且我不想结束它的生命 。month是可数名词 , 根据形容词some, 可知此处要用名词的复数形式 。故将month改为months。
Gradually, I made progresses.
考查不可数名词 。句意:渐渐地,我取得了进步 。progress为不可数名词 , 所以没有复数形式 。故将progresses改为progress 。
I did a good job in the end. It was deep breathing that helped me out of anxious.
考查名词 。句意:是深呼吸帮助我摆脱了焦虑 。短语help sb out of sth , 介词of后接名词 。故将anxious改为anxiety 。
He gave him a new name to hide his _______ when he went to carry out the secret task.
A. emotionB. talentC. identityD. devotion
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:当他去执行秘密任务时 , 他给了他一个新名字来隐藏他的身份 。A. emotion情感;B. talent才能;C. identity身份;D. devotion奉献 。结合上文He gave him a new name to hide his可知给新名字是为了隐藏身份的 。故选C 。
The family breathed a sigh of ________ since the girl was finally out of danger.
A. stressB. reliefC. puzzleD. sorrow
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:女孩终于脱离了危险,全家人都松了一口气 。A. stress重点;精神压力;B. relief宽慰;安心;(痛苦,悲痛的)解除;C. puzzle谜;智力游戏;D. sorrow伤心;难过 。根据后文原因状语从句“since the girl was finally out of danger”可知,这个女孩终于脱离了危险,因此 , 前文应是表达家人“松了一口气”,安心了 。breathe a sigh of relief,“松了一口气” 。故选B项 。
The people living in these apartments have free________ to that swimming pool.
A. accessB. passageC. wayD. approach
考查名词辨析 。句意:住在这些公寓里人可以免费使用那个游泳池 。A. access通道 , 进入,机会,使用权;B. passage 一段(文章),走廊,通路;C. way方式 , 方法;D. approach方法,接近 。由语意可知,设空处表示“使用”,用access,构成短语“have access to”,表示“使用,接近,可以利用” 。故选A项 。
Usually the Player of the Year title is given to a big name from the best team.But this time there is a(n) ______.
A. breakB. improvement
C. exceptionD. tradition
考查名词 。break间断,破裂; improvement提高,改善; exception例外; tradition传统 。句意为:通常情况下,“年度最佳球员”这一头衔会给最好球队中的大牌运动员 , 但是这一次却是个例外 。由Usually及But可知选C 。exception一般情况以外的人(或事物),例外 。故选C 。
Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _________.
A. influenceB. independence
C. competenceD. intelligence
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:教师必须不断更新自己的知识,以保持他们的专业技能 。A. influence影响;B. independence独立;C. competence能力,技能;D. intelligence智力 。由语意可知,教师更新自己知识的目的应该是保持自己专业技能 。故选C项 。
Experts have pointed out that the _______ of severe punishment plays a major role in the growing food safety problem.
A. absenceB. presence
【treatment可数吗,名词例题】C. existenceD. evidence
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:专家指出 , 没有严厉的惩罚是导致食品安全问题日益严重的主要原因 。A. absence缺失;B. presence出席;C. existence存在;D. evidence证明 。由语意可知,食品安全问题的日益严重在很大程度上是因为:严厉惩罚的缺失(absence) 。故选A项 。
When the captain found the ship was rapidly sinking,he ordered his men to send out a ________ for help.
A. signalB. sign
C. symbolD. signature
考查名词 。句意:当船长发现该船在迅速下沉时,他命令手下发出求救信号 。signal信号 , 符合语境 。sign符号,手势;symbol象征;signature签名,签字,署名 。故选A 。
How to create enough jobs for the laid-off workers is a complex problem, so there is no simple ________.
A. commandB. solution
C. destinationD. conclusion
考查名词辨析 。句意:如何为失业人员创造足够多的工作是一个复杂的问题 , 所以没有简单的解决方法 。A.command命令;B.solution解决方法;C.destination目的地;D.conclusion总结 。根据句意且前面的“complex problem”可知,此处应填solution 。故选B 。
To realize his dream, a man has no ________ but to spare no effort to fight.
A. alternativeB. assumption
C. approvalD. agreement
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:为了实现自己的梦想,一个人别无选择,只能全力以赴地奋斗 。A.alternative 选择;B.assumption假定;C.approval赞同;D.agreement同意 。根据句意可知,是没有选择,只能拼搏,因此用alternative,have no alternative but to do sth.是固定表达,意为“别无选择只能做某事” 。故选A 。
Some countries are increasing their use of natural gas, and other forms of .
A. sourceB. energyC. powerD. material
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:一些国家正在增加使用天然气和其他形式的能源 。A. source(信息)来源;B. energy能源;C. power力量 , 权力;D. material材料 。根据句意和句中“natural gas”可知 , 天然气是一种“能源”,因此句中指的是其他形式的“能源”,energy意为“能源” , 名词词性,符合句意 。故选B项 。
The couple got into a(n)________ about where to celebrate New Year’s Eve: at home or in a restaurant.
A. commentB. argument
C. debateD. quarrel
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:这对夫妇为除夕是在家里还是在餐馆里庆祝发生了争吵 。A. comment评论,表示就某人或某事发表看法;B. argument争吵,指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护 , 着重说理、论证和企图说服;C. debate辩论,(正式的)讨论,侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩;D. quarrel吵架,争论,指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架” 。结合后文“where to celebrate New Year’s Eve: at home or in a restaurant”可知,此处指就在哪里庆祝发生了争吵,用argument更符合,get into an argument“争吵起来” 。故选B 。
Most people like the__________ of using Alipay and WeChatPay to buy things.
A. convenienceB. tradition
C. cooperationD. leisure
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:大多数人喜欢使用支付宝和微信支付购物的便利 。A.convenience 便利;B.tradition 传统;C. cooperation 合作;D. leisure 休闲 。分析题意,根据后句提及的“使用支付宝和微信支付购物”可知,人们喜欢的是它的“便利” 。综合分析,故选A项 。
The______ of students should cover more aspect, such as activity involvement and teamwork contributions and so on.
A. admissionB. assessment
C. awarenessD. ambition
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:对学生的评价应该涵盖更多的方面,如活动参与度、团队合作贡献等 。A. admission承认;B. assessment评价,评定;C. awareness意识;D. ambition野心 。根据后文“students should cover more aspect, such as activity involvement and teamwork contributions and so on”可知对学生的评价应该涵盖活动参与度、团队合作贡献等诸多方面,应用assessment 。故选B 。
If you want to see a doctor, you should make an appointment with him in advance. That’s a common ______ in the U.S.
A. habitB. practiceC. traditionD. custom
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:如果你想看医生,你应该提前和他预约 。这在美国很常见 。A. habit习惯;B. practice常规;惯例;C. tradtion传统;D. custom风俗 。根据句意,此处说的是在美国提前预约医生是常见的惯例 , 故选B项 。
Nowadays it’s easier for students to gain ______ to good learning resources online.
A. privilegeB. preferenceC. accessD. permission
考查名词词义辨析 。句意:现在学生更容易在网上获得好的学习资源 。A. privilege特权;B. preference偏爱;C. access接近,进入,使用……的权力或机会;D. permission允许 。gain access to 取得使用……的机会 。故选C项 。
I took her advices and concentrated on my study when I didn’t need to go to clubs.
考查名词 。advice是不可数名词 , 故将advices改为advice 。
Last Monday, I was informed to host the graduation ceremony with one of my classmate in our school hall.
考查名词的数 。句意:上周一,我被告知要和我的一位同学在学校礼堂主持毕业典礼 。classmate为可数名词,此处为“one of+复数名词”结构 , classmate应用复数 。故 classmate改为classmates 。
I need to make more efforts than others. I enjoy the feeling of working with teammate,
【答案】teammate→ teammates
考查名词复数 。句意:我喜欢和队友一起工作的感觉,也喜欢一起度过的时光 。根据句意可知,此处不止一个队友,因此要用名词的复数形式 。故将teammate改为teammates 。
I’ll never forget the last winter holiday in my hometown. On the way to my grandpa, my father drove very carefully and slowly all the way, for it was snowing heavily.
考查名词所有格 。句意:在去爷爷家路上,我爸爸一路上开车非常小心且缓慢 , 因为下着大雪 。结合句意可知,此处表示“爷爷的家”,应用grandpa’s,故将grandpa改为grandpa’s 。
“Look, here’s another snowman,” shouted Maomao, joyfully clapping his hand.
考查名词复数 。句意:“看,这儿还有一个雪人 。”Maomao兴奋地喊道 , 欢快地拍着手 。hand是可数名词,结合常识可知,“拍手”应使用复数形式,故将hand改为hands 。
Discoveries made at the site can date back to the 12th and 11h centuries BC, and many of the ____3____ (item) are now on display at an on-site museum.
考查名词复数 。句意:该遗址的发现可以追溯到公元前12世纪和11世纪 , 许多物品现在正在现场博物馆展出 。分析句子结构many of the ____3____ (item) are可知,这里用名词复数 。故填items 。
The site has revolutionized experts’ understanding of how civilization evolved in ancient China. In particular, ____4____ (evident) of a unique Shu culture suggests that the kingdom developed independently of neighboring societies in the Yellow River Valley, which was traditionally considered to be the cradle of Chinese civilization.
考查名词 。句意:特别值得一提的是,有证据表明,独特的蜀文化表明,这个王国是独立于黄河流域的邻近社会发展起来的,而黄河流域传统上被认为是中国文明的摇篮 。分析句子结构____4____ (evident) of a unique Shu culture suggests可知,这里用单数名词作主语,所给词evident是形容词,其名词是evidence 。故填evidence 。
Extreme weather events can worsen many of these health ____10_____ (threat).
考查名词的数 。句意:极端天气事件会使这些健康威胁恶化 。threat为可数名词,由these修饰应用复数形式 。故填threats 。
By the time of his death he was the best-selling Chinese author, and over 100 million ___5__ (copy) of his works have been sold worldwide.
考查名词复数 。由其定语100 million可知,此处名词为复数形式,故填copies 。
McKinstry holds the ____9____ (believe) that the British are funny.
考查名词 。句意:McKinstry认为英国人很有趣 。根据定冠词the可知此处要用名词,做holds 的宾语 , 且belief是不可数名词 。故填belief 。
On Weibo, the breaking news has been sent by at least tens of thousands of users and received countless ____9____(thumb-up).
考查名词复数 。句意:在微博上,这条新闻已经被至少成千上万的用户转发,并收到了无数的点赞 。结合上文中countless(无数的)可知此处要用名词复数,故填thumb-ups 。