旅游英语口语 旅游英语怎么读

旅游英语口语大全旅游可以欣赏风光,增长见识 。旅游是个综合性的活动,它具有很大的学问 。简单地说,旅游包含着天时、地利、自然、考古、建筑、园林、动植物学、方言、风土人情、饮食文化、地方土特产等 。我整理了旅游必备英语口语,欢迎阅读!
Closing an Account
1.I'11 transfer your money to a new account.
我会把您的钱转到一个新户头上 。
2.I'll keep your money in your account. Please come again with your ID card.
我会为您保留账上的款项,请拿上身份证再来 。
3.Even if someone has got your passbook and came to cash your money from your account, we won't give him money if his code number is not right.
即使有人拿您的存折来兑现,如果他所给的密码不对,我们也不会给他钱 。
4.Has the cheque been cashed?
5.Thanks to the timely report-loss.
幸亏挂失及时 。
6.I've come to close my account.
我来这儿是想销户 。
7.Could you tell me why?
【旅游英语口语 旅游英语怎么读】我可以知道要取消的原因吗?
8.I'd like to close my personal savings account with your bank.
我想取消我的个人储蓄账户 。
9.Are you going to withdraw the cash in full amount from your account at this time?
10.Do you want to close your account?
Posting Letters
1.Where is the mailbox?
2.Some stamps for letter, please.
请贴上邮票 。
3.I want to register this letter.
我想把这封信寄挂号 。
4.Where do I write the return address?
5.It seems that your letter is overweight.
你的信似乎超重了 。
6.I suggest you send it by registered mail with A. R.
我建议你寄带回执的挂号信 。
Y: Excuse me. Would you mind trading seats with me?
Y:对不起 。您介意和我换位子吗?
X: Not at all.
Y: Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you.
Y:哦,谢谢您 。您真好 。
X: You're welcome. I prefer a window seat.
X;不客气 。我比较喜欢窗边的位子 。
Y: Oh,you do? Good. Looking out of the window sometimes scares me. So I prefer to be the man in the middle.
Y:哦,真的?很好 。向窗外看有时会让我害怕 。因此我比较喜欢坐中间的位子 。
有关旅游英语口语大全作为当今世界通用语,英语成为国际旅游活动中一个最重要的交流工具和媒介 。因此,旅游英语这个特殊的英语文体开始在中国旅游行业中流行,并成为旅游业发展必不可少的因素之一 。我精心收集了旅游英语口语句子,供大家欣赏学习!
1.Do you have any coupons? 你们有优惠卡吗?
2.Can you give me a discount? 你能给我打个折吗?
3.Today all the jewellery is on sale. 今天所有的珠宝全部折价出售 。
4.Can you offer a quantity discount? 大量采购有折扣吗?
5.Lower the price and I'll consider it. 价钱低一点我才会考虑 。
6.I'm sorry. We only sell at fixed prices. 很抱歉,我们店不还价 。
7.Is there any bargaining on this price? 这个价钱还可以商量吗?
8.We give 10 percent discount for cash. 现金付款,我们提供九折优惠 。
9.The best I can do is to give you a discount of 15%. 我最多能给您打85折 。
10.If you keep bargaining with them, they will reduce the price. 如果你讲讲价,他们可能会降低价钱 。
1. Will you claim the watch? 你想认领这块手表吗?
2. Could you fill out this form? 您能填一下这张表吗?
3. Maybe someone will find it. 也许有人会发现的 。
4. I left my umbrella in the taxi. 我把伞忘在出租车上了 。
5. I've misplaced my mobile phone. 我忘了把手机放到哪了 。
6. We'll contact you when we find it. 我们找到后会跟您联系的 。
7. I left my bag of film on the counter. 我把装底片的旅行袋遗失在柜台上了 。
8. Do you remember where you left it? 您是否极大丢失在哪儿了?
9. When and where did you first miss it, sir? 先生,您最早发现丢失时是在什么时候什么地方?
10. Please check it and see if everything is there. 请清点一下,看看是否一切完好无损 。
1. May I see that ivory horse? 我可以看看那只象牙制的马吗?
2. Paper-cutting is a truly exquisite handicraft. 剪纸确实是精美的手工艺品 。
3. Jingdezhen is called “the capital of porcelain”. 景德镇被称为“瓷都” 。
4. They are not only ornamental, but also quite useful. 它们不但具有装饰性,而且还很实用 。
5. All our reproductions are clearly marked and priced. 我们所有的复制品都有明确的标志和标价 。
6. Handicrafts sometimes are unique so that they're of great value. 有时手工艺品因其独特而具有极大的价值 。
7. New Year's pictures and embroidery are all famous Chinese handicrafts. 年画和刺绣都是中国有名的工艺品 。
8. It’s hard to judge between the two handicraft articles; they're both charming. 很难判定这两件工艺品的优劣,它们都很漂亮 。
9. Now, making handicrafts is becoming a lot trend among young city dwellers. 现在,我们手工艺制作正在成为年轻城市居民的新宠 。
10. According to our experience, these handicrafts will find a ready market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路会很好 。
Choosing Clothing
1. This dress comes in four sizes. 这件礼服有四种尺寸可供选择 。
2. I would like to see the skirt in the showcase. 我想看看陈列柜里的那条裙子 。
3. I like this style, but I don't care for its color. 我喜欢这个式样,但是不喜欢它的颜色 。
4. Let me see the crimson one in my size, please. 请拿件深红色的给我看看,要合我的尺寸 。
5. I don't buy my clothes. All of them are tailor-made. 我的衣服不是买的,我所有的衣服都是量身定做的 。
6. Do you know where to buy the clothes that fit me? 你知道去哪儿买合我身的衣服吗?
7. I wanted to buy the blouse, but I balked at the high price. 我想买件上衣,但因价格太贵而犹豫不决 。
8. Maybe it's a little dearer, but the quality is more desirable. 价格可能稍贵些,不过质量相当不错 。
9. I just buy the clothes I like instead of nothing the brand-names. 我只是买我喜欢的衣服而不去关注品牌 。
10. You'd better buy some clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned. 你最好买一些不需要干洗的衣物 。
有关于旅游常用英语口语随着我国旅游事业的大规模发展,旅游英语在促进中西方旅游发展、文化交流方面发挥着越来越重要的作用 。我整理了有关于旅游常用英语口语,欢迎阅读!
Booking Tickets 预订机票
1. Is this ticket refundable? 这张机票可以退吗?
2. One way trip or round trip? 单程还是往返?
3. When do I have to check in? 我何时办理乘机手续?
4. I’d like in the non-smoking section. 我想要无烟区的座位 。
5. Do you want to fly first or economy class? 您要订头等舱还是经济舱?
6. This plane is booked up to its full capacity. 机票已经全部预定一空 。
7. Do I have to confirm my plane reservation? 我必须确认我预定的机票吗?
8. I’d like to make sure my plane reservation is in order. 我想确定我预订的机票已经办妥了 。
9. Please arrive at the airport one hour before departure. 请在起飞前一小时到达机场 。
10. Would you please tell me the flight number and departure time? 请告诉我班机号码和起飞时间,好吗?
Itinerary 行程安排
1. I'd like to suggest an itinerary for you. 我想向您推荐一个旅游行程 。
2. This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway. 这个旅行计划给我们留有很多自由活动的余地 。
3. I would like to show you our tentative itinerary. 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的日程安排 。
4. We've arranged our schedule without any troubles. 我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了 。
5. I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us. 我想能否为我们安排一些购物时间 。
6. Thank you for sparing the time. I know you have a busy itinerary. 谢谢您抽出时间来,我知道您的行程很紧 。
7. The itinerary of their visit was so full; it simply ran them off their feet. 参观日程排得满满的,简直把他们累坏了 。
8. Leave your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency. 请把您的旅行计划留下来,以便我们在遇到急事时和您取得联系 。
9. The member of the group is given a detailed tour itinerary by the courier. 旅游团成员会从导游那里拿到详细的日程表 。
10. Please take a look at the itinerary we arranged, and let me know if there is any problem. 请看一下我们给您安排的日程 。若有不妥的地方,请告诉我们 。
leeway: 余地,多用于口语 。This point is no leeway for dispute. 这一点是没有争论余地的 。
tentative: 实验性的;试探的;尝试的;暂定的 。
ran off: 逃跑 。ran off one's feet 表示“跑断腿” 。
courier: (团体旅游的)导游;向导 。
Types of Tour旅游分类
1. Let's go on this coach tour! 让我们乘坐这趟长途客车旅游一次吧!
2. Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? 你喜欢单独旅游还是跟团去旅游呢?
3. Many Americans tour by car every summer. 每年夏天都有许多美国人开着车到各地旅游 。
4. We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city. 我们雇用了一名司机带领我们游览这座城市 。
5. The tour group is confined to the planned activities. 旅游团只能进行计划内的活动 。
6. The plans of tour group is inflexible and quite boring. 旅行团的安排既死板又乏味 。
7. That travel agency guarantees satisfaction to tourists. 那家旅行社保证让游客们满意 。
8. This tour company has discount price on package holidays. 这家旅游公司对包价旅行团有一定的折扣 。
9. You may receive a premium discount package of Hong Kong tour. 你可以享受到香港游超值优惠套餐 。
10. The member of the group is given a detailed tour itinerary by the courier. 旅游团成员从导游那里拿到详细的日程表 。
is confined to: 局限于;限制……范围内;使不外出 。这是一个比较正式的表述,以强调规则的严格性 。
inflexible: 顽固的;不可弯曲的;不能转变的 。
package holidays: 一揽子旅游(路线、地点、时间和费用等均由旅行社做统一规定和安排的旅游)
premium: 保险费;额外费用;奖金