madsexycool madsexycool铃声下载

madsexycool madsexycool铃声下载

大家好,小耶来为大家解答以上的问题 。madsexycool铃声下载,madsexycool这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、这是英文歌词和翻译You don’t ever bring no drama to the gameAnd my drama be scaring you away You don’t ever talk to muchYou know how and when and where and what to sayIt aint like I gotta tell you you’re so fine You’ve been getting complements since you was nineIt’s like you perfectA diamond in the roughI know you give me noting else but loveYou’re such mad sexy cool girlHow does someone turn into you girlHow do you explainWhat you do,what you sayHow you behow you playhow you loveeverydayhow your constantly the samehow you givenever hateand you don’t ever changebe consistently that wayyou’re mad sexy cool girland I love you that wayyou’ll be ruling with a certain shade of coolI don’t know nobody half as fresh as youI’ll be checking your behavourSometimes I wanna call you juicy fruitIt aint like I gotta tell you you’re starYou’ll be shining and be sparkling in the darkGirl you’re so perfectYou’re my diamond in the roughI know you give me nothing else loveYou’re such mad sexy cool girlHow does someone turn into you girlHow do you explainWhat you do,what you sayHow you behow you playhow you loveeverydayhow your constantly the samehow you givenever hateand you don’t ever changebe consistently that wayyou’re mad sexy cool girland I love you the samehow dose someoneso beautifulso aporchable(baby) guess you’re got some kind wonderfulmy dreams come trueYou’re such mad sexy cool girlHow does someone turn into you girlHow do you explainWhat you do,what you sayHow you behow you playhow you loveeverydayhow your constantly the samehow you givenever hateand you don’t ever changebe consistently that wayyou’re mad sexy cool girlYou’re such mad sexy cool girlHow does someone turn into you girlHow do you explainWhat you do,what you sayHow you behow you playhow you loveeverydayhow your constantly the samehow you givenever hateand you don’t ever changebe consistently that wayyou’re mad sexy cool girlyou’re mad sexy cool girlbabyHow does someone turn into you girlHow do you explainWhat you do你从来不给我们的爱带来伤害我的情绪化也从来没有吓跑你你从来不会过度言语一切恰恰好你知道在合时的时间,地点 , 恰如其分的表达你的想法似乎不用我来告诉你,你是如此好因为自从你九岁起你就一直得到大家的赞美似乎你是如此的完美像未经雕琢的钻石我知道你给我了你所有的爱你是一个如此疯狂,性感的,酷酷的女孩你是如何成为这样一个女孩的你是如何解释你所做的事情你所说的话你是如何生活的你是如何去玩的你是如何去爱的每一天你是如何始终如一你是如何给予从不憎恨你从来没有改变始终如一你是一个疯狂的,性感的 , 酷酷的女孩 。
2、我就是喜欢你这个样子 。
3、宝贝你一直以一种很酷的方式生活我知道没有人有你一半的新鲜我一直在观察你的一举一动宝贝,你是如此的有味道有时,我想叫你多汁的水果似乎不用我来告诉你,你是如此好因为自从你九岁起你就一直得到大家的赞美似乎你是如此的完美像未经雕琢的钻石我知道你给我了你所有的爱你是一个如此疯狂,性感的,酷酷的女孩你是如何成为这样一个女孩的你是如何解释你所做的事情你所说的话你是如何生活的你是如何去玩的你是如何去爱的每一天你是如何始终如一你是如何给予从不憎恨你从来没有改变始终如一你是一个疯狂的,性感的,酷酷的女孩 。
【madsexycool madsexycool铃声下载】4、我就是喜欢你这个样子 。
5、百度应该有吧,真遗憾,我是用手机上的 。
6、没办法找给你……正需要分的说……T^T 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。