
1、No retreat!No surrender!绝不撤退!绝不屈服!
2、the spring breeze blowing, drums beat, we 3 class fear who!
3、Class 27 and class 5: surpass yourself and show the demeanor!
4、human needs sports, world yearning and peace!
5、We are proud of you!
6、I came I saw I conquered!
7、See my eye! we can fly! Let me smile!can we fight!
8、大大:我爱运动,快乐成长:我爱运动,我更健康 。
9、The winner is you !
10、We are the champion!
11、carry forward the spirit of sports, improve the quality of teachers and students!
12、Class 28, Class 17: the 17 class, the soul of Class 17!
13、Stand out , Now !
14、singing the youth melody, to express the pleasure of movement!
16、shock every person's mind. End 。You win 。
17、Class 57 and 4: Sprinkle the vitality of youth, fly hopes and dreams!
18、Challenge your own Fly your dream To be No.1!
19、Friendship first!Competition second!
20、Class 22, class 9: unusual, the nine class is the strongest!
21、You are the best!
22、You can do it!
24、中一中一,顽强拼搏;中一中一,非比寻常 。
25、Class 25, class 6: Class 6, class 6, three!
26、We are the best!
27、Class 30, class 16: it's hard to make it, and it's far!
28、宝宝动起来母-子一起来 。
29、Faith that justice would prevail impelled us forward~正义必胜的信念激励着我们前进 。
30、Class 20, class 8: people want to fight out a blue sky!
31、Class 29 and class 10: friendship first, competition second!
32、Class 24 and class 4: transcend the ego and challenge the limit!
33、You are the bravest!Rush!
【全网最全!运动会英语加油口号39句】 34、to fight the dream, fighting and sharpening the edge!
35、play ball must be strong, to count the first 5 classes!
36、小二:我跑我跳我健康,我玩我做我成长 。
37、青春是一首歌,优美动听 。
38、我运动、我快乐我锻炼、我提高 。
39、in order to reach the end of the glory of the moment!