倒装句练习题及解析 倒装句类型及例句

倒装句练习题及解析 倒装句类型及例句

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。倒装句类型及例句 , 倒装句练习题及解析这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、1. 用于“there(here,now,then)+不及物动词+主语”的句型中 , 或以in, out, down, up, away等副词开头的句子里 , 以示强调 。
2、例如:There goes the bell.铃响了 。
3、Now comes your turn.现在轮到你了 。
4、Out rushed the boy with an apple in his hand.那个男孩手里拿着一个苹果冲出去了 。
5、【考例】For a moment nothing happened. Then ______ all shouting together.A. voices had comeB. came voicesC. voices would comeD. did voices come【解析】B 。
6、副词then位于句首,句子应使用全部倒装语序,将动词直接移到主语前面 。
7、注意:当句子的主语是人称代词时,尽管副词位于句首,主谓语序不倒装 。
8、例如:Out they rushed.他们冲出去了 。
9、Here he comes.他来了 。
10、2. 表示方位意义的介词短语或副词短语位于句首作状语且谓语动词为be或表示“位于、存在”的动词或“位置移动”的单个不及物动词时 。
11、例如:From the valley came a frightening sound.从山谷传来吓人的声音 。
12、South of the city lies a chemical factory.城南有一家化工厂 。
13、【考例】① At the foot of the mountain ___________.A. a village lieB. lies a villageC. does a village lieD. lying a village【解析】B 。
14、At the foot of the mountain是表示方位意义的介词短语,位于句首时,句子要使用全部倒装语序 。
15、②In the dark forest _____, some large enough to hold several English towns.A. stand many lakesB. lie many lakesC. many lakes lieD. many lakes stand【解析】B 。
16、In the dark forest是表示方位意义的介词短语,位于句首时 , 句子要使用全部倒装语序 。
17、3.作表语的形容词、分词、介词短语放在句首时 。
18、例如:Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people.他们想对中国人怎样就怎样的日子一去不复返了 。
19、Such is her wish. 这就是她的愿望 。
20、Present at the meeting were Professor White and many other guests.出席会议的有怀特教授和许多其他客人 。
21、二、部分倒装将谓语的一部分(即情态动词、系动词或助动词)提到主语前的称部分倒装 。
22、如果句中没有情态动词、系动词或助动词,谓语只是一个实义动词,要在主语前加助动词do, does或did,主语后的实义动词用原形 。
23、常见的有:1.当“so(such)…that…”结构中的so或such位于句首时,构成部分倒装句 。
24、【考例】① So sudden ________ that the enemy had no time to escape.A. did the attackB. the attack didC. was the attackD. the attack was【解析】C 。
25、so…that…结构中的so位于句首时 , 构成部分倒装句,本句中attack是名词,故A项错误 。
26、②—Did you see who the driver was?—No, so quickly_________ that I couldn’t gat a good look at his face.A. did the car speed byB. the car sped byC. does the car speed byD. the car speeds by【解析】A 。
27、so…that…结构中的so位于句首时,构成部分倒装句 。
28、根据时间关系,应选用过去时,故选A 。
29、2.由so,neither,nor开头的句子,表示重复前面句子的部分意思(肯定用so,否定用neither或nor),但前后两句的主语不同,该替代句式要部分倒装 。
30、【考例】① If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party, _______.A. he will eitherB. neither will he C. he neither willD. either he will【解析】B 。
31、条件状语从句中表示否定意义,主句重复前面句子的部分意思,否定用neither或nor 。
32、②—My room gets very cold at night.—___________. (2007 江苏卷)A. So is mine B. So mine isC. So does mineD. So mine does【解析】C 。
33、重复前面句子的部分意思 , 肯定用so 。
34、并且前一句中使用了实义动词 , 故用助动词代替 。
35、③Mary never does any reading in the evening, _________.(2005全国卷Ⅲ)A. so does JohnB. John does soC. John doesn’t tooD. nor does John 【解析】D 。
36、前面句子中表示否定意义,后面句子重复前面句子的部分意思 , 否定用neither或nor 。
37、3. 当具有否定意义的词或词组(no, not, never, nowhere, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, little, by no means, in no case/way, at no time等)位于句首时 , 要用部分倒装,这是近年来高考测试的热点 。
38、【考例】①Little _____ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.A. did Rose careB. Rose did careC. Rose does careD. does Rose care【解析】A 。
39、Little是含有否定意义的副词,位于句首时,句子应使用部分倒装语序;结合状语从句的时态和整个句子的意思可知,应使用过去时态,故选择A项 。
40、② —How was the televised debate last night?—Super! Rarely _________ so much media attention.A. a debate attractedB. did a debate attractC. a debate did attractD. attracted a debate 【解析】B 。
41、Rarely是含有否定意义的副词,位于句首时,句子应使用部分倒装语序 。
42、③ I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means ______with my progress.A. the teacher is not satisfiedB. is the teacher not satisfiedC. the teacher is satisfiedD. is the teacher satisfied【解析】D 。
43、by no means是含有否定意义的词组 , 位于句首,句子应使用部分倒装语序 。
44、4. 某些连词,如not only…but (also)…, hardly…when…, no sooner…than…等开头连接句子时,第一个分句的主谓要部分倒装 。
45、【考例】①The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only_______, but students became more interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers’ energyB. was teachers’ energy savedC. teachers’ energy was savedD. was saved teachers’ energy【解析】B 。
46、not only…but (also)…连接句子时,第一个分句的主谓要部分倒装 。
47、②-Did Linda see the traffic accident?-No, no soonerthan it happened.A. had she goneB. she had goneC. has she goneD. she has gone【解析】A 。
48、no sooner…than…连接句子时 , 第一个分句的主谓要部分倒装,并且该结构的动词时态非常固定,no sooner后面用过去完成时,than后面用一般过去时 。
49、注意:not until引导的从句位于句首时,not until的从句不倒装,主句倒装 。
50、【考例】Not until I came home last night ________ to bed.A. Mum did goB. did Mum goC. went MumD. Mum went【解析】B 。
51、not until引导的从句位于句首时,not until的从句不倒装,主句使用部分倒装语序 。
52、5. only位于句首,修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句时,要用部分倒装 。
53、注意:only修饰状语从句时,主句中倒装,从句中不倒装;only修饰主语时,则不用倒装语序 。
54、【考例】① Only then___________ how much damage had been caused.A. she realizedB. she had realizedC. had she realizedD. did she realize【解析】D 。
55、only位于句首,修饰副词时 , 要用部分倒装语序 。
56、then是过去时的时间标志词,故排除C项 。
57、② _________ by keeping down costs will Power Data hold its advantage over other companies.A. Only B. Just C. Still D. Yet【解析】A 。
58、only位于句首,修饰介词短语时,要用部分倒装语序 。
59、从后面的部分倒装语序可知,应使用only 。
60、③ Only after my friend came _________.A. did the computer repairB. he repaired the computerC. was the computer repairedD. the computer was repaired【解析】C 。
61、only位于句首,修饰状语从句时,主句要用部分倒装语序 。
62、计算机应该是“被修理”,故使用被动语态 。
63、6. 当if引导的从句用虚拟语气时,可以把if省去,把从句中的were,had , should等放在从句前面,构成部分倒装 。
64、【考例】①________ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.A. Would you beB. Should you beC. Could you beD. Might you be【解析】B 。
65、根据句意可知,前面应该是一个与将来事实相反的虚拟条件句,构成是should +v.或were to + v. 。
66、省略if后要使用部分倒装语序 。
67、只有B项符合符合要求 。
68、②What would have happened _______, as far as the river bank?A. Bob had walked fartherB. if Bob should walk fartherC. had bob walked fartherD. if Bob walked farther 【解析】C 。
69、根据句意可知,这是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的复合句,期构成是:条件状语从句中谓语动词用过去完成时,主句中用would / could /should…+完成时 。
70、省略if后使用部分倒装语序,只有C项符合 。
71、 7. 当as / though引导让步状语从句时,可出现“名词/形容词/副词/分词+ as +主语+动词”或“动词+ as +主语+助动词”的倒装形式 。
72、当表语是名词时,名词前不加任何冠词 。
73、例如:Child as he is, he knows a lot.尽管他是个孩子,他懂得很多 。
74、Try as he would, he might fail again.尽管他努力尝试了,他还可能失败 。
75、【考例】①Unsatisfied _________ with the payment, he took the job just to got some work experience.A. though was heB. though he wasC. he was thoughD. was he though【解析】B 。
76、though引导让步状语从句,分词可放在though的前面,此时主谓不倒装 。
77、②_______, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.A. Strange as might it soundB. As it might sound strangeC. As strange it might soundD. Strange as it might sound 【解析】D 。
78、as引导让步状语从句时,应使用“名词/形容词/副词/分词+ as +主语+动词”的倒装形式 。
79、故D项正确 。
80、③_________, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.A. A quiet student as he may be B. Quiet student as he may beC. Be a quiet student as he mayD. Quiet as he may be a student【解析】B 。
81、as / though引导让步状语从句时,可出现“名词/形容词/副词/分词+ as +主语+动词”的倒装形式 。
82、当表语是名词时,名词前不加任何冠词 。
83、故A项错误 。
84、③_______, Carolina couldn’t get the door open.A. Try as she mightB. As she might tryC. She might as tryD. Might she as try【解析】A 。
【倒装句练习题及解析 倒装句类型及例句】85、as / though引导让步状语从句时,可出现“动词+ as +主语+助动词”的倒装形式 。
86、8. 当however, no matter how引导让步状语从句时,常把“however / no matter how +形容词/副词”放在句首 , 此时主谓不倒装 。
87、【考例】You should try to get a good night’s sleepmuch work you have to do.A. howeverB. no matterC. althoughD. whatever【解析】A 。
88、however引导让步状语从句时 , 常把“however +形容词/副词”放在句首,此时主谓不倒装 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。