
1、I came here on purpose to see you. 我特地来这里看你 。
2、Who was returning from the city on foot?
3、Regardless of doing anything, they can always rely on the strength of the group to complete.不管做任何事情,它们总能依靠团体的力量去完成 。
4、There were moments when I wondered: did she do this on purpose, was it all just a game, an act?有时我很困惑:她这么做是故意的吗?难道一切都只是一场游戏,是逢场作戏?
5、You sent her here on purpose!你故意送她到这里来!
6、You may depend on it that he will help you. 你可以指望他来帮助你 。
7、You think that was on purpose?你想这是不是故意的?
8、I almost sure she did this on purpose.我几乎确定她是故意这样做的 。
9、There were moments when I wondered: did she do this on purpose, was it all just a game, an act? 有时我很困惑:她这么做是故意的吗?难道一切都只是一场游戏,是逢场作戏?
10、However we don t think he has ever set someone on fire before ( at least, not on purpose).然而,我们不认为他曾经点火烧过谁(至少,没有故意这样做过) 。
11、I depend on them deeply―to do what they usually do. 我深深地在依靠它们---做通常它们会做的事 。
【on造句简单些精选26条】 12、The poor and the disabled depend on the government for their livelihood.穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计 。
13、表示状态:意思是从事....... 处于......... 在......情况中等 。
14、I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven.我故意不睡觉熬到十一点半 。
15、Conclusion: for those who are lacking in self-confidence, some special training on purpose ought to be advised.总结:对那些缺乏自信的人应该建议有意的进行一些特殊训练 。
16、Burning down my house on purpose?你是故意烧掉我房子的?
17、Do you think Im too exaggerated?你会以为我说依赖是过于夸张?
18、Of course she didnt fall asleep on purpose.当然她不是故意睡着的 。
19、I sometimes think that all his supposed mistakes are made on purpose just to annoy me. 我有时认为他犯的那些被信以为真的一切错误是故意为了气我 。
20、It is wicked to break the window on purpose. 故意打坏窗子是很可恶的 。
21、Can you catch birds on foot?
22、Darrell offered Chad a bribe to lose his first race on purpose so that Darrell could claim first prize.达雷尔向查德行贿,想让查德故意输掉第一轮比赛,这样他便能得到冠军 。
23、Need he depend on his parents?他需要不需要依靠父母?
24、All life on earth depends on the sun in a variety of ways. 地球上的一切生命都是以各种方式依靠太阳而生存的 。
25、Im sorry, I didnt do it on purpose. 对不起, 我不是存心这么做的 。
26、Have you ever got booked on purpose to pick up a suspension that would get you off for Christmas?你有没有故意去得一些黄牌以便累计到圣诞的时候可以禁赛就当放假?