
1、—Does he live on the South Island?
2、What keeps our school clean?
3、第一大题,第二小题:容易混淆 。
4、Who likes ice cream?
5、How is the weather today?
6、这两位女孩是我的妹妹和表妹 。
7、Does he live in Sydney?
8、What does Mike like?
9、When are you going school ?
10、How _______ (do) your mother go to work?
11、----What does it ________?
12、A.No.Your skirt is nice. B.The same to you! C.I hank you!
13、笔试部分的第六大题的第一小题,在教室里有一个大灯笼,刚好今年元旦刚过,有些班级刚搞完活动,教室刚按新年布置过没有拆掉,刚好有灯笼,那如何区分是大是小,应该是有个相对的比较情况下才能说出大或小,因此此题出题考虑也欠周到 。
14、What color is the girl's bike?
15、Which is the cheapest(最便宜的)of all?
16、在春节期间,她能够得到很多红包 。她喜欢燃放烟花和观看舞狮表演 。
17、第四大题:单词拼写能力差 。
18、A: _________does he work?
19、Where is Sally’s mother going?
20、第一题单选题,考察的是一些基础知识,学生在这部分得分显然比后面的题要高些,但还有部分学生没能掌握很好 。
21、Have you got a book about America?
22、选材内容丰富,贴近学生生活 。
23、A: _________not go on Tuesday?
24、A: _________do you go to school?
25、阅读理解中的第三大题判断题的第三小题,此题从语法角度来判断应该是错误的,但是从句型的理解意思来判断是正确的,因此学生很难做出正确的选择,说明题目的设置不够严谨 。
26、第四至六大题,题目所设计到的内容十分广泛,学生不仅要掌握英语知识,还必须懂得生活常识,还必须能将英语语言知识灵活运用在生活中,学生有的一方面行,但另一方面又欠缺,因此满分率也不高 。
27、—Where are we going?
28、Do you live______ Australia?
【六年级上英语期末试卷精选69条】 29、Do you want (see) my stamps from the US?
30、考点题目的设置浅显易懂,体现人文关怀 。
31、Are Tom and Tony both students?
32、How old is Tony?
33、A: ________ are you going to the cinema?
34、学生的基本功差,对基础语法、词汇的掌握不够扎实 。一些很简单的题目,学生都答不好 。
35、______can we get there?
36、I’m going to see a film.?
37、——垃圾让城市变得又乱又脏 。——我们应该把垃圾放进垃圾箱 。
38、What________ you so sad?
39、-What's your telephone number?
40、-Alice, do you spell ”clock”?
41、What’s Amy’s hobby?
42、Where is the museum shop?
43、What's the number of Tony’s father’s car?
44、----What________ Mike’s father _______ (do)?
45、----What ________ Mike’s father _______ (do)?
46、What did Kate find in the library?
47、When is Milk's mother's birthday?
48、我们可以再利用纸做一个盒子 。
49、What is Linda’s brother doing now?
50、What does Daming often do in the morning?
51、你们学校有一些标志吗?是的,有一些 。
52、What is the girl's name?
53、What can you buy if you have $28?
54、把划线句子翻译成汉语 。
55、A. How do you come to school? B. How does she go to school ?
56、Where does she work?
57、Who can make delicious moon cakes?
58、A.When are you going? B. What does he do?
59、What is the girl's telephone number?
60、由点到面,夯实英语基础 。
61、A.When are you going?B. What does he do?
62、Which is right according to the passage?
63、对英语学习具有畏难情绪,不重视对英语学科的学习和复习,到考试时乱填,没有经过自己大脑的识记和思考 。
64、要点不要遗漏,可适当发挥使行文通顺 。
65、Did you have a good time last weekend?
66、新年第一天,我们打算拜访朋友 。
67、What do you do _____ the Dragon Boat Festival?
68、Do the watch the lion dance every year?