工作派遣函 工作派遣函怎么写

工作派遣函 工作派遣函怎么写

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。工作派遣函怎么写,工作派遣函这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、[Date]Consulate General of India (Shanghai Office) 1008, Shanghai International Trade Centre,2201, Yan An (West) Road Shanghai-200336Dear Sirs:In response to the invitation of Mr. I. S. Badrinath, Director of Metcan packaging Pvt. Ltd. ("Metcan"), a Mysore (State of Karnataka) base company, please be advised that we intend to send our Technical Engineer, Mr. Mao Zhi Huang, to India on a business trip. The purpose of this trip is in connection with the recent purchase of the commercial canning equipment from our company by Metcan.Mr. Mao will stay in Mysore, India for approximately one (1) year. The sole purpose of this business trip is to provide technical support and familiarization training to the staff of Metcan. All expenses incurred, including room and board, shall be borne by Metcan.If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.Sincerely Yours,(signed) General Manager (Add Company Seal) ******* 1. 英文书信格式的日期应在信的开端部份; 2. 应有完整地址; 3. 信的内容不宜重复 。
2、故于编排上略作更改 。
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