习惯|疫情封控期间,如何缓解焦虑情绪?这7招赶紧学起来!( 二 )

人们发现 , 经常锻炼不仅可以改善身体健康 , 还可以改善心理健康 。 研究表明 , 有规律的体育锻炼可以减少所有年龄组的焦虑和抑郁情况 , 并有助于减少与年龄相关的认知能力下降问题 。
Workouts and exercises such as yoga, stretching, or high-intensityintervaltraining can be found online that require minimal equipment or time.
瑜伽、拉伸或高强度间歇训练这类不需要什么装备且耗时少的锻炼和运动 , 都可以在网上找到 。

Limit social media use
Due to an increased amount of time spent at home, individuals may be spending an increased amount of time on social media sites, including those releasing the news. While the use of such sites may be beneficial in remaining connected with others and informed, it may also worsen mental health.
由于在家待着的时间变长 , 个人在社交媒体网站上可能花费更多的时间 , 包括新闻网站 。 虽然使用这些网站可能有助于与他人保持联系和了解情况 , 但也可能使心理健康恶化 。
Overexposure to information relating to the pandemics can result in increased anxiety and distress. Based on this evidence, to avoid detriments to mental health, it is recommended to reduce your intake of pandemic-related information by only seeking it out a maximum of once or twice a day from trusted sources.
接触太多和新冠有关的信息会加剧焦虑和痛苦 。 基于这一证据 , 为了避免损害心理健康 , 建议减少摄入新冠相关信息 , 每天最多只从可信来源获取一到两次信息 。
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulnessis the practice of observing what is occurring both inside and outside of ourselves, moment by moment. It has been found that using mindfulness practices to increase our attention to our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and the external environment in the present moment can improve mental wellbeing.
正念是一种时时刻刻观察我们自身内在和外在发生的事情的实践 。 研究发现 , 利用正念练习来增加我们对当下思想、情绪、知觉和外部环境的关注 , 可以改善心理健康 。

Key points:
1. crucial 关键的;至关重要的
This last point iscrucial.
刚讲的这一点是关键的 。
2.exacerbate 加剧;恶化
In fact efforts will merelyexacerbatethe current problem.
实际上努力只会加剧当前的问题 。
3. interval 间隔;休息
Several red and white barriers marked the road at intervals of about a mile.
路上设有几处红白相间的路障 , 相互间隔约一英里 。
4. m indfulness 正念解压法
Each day, we should be taking some time to sit still in mindfulness.
每一天 , 我们应该花一些时间来静坐冥思 。
同心抗疫 , 守“沪”你我
【习惯|疫情封控期间,如何缓解焦虑情绪?这7招赶紧学起来!】*本文摘自News Medical:Protecting Your Mental Health During a Pandemic(在疫情期间保持心理健康)