
目前上海仍在疫情封控期间 , 不少上海人已经居家十多天乃至一个月了 , 处于封闭隔离中的你 , 是否感到焦虑烦躁?

本期 , 英大会大家带来了「战疫情绪急救包」 , 在这段特殊的日子里 , 希望我们能相互陪伴 , 缓解消极情绪 , 共同迎接战疫胜利那一天~
Maintain your routine
Daily routines can play an important role in protecting mental health. Either maintaining existing routines or creating a new one is recommended and should feature: going to sleep and waking up at similar times each day, exercising regularly, putting aside specific times to work and relax, eating healthy, regular meals, and maintaining personal hygiene.
日常习惯在保持心理健康方面发挥重要作用 。 无论是保持现有的日常习惯 , 还是养成一个新习惯 , 都是值得推荐的 , 并且应该具备以下特点:每天在相似的时间睡觉、起床 , 定期锻炼 , 留出专门的时间来工作和放松 , 饮食健康有规律 , 保持个人卫生 。
Adhering to such factors can increase purpose and motivation and improve overall mood and wellbeing.
坚持这些要素可以增强目标和动力 , 改善整体情绪和健康 。
Reach out
As a growing number of people worldwide are being urged to remain at home and limit their physical contact with others, feelings of isolation may be on the rise. To prevent this isolation from adversely affecting your mental health, it is crucialto reach out to others.
随着全球越来越多的人被要求居家 , 限制与他人的身体接触 , 与世隔绝的感觉可能正在增强 。 为了防止这种孤立感对你的心理健康产生负面影响 , 与他人接触至关重要 。
Use technology to your advantage and try to communicate with your family members and friends who you are unable to see face to face through video calls or group chat.
你可以利用技术优势 , 尝试通过视频通话或群聊和无法面对面的家人和朋友沟通交流 。
Do something for you
One way to improve your mental health is to keep busy. If you are self-isolating, learning a new skill can be a great way to improve your mental wellbeing by increasing your sense of purpose and boosting self-esteem.
改善心理健康的一个方法就是保持忙碌 。 如果你正在自我隔离 , 学习一项新技能 , 通过增强目标感和提高自尊心来改善你的心理健康是个不错的方法 。

Whether it is baking, cooking, signing up for an online course, or learning a new language, using your time to take up something of interest to you can keep the mind active and focused, while filling up your day.
无论是烘焙、烹饪、报名参加在线课程 , 还是学习一门新的语言 , 花时间去做你感兴趣的事情 , 可以保持思维活跃、注意力集中 , 同时让你度过充实的一天 。
Ask for help
If you have an existing mental health condition that has been exacerbatedby COVD-19, or, perhaps, you are developing new anxiety or depressive symptoms, it is important to ask for professional help.
如果你现有的心理健康问题因新冠而恶化 , 或者 , 你正在出现新的焦虑或抑郁症状 , 那么寻求专业帮助很重要 。
Stay active
Taking part in regular exercise has been found to improve not only physical health but also mental health too. Research has shown regular physical activity to reduce anxiety and depression across all age groups and can be beneficial in reducing age-related cognitive decline.