【瑶蒸堂 瑶膳堂是做什么的】

大家好,小豆豆来为大家解答以上的问题 。瑶膳堂是做什么的,瑶蒸堂这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、我倒 你留下电话号码给我或发到我的油箱里 你的内容我已复制,你把你的地址给我 我翻译好给你邮寄过去,我的油箱是chengxiangpu@我的英语你放心好了为了这100分我一定会做好的晕,这年头什么人都有,就翻这个你给100块钱也懒得有人给你翻找翻译公司吧 花钱省心1, Product Name: Yao steamed Church Yao smoked enough medicine, beauty body similar Chuanbath essence, health physiotherapy diversified Naturally, the return of origin, Function: fumigation treatments are commonly used in Chinese medicine outside the governance of one of the ways of the Chinese Medicine an important part. It is the basic theory of Chinese medicine as a guide, selected non-governmental Chinese herbal medicine, through the negative ions generated by the steam engine to carry out fumigation of drug vapors by the direct effect of drugs on thermal powersite to the expansion of local blood vessels, promote blood circulation, warming blood, detoxification bactericidal , only Qixiang, dehumidification, swelling and pain, and finally to reach medical treatment, disease prevention, health, beauty slimming purposes. Smoked adequate scope: Insomnia, neurasthenia, rhinitis, sinusitis, acne, colds, chronic bronchitis, asthma, constipation, dizziness, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, all kinds of dermatitis, eczema, chilblains, hands and feet numbness, cold hands and feet, hemorrhoids, gynecological disease, genital itching, sexual function recession, menopausal syndrome, high blood lipids, scapulohumeral periarthritis of cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc hernia, lumbar muscle strain range of joint pain, weight loss and so on. Professional services, health, enjoyment of Chuan-Yao centenarians: steaming head to footbody, was Khan steamed legs steamed whole body. Consumers no longer smokedHead pox, Guanyin game looks beautiful. Yiqihuoxue dredging meridians, and cold-dispelling. Yao steam treatment, a new feeling of health. Green weight loss, pain-free does not rebound. Yao-tang steamed smoked adequate national chain, Yao Tong steam fumigation Price List: Single-smoked legs, smoked a single body, 10 times card smoked feet, 10 times card smoked whole card smoked 30 feet, 30 times card smoked the whole body. Second, ATTENIA phototherapy art A: flying dream, fingertip on the wings. Cai Xuan charm, classic deductive fashion. OPI nail polish: unique formula and quality superb, with natural silk amino acids and natural pearl powder as to maintain a healthy nail growth, sound. ORLY Nail polish: Top charm shine color display, rich pearl powder can be the best texture, do not easily peeling off, ORLY is definitely exciting and fun to create visual magic magician. Each bottle of nail polish ORLY are filled with natural pearl powder, precious ingredient is to allow more light lasting nail the biggest secret. The second hand is a woman faces, healthy, beautiful and clean hands can give you confidence, allows you to have a pair of nail fantastic hands. To Fangfang nail art and finger nail division with the completion of the gradual variation, so that moving your hand to show fun! What we are advocating is not only beautiful, it is healthy, even grade, it is fashionable to lead. Phototherapy NOURRIR A: Simple, stylish, with the mood and the change in the environmental health of a new type of Nail Polish, fast removable, rapid prototyping, will breathe polish. Nail Fangfang Footbath Address: Nanshan District, Shekou Sea Point Rhine Garden Street (the South China Sea which is just opposite the Rose Garden 2) Three, Fangfang Nail Footbath Where by virtue of the Consumer Card discounts are 8! Scope of services: The basis of hand, foot care, painting Hand-foot-deep care, carved Crystal A, a light therapy, diamond-studded Grafting eyelash, hair removal.这个需要专业翻译公司专业翻译的 。
2、即使网上别人热心免费给你翻,你放心吗? 。
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