

记忆如此的空白,感情如此的虚幻 。我不再爱你了 。以下是学习啦小编为你精心整理的不再爱你语录英文悲伤,希望你喜欢 。
不再爱你语录英文悲伤精选举杯独醉,饮罢飞雪,茫然又一年岁 。
Drink drunk, drink snow, and at age.
伱是硪那颗蛀牙,不是病疼起来却要命 。
You are my that tooth pain is not a disease but.
受伤的时候,偶尔一次让我听听你呼吸 。
When I was hurt, let me hear you breathe once in a while.
细细碎碎开了一地的小白花,是满天星 。
A trivial detail of the small white flowers, a sky full of stars.
这个世界在变唯一不变的是一直在变 。
The only constant in the world is always changing.
一泓碧血洗愁肠,欲诉无言星月两茫茫 。
A feeling of sadness to wash blood, V. two vast silent moon.
你若盛开,清风自来,心若浮沉,浅笑安然 。
If you are in full bloom, breeze, if the heart and smile enron.
一个人孤单地降落,拥挤得只剩下寂寞 。
A person lonely to fall, crowded only lonely.
遗憾是会呼吸的痛,它流在血液中来回滚动 。
Regret is the pain that can breathe, it flows back and forth in the blood.
不再爱你语录英文悲伤最新眼眸里埋没的悲痛,眼眶里衬着的凄凉 。
Bury sorrow eyes, eyes lined with bleak.
乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞 。
The clouds covered the moon, trace the vast, not so lonely.
如果我是回忆,那么请你让我死在忘记里 。
If I were a memory, then please let me die in the forget.
每个人都有一段悲伤,想隐藏却欲盖弥彰 。
Everyone has a sad, want to hide is.
牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路 。
Hold my hand, close your eyes, you won't get lost.
每小节的,心跳触动,想传到你的胸口 。
Each section of the heart, the heart beat, want to spread to your chest.
清风湿润,茶烟轻扬 。重温旧梦,故人已去 。
The breeze moist, chayan drifting. The enemy has to go back.
你笑的那么灿烂,却不知我为你流过多少泪 。
You smile so bright, but I do not know how many tears I flow for you.
灯火星星,人声杳杳,歌不尽乱世烽火 。
Star lights, voice Yao Yao, song far gone beacon.
繁花凋谢梦凄凉,倾世容颜,永逝娇娆 。
The flowers withered dream desolate, dumping the world - the end of jiaorao.
月,轻柔的脚步,曼舞起,夜的芬芳 。
The moon, the gentle footsteps, the man dancing, the night's fragrance.
幸福是简单的呼吸,呼吸停止前没有不幸 。
Happiness is a simple breath, there is no misfortune before the breath stops.
Between me and Tibet, just across a train ticket!
I graduated, I really like this, that's the way it is, and it's the only way!
记忆那么清晰,每想到你,我都会开始做梦 。
Memory is so clear, every thought of you, I will begin to dream.
纤柔之指,点开了花宵的云梦 。
The qianrou refers to the point of flowers night in Yunmeng.
乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞 。
The clouds covered the moon, trace the vast, not so lonely.
你要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去 。
You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go.
我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气 。
I need him like I need the air to breathe.
人生若只如初见当时只道是寻常 。
Life if only such as first, then only way is unusual.
我知道,你在一个地方,在呼吸,在笑 。