天安城门用英语介绍 怎么用英语介绍天安门

【天安城门用英语介绍 怎么用英语介绍天安门】没有人希望自己美好的异国之旅被不和谐的音符破坏 。想要畅通无阻 , 英语是必不可少的交流工具 。当然 , 你不一定要精通英语 。关键时刻你只需要开口 , 问题就解决了 。津桥外语选择了在外国容易出问题的场景来介绍简单实用的旅游英语 。这篇文章是:怎么用英语介绍天安门.
作为北京知名的旅游景点 , 天安门、天安门广场以及广场上的每一座建筑 , 都成了传递中华文化的使者 , 在一年胜似一年的旅游热潮中 , 为更多的中外游人所了解 。想要熟悉怎么用英语介绍天安门 , 基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型 , 津桥外语小编为大家整理了一些怎么用英语介绍天安门的句子 , 帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身 。
As a scenic spot , there are two parts for sightseeing:one is Tian'anmen Square , including architectures in the square and around the square:the other is Tain' anmen Gate and Tian' anmen Rostrum.作为一个旅游景点 , 天安门有两大部门可以观光游览:一部分是天安门广场 , 包括广场上的建筑和广场周围的建筑:另一部分是天安门城门和天安门城楼 。First , let's look at the square. How spacious it is!It is 880 metres from north to south , and 500 metres from east to west , covering an area of 44 hectares.首先 , 让我们展望一下广场 , 看多么宽广呀!从北到南880米长 , 从东到西500米宽 , 占地44公顷 。When was the Tian'anmen Gate built and completed?How large an area does the Tian'anmen Square cover?天安门何时建成?面积有多大?What about the architectural structure of the Tian' anmen Gate?天安门的建筑结构是怎样的?What is the tale about the Five Tunnel Passage of the Tian'anmen Gate?天安门的五个门洞(也称“五阙”)有何讲究?掌握了以上津桥外语小编为您整理的怎么用英语介绍天安门的基本句型 , 那么就需要开始练习对话了 , 简单的练习英语对话能迅速增进英语口语能力 。
Alice : Here we are at Tian'anmen Square! We've long been wishing to visit it. Oh, it feels really good standing in the political center of this great country !Bill: So many people come here even at the break of dawn. Many of them seem to come from other provinces of the country.Alice: I think so. Hurry up, Bill. The flag-rising ceremony is beginning soon. Let's go to find a good place to watch the ceremony.Bill : Look, here comes the PLA guard!Alice :Very impressive! The ceremony was brief but solemn! Wow,it's so bright now! The Tian'anmen Rostrum looks so majestic in the morning sun.Bill: Let's go upstairs and stand at the place where Chairman Mao used to stand to review the parades, and later the Red Guards.Alice: It's so nice to be able to have a panoramic view! That must be the Great Hall on the right, and the Museum of Chinese Revolution and Museum of Chinese History on the left, right,Bill?Bill: Right. They still look so giant and solemn though they were products of the late 50's.Alice:The structure in front of the rostrum must be Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. Shall we go there to pay our respects to the remains of Chairman Mao, Modern China's man of the century ?Bill: Definitely, we shall! Now let's go back to the square to take pictures. This must be the East-west Chang'an Avenue.Alice: Most streets here run either east-west, or north-south, very much like those in New York. But the names are confusing to us westerners, either because of their strange pronunciation or because they are hard to memorize. The city's layout is very neat indeed, much more regular than in Shanghai.Bill : Exactly! It's been the country's capital city for centuries! New York is too commercial, while Beijing's very political, and cultural, too. The Beijing people seem to be very proud of it.Alice: Yes, their pride seems well-founded. Look at the Monument to the People's Heroes ! Chairman Mao's calligraphy looks very fluent. Anyone fond of making in锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ions should learn from the Chairman's calligraphy.Bill:That's not important. There are lots of people who are crazy about collecting signatures of those sports stars and pop singers.Alice: Hey, look at those cute kids in red scarves ! Hello, children!How do you do?Students : H i ! Are you from the United States? Welcome to Beijing!Alice: Bill, they speak perfect English! Yes, children, we are from the States. Do you live here i n Beijing? Why are you here at the square today? Isn't today a school day?Students: Yes, but we are here to hold a Young Pioneer admission ceremony. Oh, we're sorry, we have to go and join them.Have fun traveling in Beijing!Alice:They are really cute. OK, Bill, where are we going next?Bill: It's almost time to visit the Memorial Hall. See the long line in front of it? Let's go join them.
对英语千万不要一知半解的 , 津桥外语小编为您整理怎么用英语介绍天安门的翻译 , 帮助大家理解消化 , 彻底掌握该对话的精髓 。
艾丽丝:总算来到我们向往已久的天安门广场!站在这个伟大国家的政治中心 , 感觉真是太好了!比尔:一大早广场上就有这么多人了 。看来他们当中有许多人是从外地来的 。艾丽丝:我想也是 。比尔 , 赶快去占有利的位置 , 升旗仪式马上就要开始了 。比尔:看 , 国旗护卫队过来了!艾丽丝:很精彩 。整个仪式很隆重 , 也很简朴 。天已经大亮了!看 , 晨曦中的天安门好雄伟哦!比尔:我们上城楼去 , 到毛主席当年在天安门城楼上检阅游行队伍和红卫兵的地方站站 。艾丽丝:好开阔的视野啊!这右边的一定是人民大会堂 , 左边的是中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆 。对吧 , 比尔?比尔:对 。这些建筑虽然是50年代末的作品 , 可至今仍然觉得它们很庄严肃穆 。艾丽丝:正对面的建筑一定是毛主席纪念堂了 。我们等一会去瞻仰一下毛主席这位现代中国的世纪伟人吧?比尔:当然了 。我们先回到广场上拍些照片 。这条就是东西长安街了吧?艾丽丝:北京城的街道大部分是东西和南北向的 , 很像纽约 。不过这些街道的名字对我们西方人来说是太难读和太难记了 , 北京城区的布局倒是很整齐 , 比上海规则多了 。比尔:是啊 。历代的首都嘛!纽约的商业味道太浓 , 而北京的政治氛围很浓 , 文化根基也很深 。北京人好像对此很自豪 。艾丽丝:是啊 , 他们的自豪也是有根据的 。看 , 人民英雄纪念碑!毛泽东的题字很潇洒 。那些到处为人题字的人物们应好好学学主席的书法 。比尔:那并不重要 。现今很多人都在发疯似地追着体育明星和歌星签名嘛 。艾丽丝:嗨 , 多么可爱的一群红领巾!你们好 , 孩子们!学生:嗨 , 你们是美国人吗?欢迎来到北京!艾丽丝:是的 , 我们是美国人 。你们是城里的孩子吗?今天怎么到天安门广场来玩了?今天该上学的啊!学生:是的 , 不过我们今天来这里举行少先队入队宣誓仪式 , 哦 , 对不起 , 我们得回到队伍中去了 。希望你们在北京玩得高兴!艾丽丝:这群孩子真可爱!我们接着上哪儿去?比尔:时间也差不多了 , 该去瞻仰纪念堂了 。你看 , 已经排起了长长的队伍 。我们排队去吧 。
以上就是津桥外语小编为您整理的怎么用英语介绍天安门 , 建议大家多学多练 , 以增进英语口语能力为目标 。