介绍历史名人的英语作文 描写历史人物的英语作文

名人是指在一定范围内知名度高的人 。一个名人的名气通常和他的职业有很大的关系 。也有关于名人的英文文章 。你想知道描写历史名人的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于历史名人的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Ludwig van Beethoven, one of history's most famous and mysterious composers died at the age of 57 with one great secret. Upon his death, a love letter was found among his possessions. It was written to an unknown woman who Beethoven simply called his Immortal Beloved.
路德维希·凡·贝多芬是人类历史上最有名最神秘的作曲家之一,于57岁时带着巨大的秘密死去 。他死后,人们在他的遗物中发现了一封情书,这是写给一位不为人知的女人的 。贝多芬称这个女人为不朽的爱人 。
The world may never put a face with this mysterious woman or know the circumstances of their affair and his letters are all that is left of a love as intensely passionate as the music for which Beethoven became famous. Compositions such as the Moonlight Sonata as well as Beethoven’s many symphonies express eloquently the tragedy of a relationship that never publicly realized.
世人可能永远无法知晓这个神秘的女人和他们之间发生的韵事 。贝多芬的信是他们之间仅存的激情和爱情的见证,一如他为之闻名的音乐作品一样激情澎湃 。月光奏鸣曲和他的其他交响曲的创作雄辩地证明了那场永不为世人所知的爱情悲剧 。

介绍历史名人的英语作文 描写历史人物的英语作文


Shen Nong, sometimes known as the Yan Emperor or the Emperor of the five grains, is a legendary Emperor of China and culture hero of Chinese mythology who is believed to have lived some 5 000 years ago and who taught ancient Chinese the practices of agriculture.
神农,有时也叫炎帝或五谷先帝 。中国传说中的君主和神话里的耕种英雄 。人们认为神农生活在大概5000年前,教会了中国古代人民如何耕作 。
Appropriately, his name means "the Divine Farmer". Considered to be the father of Chinese agriculture, this legendary emperor taught his people how to cultivate grains as food, so as to avoid killing animals.
神农的名字和他的身份很相配,这位被人们尊为中国“农业之父”的传说中的君主教会他的臣民如何种植谷类以获取粮食从而不再猎杀动物 。
He is said to have tasted hundreds of herbs to test their medicinal value, and is assumed to be the author of Shen-nung pen ts'ao ching (Divine Husbandman's Materia Medica), the earliest extant Chinese pharmacopoeia.
据说神农尝遍百草以试验它们的疗效,并且写了《神农本草经》 。《神农本草经》是中国现存最早的药典 。
This text includes 365 medicines derived from minerals, plants, and animals.
这本书里涵盖了矿物、植物、动物共365种药材 。
The true authorship of this work is also unknown.
这本书真正的作者是谁无从得知 。
He is credited with identifying hundreds of medicinal (and poisonous) herbs by personally testing their properties, which was crucial towards the development of Traditional Chinese medicine.
据说神农通过亲自试验草药的性质确定了数百种(有毒的)草药 。这对中国传统医药的发展是非常重要的 。
Tea, which acts as an antidote after being poisoned by some seventy herbs, is also said to be his discovery.
据说,神农还发现中了70余种草药的毒之后可以通过喝茶来解毒 。
Chinese legend places this occurrence in 2737 B. C., and states that the leaves from burning tea twigs blew upwards from the fire and landed in his cauldron of boiling water.
传说认为这件事发生在公元前2737年,还说正在燃烧的茶树枝上的叶子飞了起来落到了神农的开水锅里 。
Shen Nong is venerated as the Father of Chinese medicine.
神农被尊为中国的“医药之父” 。
He is believed to have introduced the technique of acupuncture.
人们认为针灸疗法也是他提出的 。
Maupassant: The Secret of Writing
He always longed to make literature his career. Many critics have called him the Allan Poe of France. Many cite him as one of the progenitors of the modern short story. Much of his work is celebrated for its ability to create time, place, and character in succinct but rich detail. While he is best remembered for his interesting short fiction and clever novels, Maupassant also wrote a large number of poems as well as extensive travelogues. His travels throughout the continent affected both his fiction and nonfiction writing, making him as a true Renaissance man.
莫泊桑一直希望能从事文学创作,许多作家称他为 法国的艾伦·坡,他也被认为是现代短篇小说的先驱 。他以简明、丰富的细节创建时间、地点和人物,许多作品因此闻名于世 。它主要因有趣、巧妙的小说为人们铭记,但他也写过大量的诗作和游记 。他踏遍欧洲大陆, 对小说和散文的创作产生了深远的影响 。这标志着他是 一位真正的文艺复兴式的人物 。
Maupassant’s stories range from the short tale of few pages, one or two, to a full-length novel. They expose the realities in minute detail the pretenses and vulgarity of the period’s middle class and traditional low-down of the peasants.
莫泊桑的故事篇幅长短不等,从一两页的短篇小说到长篇小说都有涉猎 。在其作品中,他细致入微地揭露现实,揭露中产阶级的虚伪和粗俗,展现传统农民的生活真相 。
His style is characterized by being simple and direct, sometimes comic and ironical. His work reflects his interest in the emotional problems of all classes and his passion for women. He excelled at revealing the hidden sides of people.
莫泊桑作品的特点是简洁凝练,有时带有喜剧色彩和讽刺意味 。从作品中可以看出,他对各阶层的情感问题很感兴趣,以及他对女性的仰慕,他擅长揭示人物的内心世界 。
His first success, and one of his best short stories, Boule de suif (“Ball of Fat,”)express the hypocrisy and ingratitude of the bourgeois in the face of a heroic gesture by a woman of the streets. It was published when he was 30. Over the next ten years, Maupassant produced many brilliant works. He published around 300 short stories, novels, travel books and poems.
《羊脂球》是莫泊桑第一部成功之作,歌颂了一位妓女的英雄壮举,对资产阶级的虚伪和忘恩负义进行了批判,这部小说在他30岁时发表 。接下来的10年中, 莫泊桑创作了许多杰作 。共出版了大约300篇短篇小说、游记和诗作 。
However his huge success had much to do with his mentor, Gustavo Flaubert. Flaubert counseled his disciple in his philosophy of writing. He advised his student to write of the things that he knew about and he was to disregard any ideas of making money from his art.
然而,莫泊桑的巨大成功和他的文学导师福楼拜是分不开的 。福楼拜悉心指导莫泊桑的写作方法,建议他写熟悉的事物,并告诫他写作是一种艺术,而不是谋生的手段 。
On language precision and conciseness Flaubert remarked, “No matter what it is we’re going to depict, only one noun will do with its illustration, only one verb with the movement, and only one adjective tells it apart from others. We must keep honing and refining until we find that noun, verb or adjective. We cannot stop at being close. Neither should we refrain from difficulties and make do with similar second best words.” This is the renowned “one-word theory” in the world literature.
在语言的准确和精练上,福楼拜教导莫泊桑说:“我们无论描写什么事物,要说明它,只需一个名词;要赋予它运动,只需一个动词;要区别它的性质,只需一个形容词 。我们必须不断地推敲,直到找到这个词为止 。不能满足于差不多,不能逃避困难而用类似的词语敷衍了事 。”这就是世界文学史上所谓“一语说”的来源 。
Maupassant’s great achievement in his writing career proves that the secret of writing lies in lasting resilience, perceptive observation, careful refinement and the exactness of language.
曰后莫泊桑在创作上取得的巨大成就证明:坚持不懈、体察入微、精心提炼和准确使用语言确实是写作的诀窍 。
Han Yu (768~824), called Han Changli or Han Wengong, courtesy name Tuizhi, was the master of Chinese prose, outstanding poet, and the first proponent of what later came to be known as Neo-Confucianism, which had wide influence in China and Japan.
韩愈(768~824),字退之,也叫韩昌黎或韩文公,中国散文大家、杰出诗人,首倡对中国和日本有广泛影响的宋明理学 。
An orphan, Han initially failed his civil service exams because the examiners refused to accept his unconventional prose style, but he eventually entered the bureaucracy and served in several high government posts.
韩愈是个孤儿,起初因考官不接受其非传统的文风而科考落地,但是他最终进了官场,做了高官 。
【介绍历史名人的英语作文 描写历史人物的英语作文】At a time when the popularity of Confucian doctrine had greatly declined, Han began a defense of it.
当时,儒家学说已如昔日黄花盛况不再,于是韩愈开始捍卫儒学地位 。
He attacked Daoism and Buddhism, which were then at the height of their influence. So outspoken was he that he castigated the emperor for paying respect to the supposed finger bone of the Buddha; this act of criticism almost cost Han his life and caused him to be banished to South China for a year.
韩愈攻击当时盛极一时的道教和佛教,非常直率地批评了皇帝对所谓的佛骨舍利的尊敬;此举差点要了韩愈的命,他因而被流放到南方过了一年 。
In defending Confucianism, Han quoted extensively from the Mencius, the Daxue ("Great Learning"), the Zhongyong ("Doctrine of the Mean"), and the Yijing ("Classic of Changes"; known to many as Yijing-Ching), works that hitherto had been somewhat neglected by Confucians.
为了捍卫儒学,韩愈广泛引用《孟子》、《大学》、《中庸》和《易经》里的话 。这些书已经有点被当时的儒生忽视了 。
In so doing, he laid the foundations for later Neo-Confucianists who took their basic ideas from these books.
就这样,韩愈为后来的宋明理学家(他们的基本思想是从这些仔里得来的)奠定了基础 。
Han advocated the adoption of "ancient style", the free, simple prose of these early philosophers, a style unencumbered by the mannerisms and elaborate verse-like regularity of the pianwen (“parallel prose") style that was prevalent in Han's time.
韩愈提倡写作古文 。古文是早期哲学家使用的一种自由、简单的散文文体,这种文体并未受阻于汉代流行的辞藻华丽、崇尚对句等形式的骈文 。
His own essays (e. g. On the Way, On Man,and On Spirits) are among the most beautiful ever written in Chinese, and they became the most famous models of the prose style he espoused.
韩愈自己的论文(《原道》、《原人》和《原性》)也在中国最优美的文章之列,并成为他所提倡的文体的范文 。
In his poetry also, Han tried to break out of the existing literary forms, but many of his efforts at literary reform failed.
在写诗方面,韩愈也试图突破原有的文学形式,但是他在文学改革方面的许多努力都失败了 。
He is considered the first of the renowned "Eight Masters of the Tang and Song". At his death the title of president of the ministry of rites was conferred upon him, as well as the epithet “Master of Letters", both great honours.
韩愈被尊为“唐宋八大家”之首,去世时被追封为礼部尚书(应该是吏部侍郎),谥号“文” 。