现代科技对人们生活的影响英语作文 科技发展与社会生活英语作文

随着科技的逐渐发展,我们的生活发生了哪些变化?在英语中,也有关于现代技术和生活的作文 。你想知道关于写现代科技与生活的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于现代科技和生活的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Modern technology has had a great influence on people’s entertainment choices, making them less creative. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Bearing in mind the likely effects of the modern technology on entertainments on today’s users are important, because it is an issue that is discussed daily nowadays by people in both the private and public sectors. However, does the modern technology benefits all aspects of human society? Some people may answer to the contrary. As far as I can see, current technology is undermining modern people’s creative ability by providing individuals sorted ways of relaxation.
The likely effects of modern technology on entertainment for people today are important, because it is an issue that is discussed daily in both the private and public sectors. However, does modern technology benefit all aspects of human society? Some people may answer in the negative. As far as I can see, modern technology undermines people’s creative ability by providing individuals pre-digested forms of relaxation.
To begin with , it has been known from the latest resources that modern people prefer to enjoy high-tech ways of recreation. More and more people from all works feel so pressuarable that they turn to modern technology which is supposed to be there providing convenient, time-saving and fresh entertainment while fewer and fewer individuals choose to play jigsaws or make some exquisite handicrafts which is the very things expand their imaginary world and make them more creative in their spare time.
Further more, modern people are more likely to count on current technology whether in physiological or psychological. What is meant by this is that plenty of people fully enjoy the entertaining products such as, TV, MP3 or internet games high-tech brings to them that they spend lots of time on them without doing anything else. Couch-potato syndrome is one such example. The more people rely on those modern entertaining items, the more possible that people form a negative habitual opinion that these high-tech can do everything for them, and the less likely people will be initiative and creative in their life.
It goes without saying that modern technology do bring us low-cost, efficient entertaining products, and these may initiate some individuals’ inspiration occasionally. But that’s very limited compared to the side effects they give rise to.
In conclusion, it is very important to know that it’s the creative ability that make our human society prosperous and flourish. Modern technology is just a powerful tool in the charge of human to benefit our conduction.

现代科技对人们生活的影响英语作文 科技发展与社会生活英语作文


Science and technology change our life
With the rapid development of science and technology, our daily life has been changed a lot. New technological inventions begin to play an essential role, for example, the robot can help us clean up and finish much homework. As a result of that, we can spare more time to be dedicated to our job, and we are able to be fully exposed to our hobbies.
Always have some time to hope that their cell phone is "Hello, you dial the number temporarily unable to connect" state. So, we all need a jacket that can mask the mobile phone signal. Dancepants sports music is designed to be two Lithuania designers. The clothes made of this fiber can be used to convert the temperature of the human body into electrical energy, which can be driven by electronic devices such as MP3 players.
Respite of that, some disadvantages of technological inventions may appear. The excessive use of high technology can also make our life be passive. The majorities of us will become lazier men, and they are unwilling to explore minds any longer.
【现代科技对人们生活的影响英语作文 科技发展与社会生活英语作文】All in all, the improvement of science and technology can smoothly increase the standards of people's life. On the other hand, it may lead to the laziness of people's behavior and mind.
As is shown in the above picture, people sit in front of the computer all day and night, even in their dreams they’re still playing computer games. Such thought-provoking phenomenon is, especially among young people, prevail in our modern life.
It’s true that the computer has brought great convenience to our modern life. However, as is illustrated in the picture, the overuse of it may lead to several bad consequences. To begin with, there is evidence that long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from computers may cause many health problems, like insomnia, headaches, and even cancer. In addition, when people immerse himself in the world of computer, they tend to pay less attention to the surroundings, and excessive use of the computer means much less chance of face-to-face interactions with people who populate their real lives.
In conclusion, while computers have contribute a lot to making our life more convenient, we should use them appropriately.
With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment. Earth is still a beautiful home for human.
随着科技的发展,上个世纪我们的生活发生了很大改变 。很多以前不可能发生的事现在都成为了现实 。因此,我们将来的生活也会改变 。我们的生活节奏会大大加快,因为我们会让很多机器帮我们完成工作 。很多事情都可以自动完成 。这样人们就有更多时间来玩了 。人们可以自由到外太空旅游 。航天飞机可以把人们带到远离地球的行星上 。此外,我们的环境会比现在好,因为我们可以采取一些有效措施来保护环境 。地球仍旧是人类的美好家园 。