出国留学口语对话三分钟 讨论出国留学的利弊英语情景对话

英语学习贵在坚持,口语也不例外.在考前为自己量身订制一个较合理的学习计划,可以事半功倍的哟!想要提高英语口语水平,要大量的阅读和听力做基础,在读和听的过程中,积累词汇,掌握句型,并 熟悉英语表达思想的方式,着重培养语感 。下面是广州山木英语学校小编为您整理的关于出国留学的英语口语情景对话,突破交流困境,讲一口流利地道的英语!让我们一起来学习吧!
A: Nowadays many college students choose to further their study a-broad after graduation.
B: That's true. Maybe because they now lave ea.si r access to, foreign universities.
A: Why don't they find a job after graduation instead?
B: I guess they think studying abroad is.more appealing andt pay offone day.
A: "That's understandable. But are English-speaking countries the only destinations for them?
B:I don't think so. An increasing num-her of Chinese graduates have ap-plied to non-English countries like Germany. for instance.
A: Why does Germany gain more popu-larity?
B: I can't come up with the exact rea-son. but perhaps because Germaneducationenjoys a very good re putation.Besides. as you may know. the tuition is free in the public universities there.
A: No wonder it's such an attraction to Chinese students.
B:But international students still need to pay for accommodation. insurance and textbook. These also cost a for-tune for some students.
A: Besides. even if they can afford it.they must overcome the language barrier. So before they make the final decision. they've got a lot to consider.
B:1 can't agree with vou more. Study-ing abroad is an important decision to make. and choosing a good graduate school and a promising major is no easy task as well.
A: Absolutely. So it's not advisable tofollow the fashion blindly . One should think for himself before setting his mind of studying abroad.
B: I'm with you.
A:现如今许多大学生都选择毕业后出国继续深造 。
B:没错 。可能是因为现在大学生更容易进人国外大学就读吧 。
B:我想他们大概觉得出国留学更有吸引力.而且将来一定会有回报 。
A:那倒是可以理解 。但英语国家是中国留学生的罕有的目的地吗?
B:我想并非如此 。越来越多的中国毕业生已经向非英语国家申请留学.例如德国.
B:我说不清具体原因.但大概是因为德国教育一直享有很高的声望吧 。除此之外.你大概也知道.那里的公立大学是不收学费的.
A:难怪德国对中国学生有那么大的吸引力 。
B:但是留学生还是要负担住宿费、保险费和书本费 。而这些对部分学生来讲也是一笔不小的费用 。
【出国留学口语对话三分钟 讨论出国留学的利弊英语情景对话】B:我非常赞同你的看法.出国留学可是个重要的决定.同时选择一所好的研究生院和一个曲景好的专业也并非易事 。
A:如此 。所以盲目跟潮流是不明智的.决定出国留学之前一定要自己想清楚 。
B:我同意你的看法 。
以上是广州山木英语小编为您整理的关于出国留学的英语口语情景对话的全部内容 。