商务英语电话情景对话:询问产品 商务英语电话情景对话产品包装

1 商务 英语 电话情景对话
Could you ask him to call me back? It's about the sample of article No.067.请叫他给我回电话,是有关067号货的样品 。下面介绍商务英语电话情景对话,希望可以帮助到您 。

商务英语电话情景对话:询问产品 商务英语电话情景对话产品包装


A: Good morning. Hudson Textile Company.
A:早上好!这里是哈德逊纺织品公司 。
B: Good morning. Could I speak to. Mr. White, please?
B:早上好!请叫怀特先生听电话 。
A: Yes. Hold the line, please… Hello, I'm afraid Mr. White is completely snowed under at present. He shouldn't be free until 11 o'clock. Can I take a message?
A:好的,请稍等……喂,怀特先生现在根本走不开,直到11点才有空 。需要我转告一下吗?
B: Of course. Could you ask him to call me back? It's about the sample of article No.067.
B:当然,请叫他给我回电话,是有关067号货的样品 。
A: Yes. What's your name, please?
B: This is Aram of Trans-America Clothing.
B:我是泛美服装公司的艾拉姆 。
A: Mr. Aram. Does he have your number?
【商务英语电话情景对话:询问产品 商务英语电话情景对话产品包装】B: Yes , but I'll give it to you again. It's 82345678.
B:知道,但我还是跟你说一下,82345678 。
A: Thank you, Mr. Aram. I'll give Mr. White the message.
A:谢谢,艾拉姆先生,我会转告怀特先生 。
A: Hello, David, good to see you a-gain.
A:您好,大卫,很高兴再次见到您 。
B: Hello, Tom. How's business?
A: Oh, can't complain.
A:噢,还不错 。
B: And the family?
A: Fine, thanks.
A:很好,谢谢 。
B: Good. Tom, I'd like to introduce a colleague, Quentin Richardson. Quenti’s just joined us from EA, and he served for after you from now on. He'll be your day-to-day contact.
B:好的,汤姆,我给你介绍一位同事,昆汀·理查德森 。昆汀刚刚从EA公司来到我们公司工作,从现在起,他将为您服务 。他是您的日常联络员 。
C: Hello, Mr. Thomas.
C:您好,托马斯先生 。
A: Tom , please. "Mr. Thomas" makes me sound old.
A:请叫我汤姆吧托马斯先生"听起来老气横秋的 。
C: Fine, Tom. I'm Quentin. I look for-ward to working with you.
C:好的,汤姆,我叫昆汀 。我盼望和您一起工作 。
B: I want you to take good care of him , Quentin. He is one of our best customers.
B:昆汀,我想让你好好关照他 。他是我们最好的客户之一 。
C: I'll do my best.
C:我会尽力的 。
B: I'm sure you will, Quentin.
B:昆汀,我想你会的 。
C: Well, to start the ball rolling, how about having lunch together?
A: You know all my favorite restaurants, David.
A:大卫,你可知道我最爱去的饭店 。
A: Hello.
A:你好 。
B: Oh, hello, Bobby. How are you doing these days?
B:哦,你好,鲍比 。你近来好吗?

商务英语电话情景对话:询问产品 商务英语电话情景对话产品包装


A: I'm much better, thank you very much. I am just about to call to tell you how I appreciate the flowers you sent me.
A:好多了,谢谢你 。我正要打电话告诉你,你送的花我真是太喜欢了 。
B: I'm glad you like them , Bobby. Your wife said yellow roses are your favorite.
B:你喜欢,我很高兴,鲍比 。你太太说你喜欢黄玫瑰 。
A: Yes,they're really beautiful. Thank you very much.
A:是的,黄玫瑰真的很美 。太感谢了 。
B: That's my pleasure, Bobby. Just hope you're feeling better.
B:不用谢,鲍比 。我多希望你尽快好起来啊!
A: I am. The doctor says 1 can go home the day after tomorrow.
A:我是好起来了,医生说我后天就能出院了 。
B: Day after tomorrow-so soon–why,Bobby, that's marvelous. I bet Celia was very happy to hear that.
B:后天——这么快——噢,鲍比,棒极了!西莉亚听到这个好消息,肯定高兴得很吧 。
A: She doesn't know it yet. I found out only an hour ago. I couldn't have reached her so soon.
A:她还不知道呢 。我也只是一小时前才知道的,还没来得及告诉她 。
A: I can't stand the stupid guy any longer. It's unbelievable.
A:我实在不能忍受那个愚蠢的家伙了,真是不可思议 。
B: Oh, my dear lady, take it easy. You should forgive a green hand like him.
B:噢,亲爱的,别放心上 。原谅像他那样的新手吧!
A: He does everything so mindlessly that he is going to drive me crazy.
A:他做事总是没脑子,快把我逼疯了 。
B: I suggest you talk with him and teach him how to deal with the problems.
B:我建议你和他谈谈,也教教他怎么处理那些问题 。
A: I've told him how to do that several times , but he's never listened to me.
A:我告诉过他怎么做很多次了,但是他总是不昕我的 。
B: Maybe you should communicate with him just like a friend , not a boss.
B:或许你应该和他以朋友的身份谈谈,而不是以上司的身份 。
A: Oh , I always have difficulty in get-ting along with the staff.
A:噢,我总是和下属很难相处 。
B: Just take them as your good friends and have a talk with them as we do. Make sure you won't lose your temper!
B:把他们当成你的好朋友,和他们说话就像咱俩这样 。还要保证不发脾气 。
A: Oh, so bad. I'm afraid I'll change the image of myself.
A:噢,太糟了 。恐怕我要改变改变形象了 。
B: No , it's unnecessary. Just respect the staff and their own opinions.
B:不,不需要 。你只需要尊重他们和他们的想法就好了 。
A: But sometimes they offer some use-less proposals, awfully useless.
A:但是他们有时候交上来一些没用的提议,非常没有价值 。
B: Oh , no one is perfect.
B:没人是完美的 。
A: That's right. I should speak to them in a polite way.
A:对啊,这么一想我应该对他们客气点 。
B: All men are equal in the eyes of the God. We have the equal partnership in team.
B:上帝眼里每个人都是平等的 。我们在团队里应该是平等的 。
A: Thanks very much and you're very eloquent.
A:非常感谢,你说话总是很得体 。
B: Thanks for saying that.
B:谢谢你这样说 。