吃饭用英语怎么说? 吃饭的英语怎么说?用英语怎么说

吃是一种文化,人以食为天 。一般来说,他们一天吃三餐,包括早餐、午餐和晚餐 。时至今日,在很多大中城市,很多人都有吃宵夜的习惯 。吃饭用英语口语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

吃饭用英语怎么说? 吃饭的英语怎么说?用英语怎么说


to eat a meal
feed one's face
put on the feed bag
他已经习惯在外面吃饭了 。
He is used to eating out all the time.
他邀我跟他在俱乐部吃饭 。
He asked me to dine with him at the club.
A building or hall for dining, typically at a university or college.
Will you do me the honour of dining with me?
我的朋友邀请我出去吃饭 。
My friend invited me to dine out.
[谚]要为活着而吃饭,不要为吃饭而活着 。
Live not to eat but eat to live.
Compare the difference between eating at home and restaurant.
公司养不起白吃饭的人 。
The firm cannot afford to carry passengers.
吃饭时没有酒 。
No wine will be served at the dinner.
Can you come over for dinner with us?
1.(进餐) eat; have [eat、take] a meal
请客吃饭 invite sb. to dinner; 我想吃饭 。i feel like a meal.
2.(指生活或生存) keep alive; make a living
靠工资吃饭 live on one's wages; 不要靠老资格吃饭! don't live on your seniority! 我看我们就是要靠精耕细作吃饭 。in my opinion, we must depend on intensive cultivation to feed ourselves
Will you do me the honor of dining with me ?
I shall not ask him to dinner again in a hurry .
我不愿再请他吃饭 。
Through the dinner, i was stonewalling .
吃饭的过程中,我始终很谨慎 。
He never possessed a dinner jacket .
他连一件吃饭穿的短上衣都没有 。
He broke the good news to her at dinner .
他吃饭时把好消息透露了给她 。
I sat opposite to him during the meal .
吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面 。
I did n't feel like going out for dinner .
(当时)我不想到外面去吃饭 。
I had the committee to luncheon the other day .
我有一天请委员们来吃饭 。
They were at table when we called .
我们去拜访时,他们正在吃饭 。

吃饭用英语怎么说? 吃饭的英语怎么说?用英语怎么说


【吃饭用英语怎么说? 吃饭的英语怎么说?用英语怎么说】Let's have supper. it looks marvellous .
咱们吃饭吧,晚饭准备得丰盛极了 。
eat a meal
My meeting has been cancelled, so I shall be dining in
我的会议取消了,所以我将在家吃饭 。
Eat in;eat at home
After the usual civilities, the count inquired after M. de Villefort. "My husband dines with the chancellor," replied the young lady
“我丈夫到国务总理那儿吃饭去了,”那年轻的太太回答说 。
Do you wish wine with your meal, sir?
Through the dinner, I was stonewalling
吃饭的过程中,我始终很谨慎 。
Let's eat out tonight,by way of a change.
During dinner Mrs. Fang exhorted Hung-chien to eat more meat and vegetables, "You've grown thinner lately, and your face has lost its glow
吃饭时,方老太太苦劝鸿渐吃菜,说:“你近来瘦了,脸上一点不滋润 。
"Now I must hurry and see to the food for all the grand-uncles, uncles and other gentlemen."
Blacks and whites went to different schools, ate at different restaurants, even drank from different water fountains
The diners too, the most prosperous of Londoners, had a peaked and shabby look.
来吃饭的人也是这样,最富裕的伦敦人,都有一副憔悴的寒酸相 。
have dinner
sup on
Things went from good to better. One evening,three months later,Brad and I went to a restaurant that we liked for dinner.
情况进展顺利 。3个月后的一天傍晚,我和布拉德去一家我们都喜欢在那儿吃晚饭的餐馆 。
The next night,Monday,margaret and I were due to dine at the Osbaldistons
下一天晚上,星期一,玛格丽特和我到奥斯鲍迪斯顿家吃晚饭 。
Having arrived unannounced for supper,we had to take potluck.
I knew that if I didn't go out,right then,and find a place to have dinner,I would hide in this cubicle my entire time in Paris
我知道如果我当时关在屋里不出去走走,找个吃晚饭的地方坐坐,那么我在巴黎的全部时间就只会躲在这个小屋里 。
"We were invited to stay for dinner,but we had to beg off."
我们被邀请留下来吃晚饭,但我们不得不谢绝了 。
The perusal of this paper absorbed Phileas Fogg until a quarter before four,whilst the Standard,his next task,occupied him till the dinner hour
他看这份报纸,一直要看到三点四十五分,接着再看刚到的《标准报》,一直看到吃晚饭 。
At any rate,we still must find time for dinner.
无论如何,我们仍必须抽空吃晚饭 。
He bathed and dinner ,giving everyone the impression that there was no danger at all .
他洗完澡吃晚饭,给每个人造成根本没有危险的印象 。
to sup out
Heat the stew and we'll have supper
热上炖菜,我们吃晚饭 。