英语阅读读书笔记怎么写 英语读书笔记怎么写

为了学好英语,我们应该多做笔记 。在阅读的时候,我们可以适当做一些笔记,摘抄一些好的单词和句子,写下我们对这本书的体会 。你想了解怎么写英语读书笔记?吗接下来,边肖将告诉你如何写英语阅读笔记 。让我们来看看!
创作背景及形式语言手法的运用等 。作品的内容和其创作背景是离不开的,任何创作都是时代影响的产物,了解背景对了解作品很有用;除了了解背景,书中语言的特色,好的表达手法也可以总结学习 。
经典语录 。摘抄是写读书笔记的精华所在,内容不限,可以是伟大人物说的至理名言,也可以是书中精彩的好词、好句、好段,还可以是自己感兴趣的内容等等 。俗话说,好记性不如烂笔头,写下来可以增强记忆,并要学以致用,写作时灵活运用 。

英语阅读读书笔记怎么写 英语读书笔记怎么写


The Title of the Article or Book(文章标题或书名): The Great Trial The source of the material(文章出处):
大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文大学英语读书笔记范文AA. (此处写英文正文)
最近,我开始阅读《文学与人生》这本书,由于英语水平不太高,我阅读起来很困难 。总是要反复的查单词、看中文解析,才能勉强读懂 。
今天我突然想到了一个问题:我以前一直觉得我学习英语这门外语就是记单词(Words),词组(Phrases),学习语法(Grammar)和用法(Usages) 。确实,语言是由句子组成,而句子是由单词,词组,语法和用法组成 。但是,这些只是语言的很小的组成部分 。要想学好一门外语,我觉得要从一个更广泛的角度上来认识语言的实质和真谛 。
从某种意义上来讲,语言是一种文化,学习语言就要像了解异国文化一样,做到“入乡随俗” 。“随俗”在这里的意思是随母语者的语言习俗 。而母语者在交流中所使用的语言不仅仅是由单词,词组,语法和用法组成,而更重要的是讲究更宏观意义上的要素:即“语音,语调,语气和语境”,我称之为“语言的四大要素” 。
我要举个例子来更好地说明这个问题:有一部情景喜剧叫That’s So Raven. 讲述的是一位具有特异功能的少女,在旧金山的生活和学习的趣味经历 。有一次,Raven 希望得到父亲餐厅一位学生主雇的名字,而父亲为了保守主雇的隐私,拒绝告诉自己的女儿Raven 。Raven很诚恳,很无奈地说了一句:Dad, we are blood! 意思是提醒父亲:我们是亲父女,有什么可保密的?
看到上面这句话,如果脱离了上下文,光从“单词,词组,语法和用法”的角度来讲没有人会懂 。结果就是在缺少上下文的情况下,我们不知所云 。
但是,如果从语言的四大要素——语音,语调,语气和语境——来看,上句的意思就自然而然呈现在眼前 。
综上所述,学习语言,不要只注重单词,词组和语法这些书面因素,更重要的是要体会到句子的语气,语调,以及最重要的语境这几项语言交流的要素 。这时候我们就会发现自己在不知不觉中可以自由地运用该句了,同时英语水平也会大幅度提高 。
The notes after reading" Literature and life "
Recently, I started to read " literature and life. ",and I found it is hard for me to read ,because I always look the word up, see Chinese parsing repeatedly, only in which way can I barely understand them.
Today I thought of a problem suddenly: I used to think that learning English as a foreign language is to remember the words, phrases, grammar and usages . Indeed, the language is formed by the sentences, and the sentences are made up of words, phrases, grammar and usage. However, these are only a small part of language. To learn a foreign language well, I believe,is to understand the nature and meaning of language from a broader perspective .
In a sense, language is a kind of culture.to learn a language well,we must to do in Rome as Rome does, just like to understand foreign culture (学习语言就要像了解异国文化一样,做到“入乡随俗”) . While the native speakers of the language used in communication is not only by words, phrases, grammar and usage, and more importantly, is to pay attention to more macroscopical meaning elements: " voice, intonation, mood and context, " I called them " the four elements of a language ".
I will give an example to better illustrate the point: a film called That ' s So Raven.It tells the story of a girl owning specific function, who lives in San Francisco and has learning experiences . Once, Raven hoped to get t the name of a main employer of father’s restaurant, and her father kept the main employer privacy, refused to tell Raven . Raven said sincerely and reluctantly: Dad, we are blood! She mean to remind her father: we are father and daughter(亲生父女), what secret?
Have seen the above sentence, if we took out of context, and just pay attention to the " words, phrases, grammar and usage of the terms " ,no one will know the meaning of the words lacking of the context.
However, if we comprehend from the four elements of language — the voice, intonation, mood and context– the meaning will come very naturally to present in front of us.
To sum up, learning the language, we should not only pay attention to the written words, phrases and grammatical factors, it is more important to realize sentence tone, intonation, as well as the most important context these language elements. At this time, we'll find we can be free to use the word in imperceptibly, while English level will also be greatly enhanced.
The Old Man And The Sea 《老人与海》
【英语阅读读书笔记怎么写 英语读书笔记怎么写】The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works.Told in language of great simplicity and power,it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman,down on his luck,and his supreme ordeal——a relentless,agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.Here Hemingway recasts,in strikingly contemporary style,the classic thene of courage in the face of defeat,of personal triumph won from los.Written in 1952,this hugely successfully novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a huge part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature. The novel is very famous in the world, so lot of people like this novel. We also studied it in our Chinese class, Hemingway's novel are always interesting I like his novel much, also in his novel we can learn a lot by his meanings. It’s really a good novel for people to read.