一生致力于“死”的诸葛亮,是中国传统文化中忠臣智者的代表人物 。还有英文的关于诸葛亮的作文 。你想知道描写诸葛亮的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于诸葛亮的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Zhuge Liang (181~234), celebrated adviser to Liu Bei, founder of the Shu Han Dynasty.
诸葛亮(181~234 ),刘备有名的谋士,蜀汉王朝的创建人 。
Zhuge Liang, to whom supernatural powers often are ascribed, has been a favoured character of many Chinese plays and stories.
【关于诸葛亮的英语作文 关于孔明灯的作文英语】诸葛亮在人们眼中是具有超自然能力的 。在许多中国戏曲和故事里,诸葛亮都是一个很受欢迎的人物 。
Legend states that Liu Bei, then a minor military figure, heard of Zhuge Liang's great wisdom and came three times to the wilderness retreat to which Zhuge had retired to seek him out as an adviser. It is known that Zhuge helped Liu organize a large army and found a Dynasty.
传说,刘备听说了诸葛亮的智慧于是三顾茅庐请他出山,诸葛亮辅佐刘备组织厂一支大军,建立了王朝 。
Liu was so impressed with Zhuge 's wisdom that on his deathbed liu urged his son to depend on Zhuge 's advice and urged Zhuge to ascend the throne himself if the prince were unable to rule.
刘备对诸葛亮的智慧仰慕不已,以至于他临死时告诉儿子要听从诸葛亮的建议,并告诉诸葛亮,如果他儿子不行的话,诸葛亮应该称帝 。
A mechanical and mathematical genius, Zhuge is credited with inventing a bow for shooting several arrows at once and with perfecting the Eight Dispositions, a series of military tactics.
诸葛亮是一个机械和数学天才,发明了一次可以发射数支箭的弓,完善了八阵图(一系列的军事策略) 。
In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the great 14th-century historical novel, Zhuge is one of the main characters; he is portrayed as being able to control the wind and foretell the future.
在14世纪伟大的历史小说《三国演义》中,诸葛亮是主要人物之一,被描述成个能够呼风唤雨预知未来的人物 。
In 1724 he was made a Confucian saint.
1724年,诸葛亮被尊为“儒圣” 。

Zhu Geliang was an outstanding strategist and statesman in the Three Kingdoms period.He assisted Liu Bei in fighting a series of wars and uniting allies to help expand Liu Bei's territory and enhance his strength. Appointed as the Prime Minister after the foundation of the Shu state, he took charge of government affairs, military affairs, ethnic communications and agricultural production and so on. Being a celebrated artist, he was fond of calligraphy, painting and music. He also invented and reformed some transportation tools and traditional weapons, which made him an excellent inventor. Zhu Geliang is regarded as a man of great wisdom by the Chinese and legendary stories about him are still widespread. A number of traditional Chinese idioms are related to him.
诸葛亮是三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period)杰出的军事家和政治家 。他帮助刘备打了一系列的战争,联合盟友,不断扩张刘备的领地、增强刘备的实力 。蜀国(the Shu State)建立后,他被任命为丞相(Prime Minister)管理政务、军事、民族交流和农业生产等事务 。诸葛亮也是一位有名的艺术家,爱好书法(calligraphy)绘画和音乐 。他还发明或改造了一些运输工具和传统兵器,是一位出色的发明家 。中国人认为诸葛亮是非常有智慧的人,他的传奇故事至今仍广泛流传 。中国很多的传统习语都与他有关 。
Zhuge Liang was an outstanding politician and strategist in the Three Kingdoms Period in Chinese history. He was a brilliant genius with great strategy and wisdom. He dedicated all his life to the career of fighting for the country until he passed away on the way to crusade against the country Wei. He repaid his emperor with undisputable loyalty all through his life. Besides loyalty, his wisdom, capacity and strategy to administer the country Shu perfectly accorded with the Confucius’s ideal way of being an official in feudal times. So Zhuge Liang became a famous official with joint praise by officials and common people in Chinese history.Zhuge Liang was an outstanding politician and strategist in the Three Kingdoms Period in Chinese history. He was a brilliant genius with great strategy and wisdom. He dedicated all his life to the career of fighting for the country until he passed away on the way to crusade against the country Wei. He repaid his emperor with undisputable loyalty all through his life. Besides loyalty, his wisdom, capacity and strategy to administer the country Shu perfectly accorded with the Confucius’s ideal way of being an official in feudal times. So Zhuge Liang became a famous official with joint praise by officials and common people in Chinese history.
诸葛亮是中国历史上三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period)—位杰出的政治家和战略家 。他是一个才华横溢的天才,有着伟大的策略和智慧 。他将自己的一生投人到为国征战中,直到在伐魏(crusade against the country Wei)的途中去世 。他的一生以无可争议的忠诚回报了他的君主 。除了忠诚,他的智慧、才能和治理蜀国的策略都与儒家思想中作为臣子(official in feudal times)的典范完全相符 。所以诸葛亮成为中国历史上有名的受到官员和百姓共同赞扬的大臣 。
Zhuge Liang
Liu Bei resided at Xinye while he was taking shelter under Jing Province’s governor, Liu Biao. Liu Bei visited Sima Hui, who told him, “Confucian academics and common scholars, how much do they know about current affairs? Those who analyze current affairs well are elites. Crouching Dragon and Young Phoenix are the only ones in this region.” Xu Shu later recommended Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei again, and Liu wanted to ask Xu to invite Zhuge to meet him. However, Xu Shu replied, “You must visit this man in person. He cannot be invited to meet you.”
刘备依附于刘表,屯兵新野 。后来在一次拜访司马 徽时听过他说:“儒生俗士,岂识时务?识时务者为俊 杰 。此间自有卧龙、凤雏 。”后徐庶又推荐诸葛亮,刘 备想徐庶带他来引见,但徐庶却说:“此人可就见,不可 屈致也 。将军宜枉驾顾之 。”
Liu Bei succeeded in recruiting Zhuge Liang after paying three personal visits. Zhuge Liang presented the Longzhong Plan to Liu Bei.
刘备便亲自前往拜访,去了三次才见到诸葛亮 。诸 葛亮遂向他陈说了三分天下之计,这篇论说后世称之为 《隆中对》 。
Afterwards, Liu Bei became very close to Zhuge Liang and often had discussions with him. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were not pleased and complained. Liu Bei explained, “Now that I’ve Kongming, it’s just like a fish getting into water. I hope you’ll stop making unpleasant remarks Guan Yu and Zhang Fei then stopped complaining.
刘备常常和诸葛亮议论,关系也曰渐亲密 。关羽、张 飞等都大感不悦,刘备向他们解释道:“孤之有孔明,犹鱼 之有水也 。愿诸君勿复言 。”关羽、张飞等便不再抱怨 。
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