必背词汇毛笔画brush drawing.国画Chinese painting.水墨画ink and wash painting.油画oil painting.壁画fresco n.胶画tempera painting.水粉画gouache n.水彩画watercolor painting.蜡笔画crayon drawing.版画engraving n.写生画drawing from nature.机械画mechanical drawing.临摹tracing n.描绘depictn.自画像self-portrait n.漫画caricature n.风景画landscapen.海景画seascapen.选记词汇画画的好处benefits of painting.change one's life.丰富生活enrich one's life.培养想象力和创造力.cultivate imagination and creativity.获得自尊和自信.gain self0esteem and confidence.提供个人休闲的快乐源泉.provide an excellent source of personal relaxation.将生活中的方方面面与创造性相联系.associate creativity with every aspect of your life.大自然的美.the beauty of nature.真题再现1.Have you ever learned to draw (or paint)?【经典回答】Yes,I have learned to draw ink and wash painting in my primary school where there were groups forus to join. However,I had to give it up when I entered my junior middle school because of many interestmountains of homework after school.
2.What do you think are some of the benefits for children from drawing (or painting)?【经典回答】Children can benefit a lot from drawing.At first,it can enrich their life.You know,nowadays children have not much time to get close to nature,so drawing is a way to help them discover in themselves a greater awareness of the beauty of nature.
3.Do you think a person can teach himself or herself how to draw (or paint)?【经典回答】It depends on how hardworking this person is,after all,drawing is not an easy job.He needs appropriate materials and good methods,most importantly,he should never give up.
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