省略的英文词组怎么说 省略的英文词组

基本上每个完整的句子都有一个动词 , 在表达第二个动作时可以用不定式、动名词、等价连词、从属连词或添加从句来连接 。让我们告诉你关于英语动词省略的用法.的事情 , 让我们看看吧!
■在口语中 , 有时可省略句中的连系动词 。如:
How you doing? 近况如何?
说明:you 前省去了are , 特别是在美国英语中 。
Your sister dead? 你的妹妹死了?
说明:句首省去连系动词is 。
Everybody gone? 人都走了吗?
说明:句首省去连系动词is 。
Everything in good condition. 样样东西都完好无损 。
说明:everything之后省去连系动词is 。

省略的英文词组怎么说 省略的英文词组


■在比较结构中 , than和as后的主语+系动词 , 通常可省略系动词 。如:
Sally is as intelligent as Bill. 莎莉和比尔一样聪明 。
说明:Bill后省略了is 。
He is as quick in answering as his sister. 他回答得和他妹妹一样快 。
说明:sister后省略了is 。
His sister is quicker than he. 他妹妹比他敏捷 。
说明:he后省略了is 。
I’ m not as old as you. 我没有你年龄大 。
说明:you后省略了are 。
■承前省略连系动词 。如:
To know is one thing, and to teach quite another. 知道是一回事 , 教又是一回事 。
说明:to teach后省去了is 。
Our flat is on the first floor and theirs on the third. 我们的公寓在一楼 , 他们的公寓在三楼 。
说明:theirs后省去了is 。
He is a millionaire and his father without a cent. 他是百万富翁而他父亲却不名一文 。
说明:his father后省去了is 。
■在报纸标题中也通常省去连系动词 。如:
Arrests up for Economic Crimes 因经济犯罪而被逮捕之人数上升
说明:arrests后省去连系动词are 。
Johnson Ready for Tokyo Meet 约翰逊准备参加东京运动会
说明:Johnson后省去连系动词is 。
■whatever与however引导的让步状语从句可省去连系动词 , 如:
I refuse, however favourable the conditions. 不管条件如何有利 , 我都不干 。
说明:conditions后省去了are 。
In our company, every body is well taken care of, no matter what his position (is). 在我们公司 , 每个人都得到很好的照顾 , 不管他地位如何 。
说明:his position后省去了is 。
Whatever her faults, she’s Arnold’s mother. 不管她有什么缺点 , 她总是安诺德的母亲 。
说明:her faults后省去了are 。
■省去连系动词的用法还见于富有诗意的文体中 。如:
She in tears. He gloomy and down-looking. 她泪流满面 。他脸色阴沉而低垂着眼 。
说明:she和he之后皆省去连系动词was 。
How quick, how easy, the transition from despair to rapture. 从悲观失望到欣喜若狂 , 转变得多么快、多么轻易啊 。
说明:非省略结构应是How quick and how easy is. . .。
■在有些特殊语境中 , 有时可以省去句子的谓语 。如:
Only one of us was injured, and he just slightly. 我们当中只有一人受了伤 , 而且只是轻伤 。
分析:he后省去谓语was injured 。
We went through the tests on a Monday. Jenny had hers during the day, and I mine after work. 有一个星期一 , 我们进行了检查 。詹尼在白天 , 我是在下班之后 。
分析:I之后省去谓语had 。

省略的英文词组怎么说 省略的英文词组


■有时可省去谓语中的主要动词 。如:
I’ll be round as quick as I can. 我将尽快赶来 。
分析:can之后省去主要动词be 。
I pitied her sincerely, as I would a child of my own. 我真心地爱怜她 , 就像爱怜我自己的孩子一样 。
分析:would之后省去主要动词pity 。
A. 在对话、交际中
◎ 在回答他人的问题时 , 根据问题的类型和性质 , 只作简短的回答 。如:
(1)—Do you like playing volleyball? 你喜欢打排球吗?
—Yes, I do. 是的 , 我喜欢 。
(2)—Who is talking with our teacher? 谁在跟我们的老师谈话?
—Our headmaster. 我们的校长 。
(3)—What is your favourite subject? 你最喜欢哪一学科?
—English. 英语 。
◎ 谈论事物时 , 接着人家的话 , 发表自己的观点、看法 , 常省略相同的部分 。此时 , 被省略的成分可根据上文内容补出 。如:
(1) —Maths is very difficult. 数学很难 。
—But very important and useful. 但是很重要、很有用 。
(2) —Ann is very clever. 安妮很聪明 。
—And very diligent. 并且也很勤奋 。
◎ 表达心里感受时 , 主语、系动词常被省略 。如:
(1) —How do you find English?你认为英语怎么样?
—Very interesting. 很有趣 。
(2) —Nice to see you again. 又见到你真高兴 。
(3) —What do you think about this film? 你认为这场电影怎样?
—Very disappointing. 非常令人失望 。
B. 在某些句型中
◎ 祈使句中的主语常被省略
(1) Go and open the window. 去把窗户打开 。
(2) Follow me, please. 请跟我来 。
(3) Be bold but don’t be shy. 胆大一点 , 不要害羞 。
(4) Don’t worry about them. 不要为他们操心 。
◎ 感叹句
在发出感慨时 , 为了表达出强烈的感情 , 常省略主语、系动词或谓语动词等 。如:
(1) What a good girl! 多好的女孩啊!
(2) How beautiful! 多美啊!
1. 回答问题时 , 往往可省略从句或主句中的某些成分、甚至整个从句或主句 。如:
(1) —Where were you when the fire broke out last night? 昨天晚上发生火灾时 , 你在哪?
—(I was ) In Li Lei’s. 在李蕾家 。
(2) —What will you do when you finish your homework? 你做完作业后干什么?
—I’ll go to play football with some friends. 我去跟朋友踢足球 。
(3) —What are you going to be when you grow up? 你长大后打算干什么?
—I’m going to be a businessman. 我打算去做生意 。
2. 提出建议、劝告、警告或许诺等时 , 也可省略句子中的某些成分 。如:
(1) Work harder, and you’ll succeed. 工作再努力些 , 你就会成功 。
(2) Take care when you walk on the ice. 在冰上行走时要小心 。
(3) Hurry up, or you’ll be late. 快一点 , 不然就会迟到了 。
1. 表示时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句中 , 如果从句的主语跟主句的主语一致或从句的主语是it , 而谓语动词是系动词be时 , 就可将从句的主语及系动词 be 省略 。如:
(1) Solid can be turned into liquid and liquid into gas if heated enough. =solid can be turned into liquid and liquid can be turned into gas if it is heated enough. 如果加到足够的热 , 固体会变成液体 , 而液体又会变成气体 。
(2) Have a little more if delicious. =You have a little more if it is delicious 如果好吃就多吃一点 。
(3) Make changes where necessary. =You make changes where it is necessary. 在必要的地方作些修改 。
(4) I won’t attend his party, though invited a few days ago. = I won’t attend his party, though I was invited a few days ago. 尽管几天前请了我 , 但我还是不会参加他的聚会 。
2. 表示时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句中 , 如果从句的主语跟主句的主语一致 , 就可将从句的主语省略 , 同时 , 将从句中的谓语动词变为分词形式 。如:
(1) He was very excited when told that he had passed the exam. =He was very excited when he was told that he had passed the exam. 当告诉他考试通过了时 , 他非常兴奋 。
(2) If running a little faster, he will take the first place. =If he runs a little faster, he will take the first place. 如果再跑快一点 , 他就会获得第一名 。
(3) They began to talk warmly as if being good friends. =They began to talk warmly as if they were good friends. 他们就好像是好朋友一样开始热烈地谈论起来 。
3. 条件从句中的主语是第二人称时 , 可将if及从句的主语省略成为祈使句 , 从而用and / or 等将两句连接起来 , 成为并列句 。如:
(1) Give me ten more minutes, and I’ll finish it. = If you give me ten more minutes, I’ll finish it. 多给我十分钟 , 我就会把它完成了 。
(2) Drive slowly, or you’ll get a fine. = If you don’t drive slowly, you’ll get a fine. 开慢一点 , 否则你就会被罚 。
有时 , 这个句型可进一步省略 , 成为:more + 名词 , and + 句子 。如:
A little more effort, and you get it finished. = If you make a little more effort, you’ll get it finished. 再努力一点 , 你就会把它完成了 。
4. 比较状语从句中 , 常将从句中与主句中的相同成分省略 。如:
(1) The weather in the south is much better than in the north. = The weather in the south is much better than the weather in the north is good. 南方的天气比北方的天气好多了 。
(2) The Beijing you see today is much more beautiful than it was twenty years ago. = The Beijing you see today is much more beautiful than it was beautiful twenty years ago. 你今天所看到的北京比二十年前的北京漂亮多了 。
注意:当比较的主句和从句都为及物动词带宾语时 , 从句省略后 , 留下的代词用主格或宾格时 , 意思不同 。如:
He likes the dog better than she. 他比她更喜欢那条狗 。
He likes the dog better than her. 他喜欢那条狗甚于喜欢她 。
因此 , 从句的主语若为名词 , 省略谓语部分后须加助动词do 的适当形式 , 否则就会产生歧义 。如:
He likes his dog better than his wife does. 他比他的妻子更喜欢那条狗 。
He likes his dog better than his wife. 他喜欢那条狗甚于喜欢他的妻子 。
5. 名词性从句中的一部分省略 。如:
(1) He was late this morning, but I don’t know why. 他今天早晨吃到了 , 但我不知道他迟到的原因 。
(2) He got here this morning, but do you know how? 他今天早晨就到这儿了 , 但我不知道他是怎么来的 。
6. 主句中的一部分省略 。如:
(1) Glad to hear that you succeeded in finding the answer. 听说你成功地找到了答案 , 我很高兴 。
【省略的英文词组怎么说 省略的英文词组】(2) What if he did come today? 要是他今天不来 , 那怎么办呢?