1家人用 英语 怎么说
家人,即亲人,特指与自己有血亲关系的人,即直系亲属,如兄、弟、姐、妹、伯父、叔父、伯母、婶母等(以别于直系亲属的名称),英文名称:family ( 家人 ) 。其中也包括旁系亲属,如姑舅,伯叔、姑母、堂兄弟姊妹 。家人是一个笼统的概念 。接下来小编告诉你家人用英语怎么说 。
(one's) family
Saw the dark silhouette of the family waving farewell.
看见挥手道别的那一家人的黑色剪影 。

Beloved of the family.
He's inconsiderate to his family.
他不体谅他的家人 。
I hope to see you and your family soon.
我期待不久能见到你和你的家人 。
Twice during his apprenticeship horace walked six hundred miles to visit his family
在这家报社学徒期间,他曾两度步行600英里回家看望家人 。
Over smoked whitefish and bagels, they paged through family photos.
他们一边薰烤着白鲑和百吉圈,一边一页页翻看家人的照片 。
adj. 家喻户晓的;日常的,家常的;王室的;家庭的
【家人用英语怎么说读 家人用英语怎么写单词】n. 家庭;家务
He is a household legendary figure.
他是个家喻户晓的传奇性人物 。

Computers have become household toys.
计算机已成了家庭的消遣玩意儿 。
He was sent to superintend a household staff.
他被派去管理佣人 。
Provide all kinds of loans to agricultural, industrial, and commercial enterprises, private industrial and commercial households.
办理农工商企业、个体工商户及居民个人贷款 。
Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was incessantly going, and everything he said or did was sure to produce a torrent of household eloquence
早晨,中午,晚上,她成天地喋喋不休,只要他说了一句话或做了一件事,就必定会招来一篇滔滔不绝的家教 。
Pretty Meg, the oldest, was sixteen, and already showed domestic tastes and talents, though she detested the drudgery of household work
美国的梅格是大姐,十六岁的年纪已经表现出是位善理家务的能手,尽管她并不喜欢单调的家务事 。
n. 家,家庭;家庭成员;家世;子女
family friction
There are often many nuclear families in one extended family.
在一个扩大的家庭中往往有多个核心家庭 。
Which of you is the baby of the family?
They also produce arts and crafts, such as cloisonne or the glass grapes blown by "the five spinsters of the Chang family"[1]
还有工艺美术品,什么景泰蓝,什么“葡萄常五处女”[1]的葡萄 。
He was born of a working – class family.His father was a humble dustman,one of Nature's gentlemen.
他出身于工人阶级家庭 。他爸爸是个地位低下的清洁工人,对人客客气气,遇事替人着想 。
"If you kept me for no reason, it would do you no good and would break up my family."
"Work keeps me so busy that I have no time for my family and friends, not to mention getting hitched and starting my own family."
因公务而忙得没有和家人、老友话家常的闲功夫,更别说去经营感情、组织家庭 。
All the members of the family gather to enjoy a reunion dinner.
全家人聚在一起吃团圆饭 。
It 's a creative activity that the family can share and enjoy.
这是全家人都能分享和欣赏的创造性活动 。
Wanda bought spareribs at the supermarket, and the whole family had a meal that really tasted like a meal
婉达在超市里买了点排骨,全家人围坐在一起吃了一顿真正意义上的晚餐 。
The whole family celebrated grandpa's birthday in high glee.
全家人欢天喜地给爷爷过生日 。
All the family are flourishing.
全家人身体都很好 。
His flu infected the entire family.
他的流感传染给了全家人 。
Mum's illness has put a strain on the whole family.
妈妈的病使全家人担忧 。
The bad news chilled the whole family.
这坏消息使全家人感到沮丧 。
It's the mother who usually holds the family together.
使全家人凝聚在一起的通常是母亲 。
He pictured to himself the family sitting out on the lawn
他想象全家人都坐在外面的草地上 。
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