知道情绪是我们为他人做事 , 乃至成败的重要因素 。只有挖掘积极情绪 , 善待消极情绪 , 才能更好地把握和管理自己 , 成为情绪的主人 。以下为您整理了控制情绪用英语怎么说 , 希望对您有所帮助 。

如果是在生气的情况下的话用lose my temper 或者如果只是描述自己平常的情绪的话用cant handle my temper
如果是止不住的悲伤的话建议用furious sorrow 或者sadness都可以 , 因为悲伤止不住说明是很深刻的痛用furious就贴切了哈
感觉在这种情况下的话用mood不是很贴切 , 因为mood是在描述自己的心境 , 而不应该跟情绪联系到一起哈
Today l will be master of my emotions.
今天我学会控制情绪 。
And how will I master my emotions so that every day is a happy day, and a productive one?
我怎样才能控制情绪 , 让每天充满幸福和欢乐?
I will learn this secret of the ages: Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions;strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.
我要学会这个千古秘诀:弱者任思绪控制行为 , 强者让行控制思绪 。
Each day, when I awaken, I will follow this plan of battle before I am captured by the forces of sadness, self-pity and failure-
每天醒来当我被悲伤、自怜、失败的情绪包围时 , 我就这样与之对抗:
If I feel depressed I will sing.
沮丧时 , 我引吭高歌 。
If I feel sad I will laugh.
悲伤时 , 我开怀大笑 。
If I feel ill I will double my labor.
病痛时 , 我加倍工作 。
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
恐惧时 , 我勇往直前 。
plunge v.陷入 , 全身心投入 , 俯冲
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
自卑时 , 我换上新装 。
What makes me angry? Mostly, I hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad. I have to admit that once, when I was really angry, I actually called names. I regretted doing this afterwards, but not full heartedly because I think I was provoked in that situation. The most positive way of dealing with anger is talking about the problem. I talk to someone who listens, or I'll write my thoughts down on paper. Learning how to deal with anger as you're growing up is so important. When you're younger, you might yell, or cry when you're angry, but as you get older,you're expected to handle your emotions much better. Learning to control your emotion now will prevent you from doing something that you'll regret later on in life!
什么事会让我愤怒呢?通常情况下 , 当有人试图使别人觉得不舒服时 , 我会非常愤怒 。我不得不承认 , 有一次 , 在我实在很生气的时候 , 我确实骂了人 。过后 , 我很后悔那么做 , 但我不认为全是我的错 , 因为我觉得在那种情况下 , 我是被激怒了 。解决愤怒的最积极的方法是把问题说出来 。我说给愿意听的人 , 或者把我的想法写在纸上 。在你成长的过程中 , 学会处理愤怒是非常重要的 。小时候 , 你生气的时候可以大喊大叫或者哭闹 , 但长大后 , 你被期望能更好地控制情绪 。现在就学着控制情绪能让你避免做一些可能使你以后遗憾一生的事情 。
1.Stop Facebooking/ twitting
2.Stop posting everything in Facebook/Twitter
2.别再往Facebook/推特上发东西了 。
3.Keep your emotion in you
4.If you know something good then be the perfect one in that. If you are good at anything, never do it for free!! That will help you to earn and to maintain your life.
4.如果某件事你懂一点儿 , 那就把它变成你所擅长的 。擅长的事都不要免费去做!擅长的事能帮你赚钱维持生计 。
5.Try to be a own satisfied person. Stay happy with what you have.
5.努力做到自我满足 。知足常乐 。
6.Never judge others
7.If you think that you don't make a mistake but people still blaming on you, fight for that.
7.如果你认为自己没错 , 却有人在指责你 , 怼回去!
8.Stop Lying. I'm serious. Stop lying. Not a single word.
8.别再说谎了 , 我是认真的 , 别再说谎了 , 一个字都不行 。

9.Think before you move. Count every single step you make & made.
9.三思后行 , 现在或过去的每一步都要脚踏实地 。
10.Don't let others talk over you
11.Listen carefully then reply perfectly. If you don't understand anything then ask it again then make a reply.
11.仔细倾听 , 认真答复 。如果有什么不明白的 , 多问一遍再回答 。
12.Always try to smile. Even at your bad situation.
12.总要面带微笑 , 即使自己境况不好 。
【控制情绪的英语 情绪控制英文怎么说】13.Mark your failure & make that your stamp.
13.牢记失败 , 以之为鉴 。
Changing life isn't that easy to do, because you have some bad habit. You have to overcome that at first.
改变生活并非易事 , 因为你还有一些坏习惯 , 你需要先改掉这些坏毛病 。
长假终于结束 , 恣意撒欢的日子也就结束了 , 等下一个长假就得春节了 。刚回来上班 , 你是不是觉得懒懒的不想动 , 心情不怎么好呢?
这种“情绪很低”的状态可以用blue来表示 , 蓝色给人的感觉就是淡淡的忧郁 。加上一个s的blues 就成了爵士音乐里面的一种 。Blues 的特点是节奏慢 , 曲调很低沉 。
如果你对一个朋友说:“I really have the blues today.”这就是说 , 你今天因为某种原因情绪很不好 。
情绪不好会怎么做呢?有些人可能就要抱怨诉苦了 。像这种行为 , 我们就可以说这个人是在sing the blues 。请看下面这个例子:
Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for.
每当我要乔还他借我的钱的时候 , 他总是诉苦 , 说他家里有多少开支 。
换句话说 , 就是乔用诉说家里的种种困难来做借口 , 设法不还他欠的钱 。我们再来举个例子:
Don't pay any attention to that guy! He's always singing the blues about how poor he is, but the truth is he has more bucks in the bank than the two of us put together.
别听那家伙的话 。他老是诉苦 , 说他多么穷 。可是 , 事实上 , 他银行里的钱比我们两人的加在一起还多 。
即使今天开始上班的你情绪不好 , 也一定要想开点:不上班 , 哪有钱赚啊!不赚钱 , 又怎么支付你美妙的懒惰生活呢!
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