给杨利伟的一份信英语作文 关于刘伟的英语作文

杨利伟是由长征二号F火箭运载的神舟五号飞船首次进入太空的,这标志着中国航天事业向前迈进了一大步,具有里程碑的意义 。你想知道关于杨利伟写一篇英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于杨利伟的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Yang Liwei's 21 Memorable Hours in the Outer Space
After 21 hours in space I did not feel much difference when I got off the plane as before I took the task. I took a rest after returning to the astronaut dorm. Later it took me about 50 minutes to go through the physical examinations, including the electrocardiogram, type-B ultrasonic diagnosis and blood exams. The doctor said everything was OK. Before take this interview, I took a bowl of porridge. I feel good generally and have no discomforting feeling as expected.
I got the news that I had been selected the first spaceman on the night of October 14 (the eve before the launch day). Actually, the three of us had all well prepared for the first manned space flight. I thought I was so lucky and, besides, I promised myself to make every effort to complete the task. I was calm then and had no distracting thoughts. I fell asleep at 8 pm and was woken up by the doctor at 2 am next morning. Later on, I ate some noodles and dumplings and read the working procedure again. I set out at 5:20 in the morning.
When the spaceship was launching, I had a strong feeling of high-gravity with the biggest moment reaching 5G. When the spaceship separated from the rocket, I suddenly got a feeling of soaring to the sky due to zero gravity, while I still lay half on the chair. By doing so, the fixed camera could shoot my whole body and people could see me on the screen at the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center. In fact, during the flight. I, for many times, floated in the cabin, for instance, when I was shooting outer space. Besides, during the whole flight, I felt the air was very comfortable in the cabin. The temperature is good, about 22 degrees centigrade. There were very few floaters. One hour and 37minutes after the spaceship entered orbit, I took my first meal in outer space. Then, I had two meals every seven or eight hours later, including little moon cakes, fish bolus and many others. In a word, I was pretty calm and in good condition during the flight.
I fulfilled my work entirely in line with the working procedure. Sleep and appetite were good. Moreover, I also wrote down seven or eight papers of experience according to actual flight situations. In the next several days, I will sort out the notes and give them to my colleagues. The experience will be conducive to China's manned space flights in the future.
【给杨利伟的一份信英语作文 关于刘伟的英语作文】I felt the ship was pushed forward when it ignited for the return. Then, I began to come back to earth. I thought it was too short to stay in the outer space and I cherished the time very much. I could not help watching the beautiful earth one more time.
When the spaceship uncovered its parachute, I felt the ship shaking heavily. The skin of the spaceship was glowing red. But the inside control system was still working well and there was no temperature variation in the cabin. In addition, I got a strong feeling of high-gravity at that time with the equipment showing 3 or 4G's load. I once received the training with the biggest load of 8G, as if there were eight persons pressing on my body. At the moment the spaceship touched down to the ground, I felt my body was very heavy and pressure on my chest and back as my head was downward then. Thanks to the rigorous training of various complicated landings that I undertook hundreds of times, I was well-prepared.
After returning to the ground, I immediately contacted the search-and-rescue personnel on the ground. About two or three minutes later, someone came to open the cabin door. I assisted from inside. People outside asked me how I was feeling. "Very well", I said.
I believe that no matter who took the task, he or she would represent the first group of Chinese astronauts. In order to fulfill China's first manned space flight mission, a lot of people made contributions in obscurity. The achievement belongs to all.

给杨利伟的一份信英语作文 关于刘伟的英语作文


China's first astronaut says he heard mysterious knocks during his first flight in space – but no one has been able to explain the cause of them.
中国第一名宇航员称其第一次宇宙飞行时听到神秘的敲击声,但没有人能解释原因 。
Astronaut Yang Liwei said the strange noises left him feeling very nervous and he looked out into the vast emptiness of space but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.
宇航员杨利伟说,奇怪的噪音让他焦虑,他朝浩瀚宇宙望去,但没看到任何异样 。
In 2003 Mr Yang became the first person sent into space by the Chinese space programme, orbiting earth several times during a 21-hour flight.
2003年,杨利伟因中国宇宙项目成为中国进入宇宙的第一人,在长达21小时的飞行中,环绕地球数圈 。
He recalled the experience in a recent interview, telling Chinese media the mysterious knocking sounds occurred without rhyme or reason.
他在近期访谈中回忆起这次经历,和中国媒体谈起了这莫名其妙啊的敲击声 。
Mr Yang revealed he was very nervous when he heard the sounds and moved close to the spaceship's porthole to investigate the cause.
杨利伟袒露他听到声音的时候很焦虑,凑近宇宙飞船的门洞调查原因 。
When he returned to earth he explained the noises to officials with the space programme and tried to imitate it with instruments.
他回地面后,他和宇宙项目的官员解释了噪音,试图用器具模仿声音 。
Mr Yang says the cause of the strange noises has never been established. He failed to see anything out of the ordinary.
杨利伟称这奇怪的噪音从何而来一直都没有说法 。他也看不出有什么异样 。
I'm very happy when I heard the news that China's first manned spacecraft,Shenzhou 5,was launched on Octo ber 15,2003. I would never forget the day when all the Chinese people were proud of the successful launch.
The first unmanned "Shenzhou 1"space craft and "Shenzhou 5" spacecraft, showed China's space science and technology has reached a very high level. The launch of the "Shenzhou 5" is a great feat. The dreams of thousands of astronauts have come true.
I'm a middle school student now. Yang Liwei has set a good example for us all. I want to study hard and lay solid foundations for my future. When I grow up, I want to become an astronaut like Yang Liwei.
Dear Mr.Yang,
June 19,2004. It is with the most sincere pleasure I write to congratulate you on your becoming the first Chinese greeting to mankind’s mother planet from outer space. Today,our country’s centuries?old dream of journeying to outer space has finally come true. People from all walks of life,with no exception to me,take a pride in being Chinese and your fellow countrymen.As the rocket soared into the sky,your name joined those figures such as Gagarin in space history. You deserve this honor,for you were subject to unimaginable hardships and challenges before the successful launch of the Shenzhou?5 spacecraft.I am fully convinced that it makes a lot of sense for our country to attach importance to space exploration. The space industry has had and is going to have a great impact on China in scientific,political and military areas.May you have health,happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures.Respectfully