描写警察的英语作文 以介绍警察为题的英语作文

中国警察是人民警察,包括公安警察、国家安全警察、检察院法院系统的司法警察和监狱、戒毒、劳教部门的警察 。你想知道写警察的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于警察的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
My dream is to be a policeman
My dream is to be a policeman after grow up.
When I was young,I saw uniformed police officers,I feel a special air,see onTV cop risked his life to rescue in time,I told them more of a cult.They disregard their own safety,to maintain the social peace.
When someone asked if I want to do when you grow up,I will be very proud to say:"when the police." But I understand that when a police officer is not an easy thing to do,the light still not work like.The key is to learn cultural knowledge,and actively exercise good health,so will it be possible to realize my dream.
I put my dream in mind and study hard.Strive to make my dreams come true as soon as possible.

描写警察的英语作文 以介绍警察为题的英语作文


My dream is different to a lot of my friends around me.They all hope to be scientists inventing new things for the society.However,I wish to be someone helping the community,making it a better place.I hope people could live without worries,in a safe and peaceful place.So,I would like to be a police.Having the confidence and a strong body,I am sure that I could help the community,arresting the robbers who are disturbing people's normal lives.I would love to help and be a police!
Anything in the world are mixed, when the police are no exception. The police have special powers and also by the particular constraints, but also has a commitment to professional glory occupational risks. The police power is given by the State, no bosses do not have any star can have, no matter who no matter how much money will not buy. Stopped by the police have the right to any of the boss's car, the right to interfere in any star of the action, but can not use this power to exercise a power of arrest must be justified, or carry out due process.
The professional work of the police is mainly to maintain social order, so they are often captured a variety of irregularities elements, by the people praise as a hero, which is in other occupations, people rarely have the opportunity to receive treatment. Because of this, no matter how cunning murderous criminals whenever they hear the police officers fled to the city. But the police will encounter most vicious criminals last-ditch struggle, and hurt. Although the police have weapons, but can not use only as a last resort when they could use weapons to defend themselves or fight back. From joozone.com.
When the police benefit is generally not a thief stole their wallets, but others have to excuse me that they lost their wallet to deal with; the Police catch up with the way physical exercise can be bad, but it may also be wasted effort if the extremely weak; police work is none other than to consult is the their asking for, talk is work, do not want to have to say; the police has always been busy, will not be lonely, but also the long-term safe and sound a bit boring.
When I grow up I want to be a policeman (or policewoman). I want to be a policeman because I believe police is the symbol of justice. Without Policemen keep our society in order we cannot have a peaceful life. I always dream about one day I can in police uniform and take a secret action to punish bad peoples. I hope one day my dream will come true and I will study hard from now on to achieve this goal.
When I was a kid,I dreamed to be a policeman.But my parents always said that it's a dangerous job.My uncle and unty even told me that one of their police friends was injured seriously during work.Since then I've never mentioned to them that I wanted to be a police.
However I would still deream that I bacame a policeman and caught many thieves.In one of my dreams,I found a thief who wanted to escape,but finally I got him.People just give me a sight with respectation.
I do not fear anything and I can deal with everything in the life.I am working hard for my dream and I am confident that I will study in the police school in the future.
【描写警察的英语作文 以介绍警察为题的英语作文】我什么也不怕,我会应付生活中碰到的任何情况.现在我正在努力学习.我相信将来我一定能考上警校.