描写一个人性格的英语作文60 描述一个人的性格特征的英语作文

性格表现了人对现实和周围世界的态度,并体现在他的行为上 。你想知道描写一个人性格的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于一个人的性格的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
I have a new classmate, whose name is Jane. She is one of my good friends now.
Jane is a pretty girl with a round face, twinkling eyesand rosy cheeks. Her long hair lies back in curls from her delicate ears. Jane wears glasses andis usually dressed in plain colors.
Jane is a book addict and never spends a day without reading. The books she reads range fromclassical poems to modern novels. She also loves singing and dancing. Her marvelous voiceand appealing dance make her one of the most popular girls in our school.
Apart from her striking looks and wide range of hobbies, Jane has an outstandingperformance at her studies. She is ambitious and aggressive. She aims really high. And weall believe that she is always a pride for her family, friends and teachers.

描写一个人性格的英语作文60 描述一个人的性格特征的英语作文


There are many important people have been in my life, and one of them I will never forget. I met him last summer. He was short and tanned, and was about twelve years old. He was selling the balloons on the sideway when I met him, I was curious and asked him:” why do you do business at such young age?” he said:” I’m not doing business, I have been saving money. I want to donate it to the disaster area, the children there need help.” I was surprise, and ashamed. I bought many balloons from him and asked him to keep the change. I should learn from him to be a kind-hearted person.
在我的生命中出现过很多重要的人,其中有一个非常难忘 。我是在去年夏天的时候遇见他的 。他个子很矮,皮肤黝黑,比我年纪还小 。我遇见他时他正在路边卖气球,我非常好奇就问他:“你为什么年纪那么小就做生意了?”他回答说:“我不是在做生意,我正在存钱 。我想把钱捐到灾区,那里的孩子们需要帮助 。”我感到很惊讶,也很惭愧 。我向他买了许多气球,不用找零 。我应该像他学习,做个有爱心的人 。
Every time I open the shoe closet and see those new white sneakers, I can't help thinking of my childhood friend.
In the second grade, a new student came to the class. He was a medium-sized man who looked pale and bloodless. When the teacher introduced him to us, we knew that his parents had died in a car accident when he was very young. He was my friend, xiao gang.
Xiao gang is very ordinary, obscurity all day, you almost forgot his existence, but what happened that day, I think he is great, because he helped me.
At the school sports meeting, I took part in the 100-meter dash in my class. On that day, my white boots couldn't be found, and my father promised to buy me a pair of them at noon, but the clock would be twelve o 'clock long before my father came. This is, my father called to say something can't come, let me borrow a pair of sneakers, I stomp and stamp my feet, hot weather, who can wear sneakers? I walked back to the classroom sad.
The teacher had to let xiao gang do it for me in order to honor the team. Have I been in vain for a month? In order to get a place, I get up at 5 o 'clock every day to work out. Is this going to be a waste of time? The more I think about it, the more I feel sad. Then I saw a pair of white sneakers, which had been handed to me by the little man, and his dull eyes were looking at them. "To you, I wish you success," he said with a smile. "You… how do you…" "I'm your friend. I won't help you. Who will help you?" I took the shoes and felt heavy…
Later, I only knew that xiao gang had saved up a month's money to buy a pair of sneakers.
I suddenly felt that he was beautiful, from his appearance to his heart, because he helped me with his own obscure actions.
【描写一个人性格的英语作文60 描述一个人的性格特征的英语作文】描写一个人性格的英语作文篇四:
In my life I have met many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever know is my English teacher.
在我的生活中,我遇到了很多值得回忆的人 。但也许是我最难忘的人,我知道是我的英语老师 。
What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer—an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in explorating something deeper in this field. Second, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs.
我学校老师经常给我的回忆是他的特殊品质 。首先,他给了我们最伟大的礼物,一个老师可以给我们一个充满激情的觉醒 。我们的美丽和完美的英语语言文学的欣赏,但也引起了在这一领域探索更深层次的东西我很感兴趣 。其次,我被他的活泼机智所吸引 。我记得我们的学生总是期待他的课非常热心,他讲课生动幽默,从不惹笑或大声笑 。
Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.
虽然我上了他上一节课已经快两年了,他是我们的老同学,我知道他已经在我心中留下了一部分 。
When I was in high school, one of my classmates sit right beside me. His name is ChenLiang. He is my unforgettable person in my life.
I remembered my mathematics was just mediocre at that time, but he was extraordinary and excellent in calculating and solving mathematic questions. He often received perfect scores. Of course, I wished I could reach at his level. Since we talked all day long, I asked how he could solve those difficult questions. He was so patient and polite to answer my sometimes ridiculous thinking. Gradually, I built my confidence at mathematics and finally passed the college entrance exam.
Now, we are apart, but I still remember his great attitude and willing in study. I am so obliged to my classmate, who is my friend always and forever.