雅思口语描述一个建筑范文 雅思口语building

1 雅思 口语 描述一个建筑
Describe an unusual building you’ve visited
You should say:

雅思口语描述一个建筑范文 雅思口语building


where it is
what it is used for
what it looks like
and explain why you think it is unusual
Describe a modern building
Describe a historic building
1.电视塔:TV tower
2.小蛮腰:slender waist
5.摩天轮:ferris wheel
Here I would like to talk about the Canton Tower in Guangzhou, which is oneof the local landmarks and famous for its unique design and architecture. I’vebeen there for several times and I will recommend it to every visitor to thiscity.
The Canton Tower is actually an astronomical and sightseeing tower designedby Dutch architects, located on Haixinsha Island, which was originally the venuefor the 2010 Asian Games. It made its name and be known of the whole Asiabecause of its unusual and special structure shown in the opening and closingceremony of the Asian Games on TV. Locals give it a nickname as “the slenderwaist” because of its twisted structure. Its exterior form is generated by twoellipses, one at foundation level and the other one at top. These two ellipsesare rotated relative to another, and the tightening caused by the rotationbetween the two ellipses forms a "waist"; so I think that’s the reason why ithas such a vivid local name.
I’ve visited the interior of the tower, which is pretty amazing as well.Inside, it is subdivided into different zones with various functions, includingTV and radio transmission facilities, you know, as it is supposed to be, andobservatory decks for you to admire the view of the whole city, the revolvingrestaurant, which I heard is pretty classy but I failed to try last time,horizontal ferris wheel, recommended as the best venue for proposal in the city,exhibition spaces, shops, and 4D cinemas etc.
So you can say, it is amulti-functional place for our local people. And the most important thing is,you could enjoy wonderful landscape there! Therefore, I really think thisunusual architecture is a good way for you to hang out with friends andappreciate the great beauty of the city.
涉及建筑的雅思口语话题如要求考生描述a modern/historical building, a concert hall, a garden, an interesting architecture等 。而遇到这些话题后,考生们往往只能根据题目作出简单的回答,之后便无话可说 。
这一方面是因为许多考生与建筑相关的知识和词汇积累非常有限,没有可以表达的内容;更重要的一方面则是许多学生受到表达能力的限制,无法迅速的进行paraphrasing,因此回答起来张口结舌,极大地影响了个人的考试表现 。
1. Describe a hotel
2. Describe your favourite shop
3. Describe your ideal house
4. Describe an old building
5. Describe a traditional/modern building
6. Describe a museum
7. Describe an art gallery
8. Describe a concert hall
9. Describe a library
10. Describe a park/garden
11. Describe a restaurant/cafe
虽然建筑话题相对固定,但许多相同话题的下属问题却可能有所不同 。例如建筑话题中常见的library话题,就出现过不同的下属问题 。一种是常见问题,如图书馆所在地点、喜欢的原因等,另一种则相对少见,要求考生描述图书馆的结构,及每一层有些什么东西,并且这种类型的问题有增长趋势 。因此,在下文中将分两类来探讨建筑类话题:描述感觉类和描述结构类,并分别加以说明 。
建筑话题中的所有话题都有描述感觉类的下属问题,且往往要求考生描述如下方面:建筑所在地点(where),参观此建筑的时间(when)/多久去一次(how long),参与的人(who)以及为什么喜欢/不喜欢这个建筑(why) 。
这种类型的下属问题对大多数考生来说都比较简单,只需把重点放在喜欢或者不喜欢的原因即可,因而寻找相关思路对学生来说较为简单明确,学生很容易找到相关思路并且做出清晰流畅的回答 。
建筑话题中的描述结构类话题一般来说较为复杂 。它不像描述感觉类话题那样,抓住重点即可说清楚,它的关键在于体现考生描述顺序的清楚程度(有点类似于写作中的示意图) 。因此在备考时,考生可根据建筑结构的不同,将此类话题分为两类进行准备——即多层结构和单层平面结构 。
1. 多层结构
这种类型的话题一般与library, art gallery, concert hall, museum等相关 。

雅思口语描述一个建筑范文 雅思口语building


学生在描述时,首先需关注表示先后顺序的关联词的使用 。
其次要注意句型的多样化,最好不要in the first floor, … . In the second floor, … . 这样流水账式的一路说下去 。在备考时可以多准备些相关句型,如:If you go up to the ___ floor, you'll see …到时套用即可 。
2. 单层平面结构
【雅思口语描述一个建筑范文 雅思口语building】这种类型的话题一般与park, garden等话题相关 。在准备此类题型时,考生同样需注意表示先后顺序的关联词的使用 。这种题很类似听力中的地图题,因此准备时可借鉴听力地图题的描述方法 。
此外,考生要特别注意描述时的starting point,并根据出发点确定描述的方向;同时句型的多样化依然是准备的重点 。
在描述过程中,考生最好能突出这个平面结构中的某个重点并加以详细描述,这样不但可以突出重点,还可规避考生描述并不熟悉的问题 。
Describe a building you like
You should say:
Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you like or dislike it
When I was on vacation last summer I saw a lot of interesting places, but one that sticks in my mind is a tower, well actually some people called it a fort – it was constructed a long time ago, in the 17 century. It was used to guard the shore against invasions from enemies and for that reason it had a semicircular gun platform, or an artillery battery, which was able to defend against attacks from the sea.
The design of the building is quite simple; it’s a four-walled structure with a pentagonal turret (or tower) at each corner. The entrance to the tower is via a drawbridge – just like you see in old castles, and there is a moat all around the structure, although now it’s a ditch without any water.
It’s been used for various purposes over the centuries, obviously for defense, also as a prison, and more recently it housed a restaurant as well as a pizzeria although when I visited it the building was closed and apparently now it isn’t actually used for anything – it’s just a historical site – but we were lucky enough to see a special event there – a historical re-enactment of one of the important events that happened during an invasion – this was part of a celebration of the building’s 400th year.
The interesting thing is – it’s not a famous building like the Eiffel Tower or the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, it wasn’t built by a well-known architect or anyone famous, but it’s size and appearance in contrast to the area around it – and its commanding view of the sea are quite impressive, not to mention the fact that it’s more than 400 hundred years old and it’s still standing there – very imposing. When we were standing inside we could almost ‘feel’ the history in its walls and you could easily imagine how things were at the time it was built – it has such a presence. That’s why I think it’s an interesting building – because of how it made me feel.
建筑类考题的难点在于对该领域话题的不熟悉,在备考时并未花太多经历注意关注此类话题,导致实则考生在建筑类领域的词汇及素材积累是比较有限的 。当许多考生拿到话题卡片的时候,往往只能就话题的提示问题一一涉及,然后就支支吾吾不知所云了,这对于雅思口语在话题延展上的发挥是相当不利的 。
根据每次轮换题的规律,每次换题将会出现一部分全新的考题,一部分翻新过的老题,还有一部分延考的老题 。而关于建筑类考题,是口语Part2地点类话题中必不可缺的一部分,每次都以不同的面貌展现在考生们的面前 。且看08年至今,建筑类考题的关键字出现过的形式为:hotel,favoriteshop,idealhouse,oldbuilding,traditionalbuilding/modernbuilding,museum,artgallery,concerthall,library,restaurant/café,historicalbuilding, unusual building 。通过这些关键字,我们不难归纳出一个规律,考生如果在备考过程中准备好一个历史性的建筑,以及一个现代的建筑的素材,则这些话题大多是大同小异的 。接下来,我将为考生们分析一下建筑类话题的描述顺序 。
首先,作为建筑类话题的开篇,首先要介绍的是建筑的名字 。关于建筑名称的翻译,从实际的教学反馈中得出,有一些考生认为中国有一些很有特色的楼,但是关于具体的名字就很难说清楚了 。然而,国外的建筑几乎每个楼都有自己的名字,例如:澳大利亚悉尼大学最大的图书馆叫fisher 。而中国的图书馆则往往没有特殊的名字,在这种情况下,考生则可根据建筑的隶属关系来翻译,比如NanjingUniversitylibrary(南大图书馆) 。
另一种情况是,有些建筑往往由一些名人赞助,故会以这些名人的名字来命名 。而这个名人的名字考官则不一定会熟悉,在这种情况下,考官可能会感到考生口中的部分中文人名较为疑惑 。所以,在这种情况下,建议考生介绍一下此命名的由来和历史,来引起考官的兴趣点 。例如,逸夫楼,可以介绍为YifuBuilding,whichwasdonatedbythekingofmoviefromHongKong——Mr.Shaoyifu.
建筑类话题,属于地点类话题之一,交代建筑物的地理位置也是必不可少的一个环节 。
关于建筑物的“地位”也是关于建筑的基本信息之一 。一般而言,之所以挑选这个建筑来作为回答,必定有这建筑物的独到之处 。例如,thelandmark(地标性建筑),thesoulofthecity(一个城市的灵魂),unique(独特)等等 。
作为建筑物的主体部分的描写,首先我们需要从外部着手然后过渡到内部 。建筑物的外部包含的信息为:楼高,楼的外部造型,以及外部的建材等内容 。例如,当描述一个现代的玻璃幕墙的写字楼时,可以有以下描述:
建筑的外部交代完毕后,自然过渡到建筑的内部,也是一个建筑的精华部分 。描述的顺序可以按照口述者游览视觉转化的顺序 。例如,当描述一个图书馆内部的时候,首先应该描述的是图书馆的一层(一般而言是lobby),然后依次介绍的是各楼层的功能安排以及相应的设施 。如果以悉尼大学图书馆fisher为例,我们可以这样描述: