关于健康的英语作文120字 关于健康的英语作文120字左右

健康是指一个人在身体上、精神上、社交上都处于良好的状态 。在英语中,也有关于写健康作文的话题 。你想知道如何写一篇关于健康的英语作文吗?这里有一些边肖收集的写一篇关于健康的英语作文120词 。我们来看看吧!
Nowadays, as the living standard improve, more and more people in the state of sub-health. And then people gradually realize the importance of keeping fit. Different people have different ways to keep fit, in my view, there are three ways to keep fit. They are as follow.
如今,随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人处于亚健康状态 。然后,人们逐渐意识到保持健康的重要性 。不同的人有不同的方式来保持健康,在我看来,有三种方式来保持健康 。他们是如下 。
First of all, exercise is the most important way to kit fit. I don’t know whether you discover that most of the ancient people are healthy. The reason is that they have to do labor work every day, which also equal to do exercise every day. If people want to be health, they would better do exercise frequently. As for what kind of exercise should they take, I would say just depending on themselves.
首先,运动是保持健康最重要的方法 。我不知道你是否发现大多数古代人都是健康的 。原因是他们每一天都要做体力劳动,这也等于每天做运动 。如果人们想要健康,他们就应该经常锻炼身体 。至于应该做什么样的运动,我会说,看个人自己 。
In addtion, having a good diet is also a good way to keep fit. People in the modern society have many choices to pick food. What people pick the most is meat andhigh caloric food. Those food can easily make people get fat. And then the health problem comes. Therefore , keeping a good diet is necessary. Keep a good die means eating more fruite and vegetables in the meat world.
此外,均衡的饮食也是保持健康的好方法 。现代社会的人们有更多的选择来挑选食物 。人们挑选最多的是肉类和高热量的食物 。这些食物容易使人发胖 。然后,健康问题就出现了 。因此,保持良好的饮食习惯是必要的 。保持一个良好的饮食意味着在这个肉食世界里要多吃水果和蔬菜 。
The last but not least is that keeping a good mood is essential in people’s health. It is said that keeping a good mood will lead to a good body. It is true that the people always have a good mood is much healthier than those who always feel sad.
最后但并非最重要的是保持良好的心情对于人类健康也是不可或缺的 。据说好的心情可以带来健康 。这是真的,拥有好心情的人们总是比总是伤心难过的人健康多了 。
In general, keeping fit needs to do exercise,keep a balance diet and keep a good mood.
总的来说,要保持身体健康就要锻炼,保持均衡饮食和保持一个好心情 。

关于健康的英语作文120字 关于健康的英语作文120字左右


Each of us should stay healthy, which is the foundation of our activities. Here are some ways to stay healthy.
First, we should spend one to two hours a day in regular exercise; try to walk instead of ride. Second, we should eat some healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and so on. They are able to help us maintain a healthy body. When we are in trouble, try to relax our mood, listen to the soft music. It also enables us to maintain a good health. Finally there is a good sleep can also assure us a healthy body. We should sleep seven to eight hours a day to maintain adequate sleep. If we can do follow these advice, I believe we can have a healthy body, a better life.
You are what you eat. That are words of wisdom. If you want to keep healthy, what you eat is quite important. Drink plain milk every day or drink some mixture of water and honey every morning. Eat less rubbish food like chips, barbecues and various kind of snacks which make you fat.
Besides, do more exercises. It’s always desirable for you to play sports games after work or school. Exercises make you more pretty and strong. If you are just too lazy to do exercises outside, you can also do at home or even at your seat. Just try to move your body when you think about being healthy.
Good habits are good for the health.Every morning we'd better get up early and do morning exercises before having breakfast.Taking a walk after supper is also important.It is not good to watch TV too long and go to bed too late.So try to have more sports in our spare time instead of staying at home.Eating too much at meal is bad for our health,too.We shouldn't eat junk food.We should eat enough fruit and vegetalbes.
It's very important to keep healthy.I think we should have healthy diet every day and eat proper food.We shouldn't eat junk food because it is bad for our health.Drink water and milk as often as possible.Milk is a great drink that can give us more calcium that make our bones much stronger.Don't eat too much because it will make you uncomfortable and fat.Don't spend too much time watching TV,DVDs and Videos or using computers.It's good to take more exercise such as basketball,bike riding ,swimming and so on.Follow these and you can be healthy.
Health is the guarantee of one's happiness. Without a healthy body, one cannot do what he wants to, not to mention accomplishing his goals in life.
One can keep fit in three ways. First, he is to pay attention to hygiene. Stay away from viruses, which means one should wash hands, take baths frequently, eat and drink properly. Stay away from bad life habits, such as smoking and overworking, which severely damage the body organs. Secondly, one is to exercise regularly. He may go jogging, swimming, bicycling, playing basketball and so on. Exercises will improve one's ability to resist diseases. And last but not least, he should be optimistic, fearing no difficulties and obstacles, and always being in high spirits.
【关于健康的英语作文120字 关于健康的英语作文120字左右】Only in good health as well as in high spirits can we greet the future, which is full of competition and challenges, and strive to achieve our ambitions energetically.