关于生日派对的英语对话多人 生日party英语对话

在进行日常生活英语口语的学习中,我们可以从网上下载的听、说、读、写的英语材料来进行学习 。通过用生动的形象,真实的画面,优美动人的语言和音乐,刺激学习的兴趣和求知欲 。而多学多练,进行英语口语的练习必不可少,广州朗阁雅思小编为大家整理一些生活英语口语对话,希望大家可以从中获得需要的知识,本篇为您整理关于生日派对的英语对话 。
Classic Sentences经典句子
01.I'm going to have a little birthday party tomorrow .Would you like tocome?
我明天将举行一个小型生日派对 。你来参加吗?
02.I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.
我想邀请你参加我的生日聚会 。
03.It's a wonderful birthday party.
生日聚会很棒 。
04.Thanks for inviting me .I will come.
感谢你的邀请,我会参加的 。
05.I'm having a bit of a bash for my birthday.
我要开生日派对 。
06.I'm going to bring a bottle to your birth day party.
我打算带瓶酒去参加你的生日派对 。
07.I enjoyed every minute of the party.
整个晚会我玩得都很愉快 。
08.Who is giving the party?
09.This birthday party is going to be a blast.
这个生日聚会一定热闹极了 。
10.Do you like going to parties?
11.When does the birthday party begin?
12.Would you like to join us for Betty's birthday party tonight?
13.Kelly, I want to invite you to my birthday party.
凯莉,我想邀请你参加我的生日聚会 。
14.Her birthday party was very crowded.
她的生日派对有好多人参加 。
15.Daddy, may I have a birthday party?
16.Let's sing "Happy Birthday" to Marry.
让我们一起为玛丽唱生日歌 。
17.Enjoy yourselves!
愿你们玩得愉快 。
18.I'm so glad you could come to my birthday party.
很高兴你能来参加我的生日派对 。
02 Useful Dialogue实用对话
Hold a birthday party for Susan
(Susan's birthday would come soon .Her friends plan to hold a birthdayparty for her.)
Jenny:Are you free tonight, James?
James:Yes, what's the matter?
Jenny:Today is Susan's birthday and we're having a party for her tonight.
Do you think you could come?
James:I'd love to come .What time and where?
Jenny:Well, we're all meeting here at about six thirty.
James:Do you want me to bring something?
Jenny:Bring some fruit and drinks if you can.
James:No problem .Did you notice Susan?
Jenny:No, I'd like to give her a surprise.
James:Good idea .She must be very happy then.
James:OK .See you at six thirty.
(苏珊的生日马上就要到了 。她的朋友们打算为她举办一个生日派对 。
珍妮:我们打算六点半左右在这里碰面 。
珍妮:如果可以,带一些水果和饮料来 。
詹姆斯:没问题 。你告诉苏珊了吗?
珍妮:没有,我想给她一个惊喜 。
詹姆斯:好主意 。到时候她肯定很开心 。
珍妮:地 。
詹姆斯:好的 。那我们六点半见 。
【关于生日派对的英语对话多人 生日party英语对话】以上就是广州朗阁雅思小编为您整理的关于生日派对的英语对话,广州朗阁雅思常年开设雅思、英语口语、一对一等课程,欢迎大家进入广州朗阁雅思首页进行详细了解与咨询 。