格列佛游记用英语怎么说 我喜欢读西游记用英语怎么说

游记,顾名思义,是指描写游览经历的文章 。有些游记是议论性的、科学性的、抒情性的 。你想了解游记用英语怎么说?吗接下来,边肖将告诉你如何用英语说游记 。让我们来看看!
travels; travel notes

格列佛游记用英语怎么说 我喜欢读西游记用英语怎么说


《格列佛游记》是他在爱尔兰写的,稍后于1726年时在英国出版 。
In Ireland he worked on Gulliver's Travels, which he later had/published in England in 1726.
难怪马克·吐温的游记不仅登上他那个时代的畅销榜,而且在我们这个时代也能保持经久不衰的魅力 。
Not surprisingly, then, Twain’s travel books were among the best sellers of his time and still wear well in ours.
在2003年的那本《达芬奇密码》中,丹·布朗已经通过看似不可能的曲折情节、历史琐事和游记为前传埋下了线索 。
By 2003's The Da Vinci Code, Brown had clearly honed his pop-lit formulation of improbable plot twists, historical trivia and article.yeeyan.org
在星期日下午他们总是拿出一两本书来读——一般说来,总是游记一类的读物 。
On Sunday afternoons they would bring out some books, generally a book of travels which they were very fond of.
我决定重返东欧去找出自己的答案,我要从波罗的海的格但斯克(波兰)旅行到黑海的瓦尔纳(保加利亚),在接下来的六周里,在每日电讯报旅游版发表连续游记 。
I decided to find out by returning to undertake a journey from Gdansk on the Baltic to Varna on the Black Sea, to be serialised in Telegraph Travel over the coming six weeks.
这也正是触动了卡夫卡、并让他着手编写旅行游记的原因 。
This is what moves Kafka to create the wonderful stories of travel and adventure.
威尼斯商人马可·波罗游历中国大地后的游记,为西方世界揭开了东方国度的神秘面纱 。
The travelogue of Venetian businessman Marco Polo introduced China, then a mysterious land, to the West.
威尼斯人马可·波罗曾在中国广泛游历,在他的游记中,生动、具体地描述了当时中国的富强和工商业的繁荣 。
Marco Polo came from Venice and traveled extensively in China, later describing the country's prosperity in his Travels.
威尼斯人马可·波罗曾在中国广泛游历,在他的游记中,生动、具体地描述了当时中国的富强和工商业的繁荣 。
Marco Polo came from Venice and traveled extensively in China, later describing the country's prosperity in his Travels.
其实,珀切斯是一个旅行家和游记作家 。
He was a traveler and a travel writer.
下面这段文章选自英国游记作家科林·萨布伦撰写的《亚西亚失落的心》一书 。
The following passage is an extract from The Lost Heart of Asia by British travel writer Colin Thubron.
没有一位在中世纪晚期游历过亚洲的欧洲人在其游记中为此留下过一笔 。
None of the European adventurers who wrote up their travels through Asia in the late Middle Ages remark on it.
大多数人都知道斯威夫特是《格列夫游记》的作者 。
Most people know Swift as the author of “Gulliver's Travels.
Gulliver’s Travels. You know?
有30%旅游归来的人们会通过在线的照片和游记来分享他们的体验 。
Of those returning from a trip, 30% share their experience online in photos and travel stories.
格列佛游记,你知道吗?慧马国 。
Gulliver's Travels. You know? The Houyhnhnms?
您要知道,不少人都觉得,塞缪尔·珀切斯是一个粗心大意的游记作家 。
You see, Samuel Purchase is also considered a bit of a sloppy travel writer.
你也可以在搜索引擎里面输入关于目的地的关键字,然后在网友们的各种游记中拼凑出蛛丝马迹 。
You may type the key words in the search engine and put the pieces together from plenty of travel notes.
候选人是一位知名的游记作家,也是电视名人,基本上无可挑剔 。
The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality
《西游记》讲唐僧往西天取经的故事 。
The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire 锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ures.
毕竟不知此去吉凶如何,且听下回分解 。(《西游记》)
We do not know whether good or ill will befall him after he leaves, and you must listen to the explanation in the next chapter.
我太太从市立图书馆借了很多爱情小说和游记 。
My wife borrows a lot of romances and travelogs from the municipal library.
【格列佛游记用英语怎么说 我喜欢读西游记用英语怎么说】千里眼和顺风耳是《西游记》中的两个人物 。
This stour describes two characters from journey to the West.
《格列佛游记》在第四部分达到了高潮 。
Gulliver's Travels reaches a powerful climax in its fourth part.
是中国的古典文学名著&小说《西游记》中的一段情节 。
It's an episode from one of China's literary classics, a novel called Journey to the West.
明显的例子有《格列佛游记》,《鲁滨逊飘流记》和《奥德赛》 。
在1726年,他撰写出版了他讽刺,佛的游记 。
In1726, he wrote and published his greatest satiric work, Gulliver's Travels.