窗花英文单词怎么说 这是窗花英语怎么说

1窗花 英语 怎么说:
窗花是贴在窗纸或窗户玻璃上的剪纸,中国古老的传统民间艺术之一 。它历史悠久,风格独特,深受国内外人士所喜爱 。那你知道窗花英语怎么说吗?下面江门美联小编告诉你窗花英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!
paper-cut for window decoration; paper-cutting pasted on panes

窗花英文单词怎么说 这是窗花英语怎么说


姑娘们在用铰刀剪窗花 。
The girls are making paper-cuts for window decorations with scissors.
没什么 。实际上我只关心你答应帮我要的窗花什么时候能给我 。
Actually what I care about is when you can give me the papercut you have promised.
四叶饰有四片叶子或裂片的窗花格或装饰品 。
Tracery or an ornament with four foils or lobes.
剪纸窗花在婚礼中占有重要的地位 。
Paper cutting window guards occupy an important position in the wedding.
本公司专业生产不锈钢锻造门花、栏杆、窗花系列 。
The company specializes in production of stainless steel forging door flower, railings, window grilles series.
在民间人们还喜欢在窗户上贴上各种剪纸&窗花 。
People would like to paste various paper-cuts on their windows during the Spring Festival.
按照中国的传统 。我们喜欢在春节用窗花来装饰家 。
According to Chinese traditional custom, we like decorating home with paper-cuts on Spring Festival.
一些房屋的窗户都被贴上红色的窗花 。
Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.
奶奶、姑姑、左邻右舍大婶大妈都喜欢剪窗花 。
Grandmother, aunt, Aunt Aunt neighbors like cutting window grilles.
其他的剪纸形式都是在窗花的基础上发展演变而来 。
Other forms of paper cut are derived from the "window blossoms".
例如窗花、门笺、灯花,便是在春节或元宵节时贴挂的 。
For instance, window, door and lantern papercuts are put up during Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival.
【窗花英文单词怎么说 这是窗花英语怎么说】陕西的窗花在表现内容上,一种是继承传统内容,一种是贴近生活,近距离反映现实 。
Shaanxi window grilles in the performance of content, the content of one is the tradition, one is close to life, closer reflect reality.
晋北的窗花有着悠久的历史和深厚的群众基础,民间艺术剪纸在山西是一种很普遍的群众艺术 。
North Jin's paper-cut window decoration has the glorious history and the deep masses foundation, the folk art paper-cut in Shanxi is one kind of very universal masses art.
春节的习俗很多,如:贴春联、贴窗花和倒福字、贴年画、放鞭炮、吃饺子、拜年等 。
Spring Festival custom many, such as: Spring Festival couplet, stick grilles and pour hang "happiness" upside down, posted pictures, set off firecrackers, eat dumplings, happy New Year, etc.
这个习俗历史悠久,美丽的窗花不仅能妆点节日的气氛,还寄托了人们辞旧迎新,接福纳祥的美好愿望 。
This custom has a long history which not only brings festivity to the holiday, but is also a symbol for people to express their wishes for welcoming the new year, blessings, and fortunes.
Study on the Chinese Folk Art of Yuxian Paper-cut for Window Decoration
希望通过对湖南传统民居木制窗花美学研究给现代建筑设计、园林景观设计予以借鉴,并从中做出有规律性的总结 。
Hope wooden window grilles Hunan aesthetics of traditional houses to modern architectural design, landscape design, to learn, and learn to make a summary of the laws.
明清时代窗花的类型复杂多样,型制、位置、尺度也各有异同,逐渐成为设计借鉴及利用的对象 。
The type of window grilles of Ming and Qing Dynasty is complex and diverse. The location and scale of the window grilles also are different and similar. All these have become the scholars 'research object and it is also very popular modern interior design.
从美学角度讲,窗花是窗户组成部分中能表达美学因素的一个重要环节 。
From an aesthetic point of view, window grilles is the most intergral part of the window to express an important element of aesthetic factors.
从原始织物的几何纹、半坡鱼纹、交龙穿璧纹、盘长纹等角度探索关中地区棱格图纹窗花的多重渊源,求其原型 。
The multiple origins of paper-cut for window decoration in Guanzhong area is explored and its ( prototype) is traced.
Study on the Chinese Folk Art of Yuxian Paper-cut for Window Decoration
追随太阳的雪花,把日子融化;在新年的窗棂上,盛开喜庆的窗花 。
Follow the sun melted snow, the day, In the New Year, blooming festival of lattice window.
窗花为普遍 。
The most common window grilles.
若果你住所属于村屋、平房或位置于街道地面,您亦应于窗户加装窗花及大门铁闸,以提升保护能力 。
If your home or apartment is at street level, you can add grates or grilles to protect windows.
蔚县剪纸原名窗花,属中国民间剪纸艺术中的精品 。
Wei County Paper-cut, originally called window decoration, is the artistic treasure of Chinese folk Paper-cut.
中国各地在春节期间都要在窗子上贴上寓意吉祥的窗花 。
Window blossoms are put on windows in all parts of China during Spring Festival.
必须特别保护、不受损伤的脆弱窗花格b n卡多佐 。
Fragile tracery that must be preserved unmutilated and distinct-b.n.cardozo.
陕西窗花风格粗朴豪放,单纯简练,河北蔚县和山西广灵剪纸加染色彩,浓厚中透着秀美艳丽,而中国南方省份的剪纸精美细致,装饰性强 。
Shanxi window papercuts are simple and bold; papercuts from Hebei Province and Shanxi Province are bright in color; papercuts in southern provinces are delicate and fine.
从原始织物的几何纹、半坡鱼纹、交龙穿璧纹、盘长纹等角度探索关中地区棱格图纹窗花的多重渊源,求其原型 。
The multiple origins of paper-cut for window decoration in Guanzhong area is explored and its ( prototype) is traced.
窗花可以不用很规则的设计 。
Window blossoms can be designed with irregular patterns.
每逢春节,不论那里的农村,给窗子糊上洁白的纸,贴上红纸剪成的窗花,喜庆新年 。
Every Chinese New Year, regardless of where the rural areas, to the window on the white paper paste, paste of red paper cut the bars and happy New Year.