英语见面怎么打招呼 跟小朋友初次见面怎么打招呼

问候是开始谈话的常用方式 。英语和汉语的问候方式和规则有所不同 。中国人的问候通常是“你吃饭了吗?”“你要去哪里?诸如此类 。英国和美国的问候通常包括“早上好” 。“你好吗”通常用在会议中 , 回答通常是“我很好 , 谢谢” 。“(很好 , 谢谢) 。亲近的人可以用“你好”或“嗨” 。陌生人第一次见面一般会用“howdoyoudo”(你好!).
见面打招呼时可以单独说“Morning!’"Afternoon!“或"Evening!“用来表示“早上好!““下午好!“或“晚上好!“ 。小朋友 , 这一定很简单吧!
See you !也可用来表示“再见!“小朋友 , 你记住了吗?
Hello, hi, how are you你好 , 你好 , 你(身体)好吗?
Hello, hello,A-a-A.你好 , 你好 , 字母A.
H i, hi, B-b-B.你好 , 你好 , 字母B.
Hello, hello, C-c-C.你好 , 你好 , 字母C.
H i, hi, D-d-D.你好 , 你好 , 字母D,
How are you How are you你(身体)好吗?你(身体)好吗?
Fine,fine,thankyou!很好 , 很好 , 谢谢你!
What's your name小朋友 , 你的英语名字叫什么?给自己起个英语名字 , 学会这么多的问候语 , 相信你一定会交到许多新朋友的!
【英语见面怎么打招呼 跟小朋友初次见面怎么打招呼】第一次见面
N:Hello, my name is Nicole, What is your name?
C: Hello, My name is Cici, Nice to meet you.
N: Nice to meet you too!
C: Where are you from? Nicole.
N: I am from Guangdong, What about you?
C: I am from Guangdong too.
N: Oh, great. How old are you?
C: I am 12 years old. How old are you?
N: I am 12,too. What your hobby? Do you like playing baskeball?
C: No, I don’t. My hobby is swimming, and you?
N: Oh, What a coincidence! We have the same interest. I like swimming too.
C: Wow, Maybe we can be good friends!
N: I think so. The teacher is coming, Let’s have a class first.
C: Ok.