姐姐英语怎么说? 姐夫用英语说

1 姐夫 英语 口语 怎么说
姐夫是指姐姐的丈夫,也指配偶姐姐的丈夫;也有地方叫作姐夫哥,这样更为亲近 。那么姐夫英语口语怎么说呢?一起来了解下吧:

姐姐英语怎么说? 姐夫用英语说


brother in law
(informal) older sister's husband
Hey, what about Brother-in-law?
My brother-in-law is a real muttonhead.
我的姐夫真是一个笨蛋 。
The programme manager has lost her brother in law in the earthquake.
项目经理在地震中失去了她的姐夫 。
Brother-in-law still hasn't come , I'll go downstairs and have a look.
姐夫还没来,我下楼去看看他吧 。
Here lived his brother-in-law. The grocery was below
他姐夫住楼上,杂货店在楼下 。
My brother-in-law is just a pansy because he is a mother's boy.
〞我的姐夫娘娘腔,因为他是饱受母亲溺爱的娇生儿 。〞
Carrie, however, was not to be reduced to the common level of observation which prevailed in the flat.
对工作的看法和将来的前途,嘉莉当然不会把她的想法降格到她姐姐、姐夫那些凡夫俗子的见解 。
elder sister's husband; brother-in-law
He is my brother-in-law .
他是我姐夫 。
He wondered idly where his brother-in-law was going at the moment .
他漫不经心地在猜测他的姐夫现在要去哪里 。
You should see the way my sister ' s husband dresses
Here lived his brother – in – law . the grocery was below
他姐夫住楼上,杂货店在楼下 。
Mike bibby and eddie house are brothers – in – law
毕比与埃迪豪斯是姐夫关系 。
My brother – in – law is a reporter on the new york times staff
【姐姐英语怎么说? 姐夫用英语说】我的姐夫是纽约时报的采访人员
Here coms brother – in – law . open the door
许仙:是姐夫回来了 。快去开门吧 。
So that your brother – in – law won ' t look down upon you
His brother – in – law is a lecturer of history
他的姐夫是大学历史讲师 。
Compensation for my brother – in – law ' s car
brother in law
(informal) older sister's husband

姐姐英语怎么说? 姐夫用英语说


Hey, what about Brother-in-law?
Carrie, however, was not to be reduced to the common level of observation which prevailed in the flat.
对工作的看法和将来的前途,嘉莉当然不会把她的想法降格到她姐姐、姐夫那些凡夫俗子的见解 。
Although my sister and her husband have eight children, they do not recommend other couples to have families of this size.
尽管我姐姐姐夫有8个孩子,他们并不希望别的夫妇也生这么多子女 。
Brother-in-law still hasn't come , I'll go downstairs and have a look.
姐夫还没来,我下楼去看看他吧 。
Here lived his brother-in-law. The grocery was below
他姐夫住楼上,杂货店在楼下 。
My brother-in-law is a real muttonhead.
我的姐夫真是一个笨蛋 。
My brother-in-law thinks he knows everything but he's a real turkey.
我姐夫以为他什么都懂,实际上他真是个白痴 。
My brother-in-law is just a pansy because he is a mother's boy.
我的姐夫娘娘腔,因为他是饱受母亲溺爱的娇生儿 。
The programme manager has lost her brother in law in the earthquake.
项目经理在地震中失去了她的姐夫 。
older sister
Second Daughter-in-law also drew up a partial list of a fictitious trousseau and added, "Eldest Sister's way is best
二奶奶也开了半幅嫁装的虚账,还说:“倒是大姐姐这样好 。
My good cousin, absolve yourself from that!
我的好姐姐,别自寻苦恼吧 。
He is in teaching, and his elder sister in law
他是教书的,他的姐姐从事法律工作 。
Abraham talked on, rather for the pleasure of utterance than for audition, so that his sister's abstraction was of no account
亚伯拉罕还是继续往下说,只顾自己说着痛快,并没管有没有人听,所以他姐姐的出神儿和他并没有什么相干 。
Carrie, however, was not to be reduced to the common level of observation which prevailed in the flat.
对工作的看法和将来的前途,嘉莉当然不会把她的想法降格到她姐姐、姐夫那些凡夫俗子的见解 。
She asked for, and was granted, an invitation to stay with her sister Jane and her young husband at their cottage on the balmoral estate
她提出请求,并得到批准,邀请她住在姐姐简和简的年轻丈夫在拜尔马洛的别墅中 。
I just got a letter from aunt Caroline. You remember her, don't you, David? My great-aunt. Grandma allen's sister.
我刚收到卡洛林姑姑的一封信 。你记得她,对吗,大卫?我的姑姥姥,艾伦外婆的姐姐 。
A street that I was never allowed to cross unless accompanied by an adult, or at the very least, an older sibling
除非有大人或至少一个哥哥或姐姐陪着,我从未被允许穿过那条街 。
He was delighted to hear a Cockney call out above the cheering crowd"go it, old girl"
他得高兴听到一个伦敦口音在喊道“加油,老姐姐”,这声音盖过了群众的欢呼声 。
Miss Mercy replied in the affirmative, pinching her sister’s arm at the same time, and giggling excessively.
慈悲小姐回答了一声“是”,同时又在姐姐胳膊上掐了一下,咭咭咯咯地笑个没完没了 。