早日康复英语怎么写 早日康复 英语怎么说

人生应该是每个人都要经历的,从生病感冒到住院手术 。其实我们每个人都不想生病,也很难有生病的感觉 。当然,我们都给生病的人送去祝福 。早日康复英语口语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

早日康复英语怎么写 早日康复 英语怎么说


episode you're going to be fine
We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health .
我们衷心希望你早日康复 。
Please tell him we hope he ' ll be all right soon
请向他转达我们希望他早日康复 。
Health is the road to happiness . get better soon
健康是幸福之道 。祝早日康复 。
I sincerely hope your grandma will get well soon
我衷心地希望你奶奶能早日康复 。
Oh well , get healthy big fella , we miss you
We miss your laughter in class . get well soon
我们想念你在课堂里的笑声,早日康复 。
My dear friend , think positively and get well soon
我亲爱的朋友,乐观点,早日康复 。
It was a bit sore but hopefully he ' ll be fine
他受伤了我们很难过,希望他能早日康复 。
When someone is sick , you can send a get – well card
当有人生病了,你可以寄早日康复卡 。
Get well soon man . . . love you no matter what happens
早日康复…无论发生什么,始终喜欢你 。
I hope you'll be yourself soon. 祝你早日康复 。
这里的“be yourself”的意思是“身体正常,恢复常态” 。
1.You have not been yourself these past few weeks.
这几个星期你一直都不太对劲 。
2.Are you very tired? You don't seem yourself today.
你是不是很累?你今天好像不舒服 。
3. I'll forgive you; I know you weren't yourself when you said that.
我原谅你 。我知道你说这话时并不是真心 。
A:Hi, Mary. You look pale today. What's the matter with you?
B: I think I've caught a cold. Now I'm aching all over.

早日康复英语怎么写 早日康复 英语怎么说


我想我是感冒了,现在浑身疼 。
A:You'd better take some medicine and have a good rest. I hope you'll be yourself pretty soon.
你最好吃点药,好好休息 。祝你早日康复 。
B:Thank you. I suppose I should see a doctor.
谢谢你 。我想我得去找医生看看 。
We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.
我们衷心希望你早日康复 。
Oh, really? How wonderful! Thank you very much. And I hope you get over it soon.
噢,真的吗?太棒了,谢谢!希望你早日康复 。
I join in the community in wishing them the speediest possible recovery."
我希望三名病人早日康复 。」
How I hoped for his speedy recovery!
He appreciates the call and tells you to get well soon.
老板谢谢您的来电,并且希望您能早日康复 。
Mr. White is desirous of recovering from his illness .
怀特先生渴望早日康复 。
She is desirous of recovering from his illness.
她可望能早日康复 。
Everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and we're all hoping you'll be back soon.
邻居们都很想念你,盼望你早日康复出院 。
Your prompt reply, therefore, will be appreciated.
希望你方能及早回复 。
I hope you'll recover soon.
希望你不久就能康复 。
We all send our best wishes .
That's too bad. Get better soon!
太糟糕了 。祝你早日康复!
I would like to conclude my speech with my best regards to His Honor mayor Rodgers. I wish him an early recovery/return to his office
i hope you will soon recover
i hope you'll be healthy soon
【早日康复英语怎么写 早日康复 英语怎么说】We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health .
我们衷心希望你早日康复 。
I do hope you will soon get well again
我真诚希望你早日康复 。
6 i hope you will get well soon
希望你早日康复 。
A : i hope you get well soon
希望你早日康复 。
Everybody in our class sends his best wishes to you for a speedy recovery . we miss you
班里的每一位同学都送给你最美好的祝愿 。希望你早日康复 。我们想念你 。