托福小作文范文 托福作文25

想要托福写作得高分,希望大家一定要重视托福写作高分的积累,多学习一些托福写作技巧 。佛山英语培训边肖为您提供托福写作样本及其翻译 。这篇文章是关于满足感的 。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who do not work because they have enough money are rarely happy. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
你是否同意以下观点?有足够的金钱而不工作的人很难快乐起来 。请用具体的理由和事例来说明 。
I have never done the research to prove my opinion but based on what I have heard and seen, I do believe that “rich” people who do not have to work are rarely happy. I have this opinion based on two factors: what I have read/seen and how I personally feel.
I often read in the papers and magazines about “poor little rich girls/boys” who despite their parents' wealth which they have inherited, get into all kinds of trouble: shoplifting,disorderly conduct, multiple divorces, alcohol and drug abuse, and even killing someone due to drunk driving. You also often hear of these folk checking themselves into drug rehabilitation centers again and again. The fact that it does not work the first time is indicative of their underlying unhappiness and, I believe, feelings of being useless members of society. These “poor little rich kids” are obviously not happy people!
My personal feeling is that it is only by our own hard work that we can really feel the happiness that comes from earning our own way, being useful and “making a difference” in society. The satisfaction that comes from a job well done is well deserved and encourages us to continue on to perform even better. Also the joy that comes from setting a good example as a model worker at any level produces another kind of pride in that our own behavior is encouraging others to also be more productive and useful.
I believe that everyone wants to feel that in some way the world is better because they lived and that there has been some purpose for their life. Although rich folk can give money to charities and good causes, unless they themselves worked to earn that money, they can not get the satisfaction that comes from making a contribution based on their own personal labor.
Therefore, I believe that unless people work for their living and wealth, they cannot be truly happy.
佛山英语培训资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以佛山英语培训为您提供关于满足感的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发 。
我从未为证实我的观点进行研究,但根据所见所闻,我确实认为那些富裕而不需要工作的人很难得到快乐 。我的观点基于两点:我所读到或看见的以及我的个人感受 。
我经常在报纸和杂志上读到关于那些“可怜的富家子女”的报道,尽管已经继承父母的财富,他们仍然让自己陷人各种麻烦:入店行窃,扰乱治安,多次离婚,酗酒吸毒,甚至酒后开车撞死行人,不断反复出人戒毒所 。这些事实不止一次地出现反映出他们隐藏着的不快乐,我想是他们认为自己在社会上是多余的 。这些“可怜的富家子弟”明显不是快乐的人 。
而我的个人感受是,只有通过努力工作才能真正体会到自食其力获得回报、对社会有所益处、在社会中起着重要作用的幸福感 。这种满足来自一份工作中所受到的认可,这种满足激励着自己更加努力地工作 。这种愉悦也来自于自己为他人树立榜样的自豪,这种愉悦带来了另外一种自豪,即我们自身的行为正在激励着他人同样变成高效和有用的人 。
我相信,每个人都想要感受到世界因为我而有所不同的感觉,并且每个人都想要感受到生命的目的 。尽管富人们也可以为慈善机构捐款和做其他善事,但除非钱是由他们自己赚取的,否则他们不能从中得到基于自己个人努力而作出贡献的满足感 。
【托福小作文范文 托福作文25】因此我认为,人们只有为自己的生存和财富努力工作,才能真正感到快乐幸福 。
佛山英语培训认为,所谓托福作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能写出好文,妙文 。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖 。托福作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍,且暗合英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,佛山英语培训小编希望本篇关于满足感的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发 。