雅思旅游类词汇 考雅思需要带什么东西

【雅思旅游类词汇 考雅思需要带什么东西】 关于旅游携带物品的雅思听力词汇
[例]He backpacked around Europe.
他背包游遍了欧洲 。
binoculars n.双筒望远镜[例]He focused his binoculars on the distant tower.他把双筒望远镜的焦点对准在远处的塔上 。
cameran.照相机[例]I've got no film in my camera.我的照相机里没有胶卷了 。casual clothes便装
compassn.指南针[例]The compass was first used in sailing.指南针早应用在航海上 。credit card信用卡driving license驾照
guidebookn.旅行指南[例]The guidebook says that the botanical garden is worthvisit-ing.旅行指南上面说植物园值得一游 。
helmetn.安全帽,头盔[例]You should wear a helmet when you do canoeing.划独木舟的时候你应当戴上安全帽 。hiking boots长途旅行靴,登山鞋long trousers长裤
mapn.地图[拓]a map of the world世界地图 a road map of London伦敦的道路地图a map of the bus system公共汽车线路地图[例]The historic spot isn't marked on the map.那处古迹没有标在地图上 。passport n.护照[拓]apply a passport申请护照issue a passport发护照
repellent n.杀虫剂,驱蚊剂[例]Rub some of this repellent on your legs.
你在腿上抹点驱蚊剂吧 。
sleeping bag 睡袋sneakers n. 旅游鞋
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