服装搭配英语对话 服装搭配英语句子

1.The yellow shirt with a V-neck looks pretty.这件V领的黄色衬衫看起来很漂亮 。
2.That's a beautiful pendant.It looks perfect on you.那是个漂亮的垂饰.你戴上真好看 。
3.That dress looks lovely on you.裙子穿在你身上很漂亮 。
4.Casual elegance is the principal spirit of this season.精致休闲是这一季的主格调 。
5.The pants match your jacket very well.这条裤子配你的夹克正合适 。
6.This windbreaker is perfect for spring.这件防风衣很适合春天穿 。
7.This shirt can match your pants.这件衬衣能配你的裤子 。
8.This leather jacket suits you well.It goes very well with your jeans.这件皮夹克很适合你,和你的牛仔裤很相配 。
9.We have a large assortment of them.Here they are.我们有很多种呢.它们都在这儿呢 。
10.This one may give you every satisfaction.It's just in fashion now.这件肯定让您满意 。现在正流行呢 。

服装搭配英语对话 服装搭配英语句子


A:Good morning, madam. Could I help you?
B:Yes, could you show me some jackets?
A:Sure. We have a large assortment of them.Here they are.
A:Yes. You do have a large range.
B:Yes, here are some examples. What sort of jackets are you looking for?
A:I'm not sure. Could you give me some advice?
B:How do you like this design?
A:Oh, I think it looks too plain. Besides, it is too big.
B:Is this one all right?
A:I think it's out of date.
B:OK. This one may give you every satisfaction.It' s just in fashion now.
A:Yeah. It's the very thing I want to buy.Can I try it on?
B:Of course. The fitting room is over there.
(A moment later.)
A:Oh. It fits you like a glove.
B:Yes, I like it very much. How much?
A:It's 368 dollars.
B:OK. I'll take it.And here is the money.
A:Thanks. Welcome back again.
A:早上好,太太 。您需要帮忙吗?
A:当然 。我们有很多类夹克呢 。他们都在这儿呢 。
A:是的,我们有很大的选择范围 。
B:是的,这儿是一些样品 。您在找哪一类夹克呢?
A:我不确定 。你能给我提供些建议吗?
A:哦,我认为它看上去太土了 。另外,这个型号也太大了 。
A:我想这款早就过时了 。
B:好的,这件肯定让您满意 。现在正流行呢 。
【服装搭配英语对话 服装搭配英语句子】A:是 。这正是我想买的 。我可以试穿一下吗?
B:当然 。试衣间在那边 。
(一会儿后 。)
A:这衣服真是太合您的身了 。
B:是的,我也很喜欢他 。多少钱?
A:368美元 。
B:好,我买了,给你钱 。
A:谢谢 。欢迎再来 。