中西方婚礼的差异英语作文 中西方婚礼文化差异英语作文

婚礼是一种宗教仪式或者法律公证仪式,也是一个人一生中重要的里程碑,属于一种人生礼仪 。你想知道描写中西方婚礼对比的英语作文写了什么吗?以下是边肖收集的一些英语作文,描述了中西婚礼的比较 。让我们来看看!
The wedding ceremony is the most important part in wedding. In our country, when the bridegroom picks up the bride from the bride’s house, it always besets with difficulties. For example, the family of the bride will not let the bridegroom enter the house except that the bridegroom gives them red paper containing money as a gift; after the bridegroom get into the house, the family of the bride will hide the shoes of the bride in order to stop the bride going out with the bridegroom. And then when they come out of the house, the bride has to step over a brazier and a saddle, which means booming and safe. After that they will get to the bridegroom’s house where a wedding ceremony will be held. The toastmaster of wedding ceremony is always a matchmaker of the newly-weds. In ancient China, people always stood for the theory that man is an integral part of nature. Thus there are three major ceremonies in wedding ceremony. First, the newly-weds kowtow to the heaven and earth; second, they will kowtow to their parents; thirdly, they will kowtow to each other. It means that newly-weds get the permission of getting married from god and parents. And then the bridegroom and the bride give a cup of tea to their parents. After that their parents also give red packets to them. In the end, the bride gets into the bridal chamber and the bridegroom stays at the banquet to entertain guests with food and liquor and drinks a toast to all of guests. At the end of the ceremony, the best friends of the newly-weds stay and celebrate wedding in bridal chamber. The steps of Chinese wedding ceremony are extremely complex, however, the ceremony is also lively and jubilant.
【中西方婚礼的差异英语作文 中西方婚礼文化差异英语作文】In American wedding, the ceremony is always quiet and holy. There aren’t so many steps for the newly-weds when they are getting married. In America, wedding ceremonies are always held in churches. At the wedding day, all friends and families of the bridegroom and the bride are invited to the wedding. With the music starts, the bride and her father will walk into the church hand in hand. And then the ceremony starts. The pastor who is the toastmaster of wedding starts to officiate at a marriage. He will tell the significance of marriage to everybody in the church. According to the traditional habitude, the pastor will let the bride and the bridegroom to promise to each other, “no matter good or bad it is, rich or poor it is, weak or healthy we are, I swear I will love you and cherish you until I die.” Then the bridegroom will kiss the bride and they exchange the wedding rings. After that, there will be a big feast and the type of food in the feast is depended on the favor of the bride and her families. There are so many prismatic wedding cakes in the corner. Traditionally, the bridegroom and the bride will hold the knife together and cut cakes. This is the first thing they do together. It indicates one thing that since then they will live happily and sweet. And they will eat cakes with guests. After eating, women who don’t get married get together to wait for the bride throw the bouquet of flowers to them and the woman who catches the bouquet will get married next. Because they think that the bouquet of flowers means happiness. After throwing the bouquet, the bride will throw the garter and the man who catches the garter will marry a beautiful girl soon. Next, all guests throw rice to the bridegroom and the bride because it expresses the best wishes to them(刘利,2011). At the end of the ceremony, the bridegroom and the bride will drive the wedding car to make a wedding trip. Going on a honeymoon is a romantic thing. This activity will help the newly-weds enhance their sweet and happy life.

中西方婚礼的差异英语作文 中西方婚礼文化差异英语作文


We are gathered here this day to unite this man Tom Cruise(借用明星的名字,以下同) and this woman Nicole Kidman in the bonds of holy matrimony which is an honorable estate.Into this,these two now come to be joined.
If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined,let them speak now or forever hold their peace.Be assured that if any persons are joined together otherwise than as God’s word allows,their marriage is not lawful.Tom Cruise,do you take Nicole Kidman for your lawful wedded wife,to live together after God’s ordinance,in the holy estate of matrimony?Will you love,honor,comfort,and cherish her from this day forward,forsaking all others,keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?Groom:I doThis little ring is a powerful symbol which encloses your love for each other.It is an unbroken,never-ending circle,as your commitment and love for each other is never-ending.Your ring says that you are two individuals bound together.When you look at the ring,remember the commitment that you have to each other todayMinister (to the couple):Now I pronounce you lawful husband and wife.Seal the promises you have made with each other with a kiss.(to the groom):Now you may kiss the bride.
中西方婚礼风俗差异The western wedding customs vary
众所周知,当今世界正在向全球化的趋势发展,各国之间的关系也变得更为紧密了.今天无论是“借鉴”还是“拿来”西方的礼仪,或者是我们自创一套自己的礼仪系统,这在形式上都不难.难的是我们也能有一个完整而自洽的价值体系,有对自身文化的高度认同和深刻的觉悟. As everyone knows, the world today is to the trend of globalization, the relations between various countries are also becoming more closely. Whether it is" reference" or" used" the western etiquette, or are we created a set of their own etiquette system, this form is not difficult. The difficulty is that we can have a complete and consistent value system, have to their own cultural identity and profound consciousness of height.自古以来,婚姻就是人的一生中至关重要的一项活动,几乎在每一个社会文化中,都有举办婚礼的习俗.人类似乎天生就有这么一种需要,用婚礼将丈夫和妻子的关系公开并确立下来.而最重要的是人们可以透过纷繁绚丽的风俗来更清楚的认识人类社会历史,探究人类社会的发展历程和规律,因此我门从这方面着手只到整个礼仪系统的学习. Since ancient times, marriage is vital to people's life in an activity, in almost every culture in society, has held the wedding customs. Humans seem to be born with this kind of need, with the wedding will be husband and wife relationship public and established. And the most important thing is that people can through numerous beautiful custom to better understanding the history of human society, to explore the development of human society and the law, so me from this respect proceed only to the etiquette system study.婚礼同时也体现了中西方文化的碰撞.中国有着5000年灿烂而悠久的传统文化,这是世界各国有目共睹的,而婚礼文化在中国经历了历史的变迁后,已经有非常悠久的历史.而西方的婚礼文化也是随着社会的进步在不断地发生变化.Wedding but also reflects the western culture collision. China has a bright 5000 tradition culture, this is be obvious to people all over the world, and the wedding culture in China has experienced changes in the history, has a very long history. While the western wedding culture is also along with the progress of the society is constantly changing.现在社会上流行中式婚礼西方化,西式婚礼中国化,都在说明着婚礼的形式在不断的发生变化,这体现了婚礼文化的丰富,中西方两种文化的碰撞,以及中西方文化的交融.而文化的进一步交流也必然带动各国之间经济的合作发展,没有了文化上的冲突,政治也会变得相对稳定. Now the popular Chinese wedding western, Western-style wedding in China, are in the form of a wedding in constant change, which reflects the rich western wedding culture, the collision of two kinds of culture, as well as the western culture blend. And cultural exchanges between countries also will promote the economic cooperation and development, no cultural conflict, political will become relatively stable.中国的婚礼形式在我门年轻人的眼中都觉得很烦琐,首先介绍个对象不说,还得各个亲戚看看是否“通过”,那我就简单说几句吧,相亲,是我们国家的俗称,大多数是男的相女的,哈哈,接下来就是“见面”、“递贴”、“换号”,后边才结婚呢,结婚当天也不是那么简单的,“通路”、“接亲”等等,就是事情比较多,也比较麻烦!现代的婚礼形式受到西方文化的影响,一般是在教堂或酒店里,男女双方在结婚公证处领取结婚证后就是喜宴,在喜宴上新娘要轮流向每位客人进酒,不管男女老少,都要喝一口新娘进的酒.有时双方的朋友会刁难新娘,新娘若回答不出他们的提问就要送一大堆的喜糖作为交换.喜宴结束后,大多数情侣会去度蜜月. 无论是古代还是现代都体现了中国婚礼的特点:隆重,热闹,喜庆.Chinese wedding in my young people feel very cumbersome, first introduced the object does not say, still have various relatives have a look whether" through", I would simply say something, to date, is our country most commonly known as, is male is female, ha ha, the next is"."," stick", pass" change", behind only wedding, wedding day is not so simple," the passage", "the kiss" and so on, is a thing more, have more trouble! Modern wedding has been the impact of western culture, is in the church or in a restaurant, both men and women in marriage notary office received a marriage certificate is the reception at the wedding reception, bride to rotate towards each guest wine, regardless of people of all ages and both sexes, to drink the bride into wine. Sometimes the friends will create difficulties for the bride, bride if you can't answer their questions was to send a lot of candy in exchange. After the wedding reception, the majority of couples take a honeymoon.Whether ancient or modern reflects the Chinese wedding features: grand, lively, happy.西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从一开始就充满了浪漫的气息.一般有以下步骤:1来宾入席.2奏结婚进行曲.亲友点上蜡烛,牧师领唱诗班进场,宣布婚礼开始.伴郎伴娘和新郎陆续进场,女方家长陪新娘进场全体起立.3女方家长入席.新娘挽着父亲的手,步入大堂,伴娘和花童一同进入会场,全体来宾起立,父亲郑重的把女儿交给新郎,女方家长就坐,全体来宾就坐.4牧师证婚.新人进行结婚宣誓,宣告愿意结为夫妻.5新郎新娘互戴婚戒,宣誓.6献诗.来宾在唱诗班的带领下,唱祝福歌.7礼成.奏乐,新郎站右边,新娘站左边,两人一起走出教堂,伴郎伴娘随后,家属以及来宾随后退场.8茶会或晚宴.Western wedding is a romantic type, the whole wedding party from the beginning is full of romantic atmosphere. The general has the following steps: 1 guests attend. 2 played the wedding march. Friends and relatives of a candle, the priest a choir approach, announces the beginning of the wedding. And groom groomsman Bridesmaid enters the arena in succession, the wife's side parents to accompany the bride enters the standing ovation . 3 female parents sitting. The bride in her hand, stepped into the lobby, flower girl bridesmaid and they entered the hall, all the guests stood up, father solemnly put the daughter to the groom, wife's side parents sat, all the guests sitting. The 4 priest. The new marriage oath, declaring to be married. 5 the bride and groom each other wearing a wedding ring, oath. The 6 choir. Guests at the choir 's lead, sing a song. The ceremony is over 7. The bride, groom on the right, stand on the left, along with two people out of the church, a groomsman Bridesmaid subsequently, families and guests then exit. 8 party or dinner.
The origin of Chinese wedding is from a myth and legend. It is said that in remote antiquity, there was likely to be some heavy flooding, almost all animals and human died except Nuwa and Fuxi. The God of Venus who is an immortal of Chinese ancient mythology asked them to get married to reproduce human, but both of them disagreed with this because they were brother and sister. However, if they didn’t get married, mankind would deracinate. At the same time, Nuwa and Fuxi came up with a method that if they can connect the bamboos which were cut down and then they would get married. It was unexpected that those bamboos were connected. But they were still not willing to marry each other. Therefore, they thought out another way that if two millstones which rolled down from two mountains rolled together and then they would get married. Sure enough, the two millstones rolled together. But they also didn’t want to get married. Finally, Nuwa figured out a way that Nuwa ran first and then if Fuxi caught up with Nuwa they would get married. However Fuxi can’t overtake Nuwa. Fuxi met a turtle afterwards and the turtle taught him that he can run oppositely to catch up with Nuwa. Fuxi did what the turtle told him and he overtook Nuwa eventually. In the end, they got married. Chinese wedding was taking shape.
When mentioning the origin of American wedding, we must first talk about the origin of Western wedding because American culture is influenced by Western cultures. The origin of western wedding is a legend. It is from the Bible of Christianity. It is said that God created world in seven days. Jehovah God made a man named Adam with mud at the sixth days and blew some breath to him. Then Adam was alive suddenly. Jehovah God built the Garden of Eden and asked Adam not to eat the fruitages of wisdom. Afterwards, Jehovah God wanted to make a spouse to help Adam, so he made a woman called Eve with one of Adam’s rib. Since then Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden happily. According to the original idea of Bible, that era is the golden age of human. However they couldn’t resist the lure from a snake and they ate the forbidden fruits. They understood the shame and they began to love each other. Ultimately Jehovah God realized that both of them went against with his order. Jehovah God was very angry and dislodged them from the Garden of Eden. Since then there had appeared the ethnic group with love, enmity and warfare. From the discrimination mentioned above, people in primitive times got married with no more love and responsibility. With the development of social productivity and the perfection of political system, marriage had appeared. Western wedding had taken shape progressively.
Influenced by Confucianism, the process of preparations in Chinese wedding is very complex. There is a specific process called “three letters and six rites”. “Three letters” include the letters of appointment, present, escorting; and “six rites” mean proposing a marriage, asking name, divination of the auspicious day, sending bride-price to bride’s home, selecting the date of wedding and greeting bride(林琳,2010). In detail, first of all, the bridegroom asks the matchmaker to propose marriage to the bride. Then when matchmaker arrives at the bride’s home, she will ask the name and date of birth of bride and divine whether it is auspicious or not. Next, both of newly-weds’ families get together to discuss the date of wedding and then the bridegroom will send the bride-price to bride’s home, and then they will select the date of wedding and at that day, the bridegroom goes to the bride’ s home to escort her back to the wedding. Greeting bride is the most important link of the preparation. After the process of greeting, the bride marries the bridegroom formally.From the first part of six rites, the bridegroom and the bride have little communication with each other, almost all arrangements and decisions are decided by their parents and the matchmaker plays an important role in communicating with two families. It reflects that Chinese people influenced by Confucianism deeply because Confucianism is a core of thought in each dynasty and it is a direction of Chinese behavior(贾剑秋,2003). And it advocates obeying the order of parents and following the advice of matchmaker. Nowadays, most of Chinese go with the tradition. At the present, except these steps people also have to decide a place to hold the wedding ceremony before the wedding. In addition, the bride and bridegroom will pack the wedding candies and wedding cigarettes for the families and guests who take part in their wedding ceremony.
The preparation of American wedding is much simpler than Chinese wedding. According to the traditional customs, there are some necessary procedures. First of all, when people want to get married, they always publish this information on newspapers. The name of the bridegroom, the bride and their parents and the date of wedding will be written on that announcement. And then the bridegroom and the bride will send wedding cards to their families and friends. Before the wedding ceremony, the bridegroom and the bride will first get engaged. At that time the bridegroom and the bride need to exchange the engagement rings. This custom makes us to date back to final stage of primitive society. When the people who lived in the primitive tribe wanted to get married, two of the newly-weds always exchanged the garland to ensure the combination of their souls. And this custom has passed down from generation to generation. Then the newly-weds will arrange the layout at the church and hold some bachelor party with their friends to celebrate finishing their single lives. In America, the bridegroom and the bride are free to communicate with each other before they hold the wedding ceremony. They believe in the freedom of marriage. When they love each other and decide to get married, they tell their parents about that and discuss all things of wedding. And then the man can take the initiative in a proposal of marriage to the lady. The man holds roses and ring and then kneels to the lady and ask her”will you marry me?” The lady must say”yes” with a happy smile. That’s the most romantic part. Obviously, the preparation before American wedding is very simple, dreamlike and romantic.
Wedding season has arrived, and with it swarms of soon-to-be-wed couples tromping through parks for their pre-wedding photo shoot.
结婚旺季一到,大批的准新人们开始涌进公园拍摄结婚照 。
The scene is nothing new in China: bride, groom, photographer, and a team of make-up-mastering, sun-reflector-wielding helpers. But in the US, wedding photos are only slowly starting to wander from the traditional aisle. Some new, at times shocking, twists are being wrought on the traditional point-and-shoot.
在中国,婚纱照拍摄场面依旧没什么变化:新娘、新郎、摄影师和一组化妆师、反光装置等 。但在美国,婚纱照才刚从传统习俗中慢慢走出 。传统相机也开始记录一些新颖,时而令人震惊的画面 。
Most American weddings still take place in a church. The wedding itself is followed by a big reception party with friends and family. A photographer's job, traditionally, is to capture these two events for posterity. That requires some basic staples of a wedding album: the bride coming down the aisle, the putting on of the ring, the kiss, and the happy couple emerging from the church as newlyweds.
众所周知,大多数美国人的婚礼都在教堂举行 。婚礼后会举行一个大型的亲友接待会 。传统上,摄影师的工作就是捕捉这两个环节中的美好时刻,以为后人留念 。婚礼相册中应包括以下几个基本环节:新娘步入走廊,佩戴结婚戒指,亲吻,以及新婚夫妇幸福地走出教堂 。
After the "I do's", family members line up around the bride and groom for a series of photos-the bride and her bridesmaids, the groom and his brothers; possibilities are endless.
双方宣誓完毕正式结为夫妻后,家人们围绕在新人周围合影留念–新娘和伴娘,新郎和他的兄弟们;各种各样的组合简直不计其数 。
Over the last few decades, wedding photojournalism has also become a necessary addition to the traditional package. A photographer is asked to follow the couple and their party throughout the day, trying to catch candid shots that portray a more behind-the-scenes look to the festivities.
过去几十年来,婚礼摄影已经成为传统流程之外的又一必要环节 。人们会要求摄影师全天跟随新人一行人进行拍摄,抓拍新人们幕后的“真情流露” 。
Unlike with Chinese couples, fantasy costumes are not part of the procedure. But that doesn't mean that alternatives don't exist. Las Vegas photographer John Michael Cooper is credited with being the first wedding photographer to "trash the dress". Just like it sounds, the bride takes her prized possession and either slightly or completely destroys it.
与中国新人不同的是,西方婚礼中没有超炫的礼服这一环节 。但这并不表示他们没有其他备选方案 。来自美国拉斯维加斯的摄影师约翰 迈克尔 库珀John Michael Cooper被认为是第一位"消灭婚纱"的婚礼摄影师 。如字面所说,新娘拿出自己珍贵的礼服,或轻微或完全地将其毁掉 。
Most park-going, photo-parade couples in China are in rented apparel. But that's not the case in the States. Most brides buy expensive, thousand-dollar dresses to wear only once, before storing them away as a keepsake or possible hand-me-down. That is, unless they trash it-by swimming in a swamp, or lighting the dress on fire in the desert. The trend is more Glamor mag than wedding drag, and it is a freeing experience much more rewarding than stuffing the princess piece back in some box.
在中国,多数去公园拍摄婚纱照的新人们的礼服都是租来的 。但在美国就不同了 。多数新娘会购买高价婚纱,数千美元的婚纱只穿一次就变成了压箱底儿的纪念品或旧衣服 。除非他们在湿地游泳,或在沙漠将其点燃,否则它们都难逃以上厄运 。比起传统的婚纱照,这股潮流在时尚杂志中更常见 。况且,与其将这些价值不菲的礼服藏在衣柜中,这种经历更值得尝试 。