雅思作文常用句型短语 雅思小作文常用句式

雅思作文常用句型短语 雅思小作文常用句式


1. My suggestions is as follows
2. The following suggestions should be taken into consideration when we are seeking solutions to the problem.
3. In view of the above, I think some urgent measures need to be taken to solve this problem.
4. According to the above analyses, I would recommend that some urgent steps should be taken to put an end to the serious problem.
5. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.
6. One way out is …
7. It will be advantageous / helpful/ profitable/ beneficial if
8. It is wise for … to do sth.
9. A second/ another solution/ suggestion is that
10. Another way of solving this problem is to
11. is one of the best approaches/ weapons / ways / solutions.
12. should, have to, must, ought to, be supposed to
13. For one thing, great efforts have to be made to … and for another …
1) I have read your advertisement in Jinan Daily for a position of a sales engineer.
2) I wish to apply for the position of…which you advertised in yesterday’s Jinan Daily.
3) I am very interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining a position as a sales engineer with your company.
4) I read with interest your advertisement which appeared in…and would like to take up the challenge as a… with your firm.
5) After completing my four-year course at…university in 1991, I was employed by ABC company as a…
6) I believe I am well prepared, both psychologically and academically, for the post.
7) I believe I have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post, and therefore, here I am enclosing my curriculum vitae.
8) Upon graduation, I first worked as…The following job was…, and currently I am working for…
9) I am available for an interview every afternoon. Please contact me at…
10) I hope that after reviewing my enclosed resume you will kindly give me an interview so that I can elaborate on my studies and working experience.
11) I hope you would consider my application favorably and grant me an interview.
12) With the kind of experience I have accumulated, I would expect a salary of not less than…
1.没有朋友的人是可怜的人,他们的生活不可能幸福 。
Those who have no friends are poor people and you cannot expect them to be happy.
2.我们应该善于区分真朋友与酒肉朋友 。
We should be able to distinguish real friends from purely business-typed ones.
3.交友不慎反受其害 。
You fall victim to your friends if you are not selective of them.
4.俗话说:“近朱者赤,近墨者黑 。”
As the saying goes: Hanging around with honest friends, you learn to be honest; hanging around with dishonest friends, you learn to be dishonest.
5.有位朋友告诉我,在她的眼里,友谊比婚姻更宝贵 。
A friend of mine once told me that in her eyes, friendship is more precious than marriage.
6.我认为友谊与婚姻从某种意义上讲非常相似,因为婚姻首先就应该是从友谊起步,是男女之间友谊的最高境界,但不是最后的终点 。
I hold that in a sense, friendship and marriage are very similar because marriage is supposed to get started from friendship and is thus the highest level of friendship but not the finishing line.
7.我认为这种观点有些夸张,朋友毕竟是朋友,无论如何也替代不了夫妻关系 。
I think this view has some exaggeration in it. After all, friends are only friends and in no way could they replace the husband-wife relation.
8.不可否认,许多人非常势利,他们愿意与我们交朋友是因为我们对他们会有用处 。
There’s no denying that some people are very snobbish and they would like to make friends with us simply because we are useful to them.
1.It is reported that
2.It is estimated that
3.It must be stressed out that
4.Nothing has received more praise and abuse than something.
5.Something leave much to be desired.
6.A is to B what C is to D.
7.Never has something failed to fascinate us in modern society
8.It is no overstatement to say that
9.It is no exaggeration to say that
10.Something is a good case in point.
11.The ever-accelerated updating of something has brought about both chances and challenges.
【雅思作文常用句型短语 雅思小作文常用句式】12.It is was + 被强调部份 + that who + 原句剩余部份.