英文奶奶口语 奶奶怎么说奶奶用英语怎么说

奶奶很善良 。你对她有什么美好的回忆?英语口语奶奶怎么说?呢?让我们来看看:

英文奶奶口语 奶奶怎么说奶奶用英语怎么说


father's mother
paternal grandmother
Grandma, I can't forget your delicious apple pie.
奶奶,我忘不了您做的可口苹果派 。
My grandma feeds a lot of chickens in her yard.
我的奶奶在院子里养了许多小鸡 。
"Wasn't it just the same for me?" said Third daughter-in-law
The children were all ears when Granny told them stories.
奶奶讲故事的时候,孩子们都全神贯注地听着 。
Basking on the balcony, granny can still keep an eye on the children.
奶奶一面在阳台上晒太阳,一面还可以照看孩子们 。
"What's wrong with grandma?"
Come and help grandma with her things.
来帮奶奶搬东西 。
Granny travelled down by train.
奶奶是乘火车过来的 。
Grandmother is the oldest in my family .
奶奶是我们家中最老的 。
Grandma loves the peace of the countryside.
奶奶喜欢乡间的恬静 。
father's mother
paternal grandmother
lei as he stood in the doorway, causing the vision of Mrs. Wu Sun-fu's simple beauty to vanish from his mind
尚在雷参谋脑膜上粘着的吴少奶奶淡妆的影子也立刻消失了 。
"And even if Your Ladyship didn't slap our faces for coming, your stewards might take us for tramps."
Third Daughter-in-law remarked longingly, "I wonder when we'll be able to set up our own home!
Second Daughter-in-law also drew up a partial list of a fictitious trousseau and added, "Eldest Sister's way is best
二奶奶也开了半幅嫁装的虚账,还说:“倒是大姐姐这样好 。
"What's wrong with grandma?"
Mrs. Wu Sun-fu laughed, while Huei-fang took the opportunity to get a word in: "Is it true that the whole town's been ransacked?
If you agree to this name, madam, she's sure to live to a ripe old age
姑奶奶若依我这名字,必然长命百岁 。
"If you have, telling our second mistress is just the same as telling Her Ladyship."
Assuming the form of Beroe, the aged nurse of Semele, she insinuated doubts whether it was indeed jove himself who came as a lover
朱诺变形成塞墨勒的老奶奶波罗厄,暗示间挑引起塞墨勒对情郎的身分产生怀疑 。
After burying her, the group went into a hooverville, as the migrants' camps were called
他们埋葬好了奶奶之后,走进了一个胡佛村,这是流民宿营地的一个别名 。
1.[口语] (祖母) (paternal) grandmother; grandma

英文奶奶口语 奶奶怎么说奶奶用英语怎么说


2.(称老年妇女) (a respectful form of address for an old woman) grandma; granny
姑奶奶 1.(已出嫁的女儿) married daughter2.(父亲的姑母) the sister of one's paternal grandfather; ……
马奶奶 grannie ma…
奶奶(口语) grandma…
奶奶,外婆 grandma; granny…
奶奶的 nnd…
七奶奶 lady cheng…
少奶奶 [旧时用语]1.(少妇) young mistress of the house2.(尊称别人的儿媳) your daughter-in-law…
〔口语〕奶奶,外婆 。grandmama; grandmamma…
白奶奶醉酒 mrs. bai was drunk…
风流少奶奶 a young comfortable lady…
故事奶奶 story lady…
奶奶的床 grandma s feather bed; grandma's feather bed…
奶奶的房子 my grandmother's house…
奶奶的故事 61.my grandmother’s stories; my grandmother’s stories…
奶奶的假牙 87.grandma's false teeth; s false teeth…
奶奶的眼镜 grandma's spectacles; grandma’s glasses…
奶奶扭计媳 the stamp of love…
你奶奶唉 gotta…
你奶奶个腿 your grandmas legs…
你奶奶个熊 your grandmas bear…
少奶奶之谜 xiao nai nai zhi mi…
史密斯奶奶 granny smith…
他奶奶的 tnnd…
踢牙老奶奶 teeth-kicking nanny…
奶牧 nem…
奶母 nutrix…
Grey hair is on trend with silver hair lovers the world over posting images on social media under the hashtag #grannyhair.
最近流行起了灰发 。全世界的灰发爱好者们纷纷将自己的灰发照片分享到社交网络,并贴上“奶奶灰”的标签 。
Instagram is awash with the grey haired images – from beauty shots featuring professional models to selfies uploaded by proud grey haired Instagrammers.
Instagram(图片分享网站)几乎被灰发造型淹没了——有职业模特的美艳大片,也有广大Instagram网友上传的得意自拍 。
The trend can be tracked back to Jean Paul Gaultier's catwalk show at Paris Fashion Week featuring silver haired models earlier this month.
这一潮流始于本月早些时候的巴黎时装周,当时让·保罗·高缇耶带领一众白发苍苍的模特亮相T台 。
The statement to embrace older models and leave their natural hair untouched was applauded by fashion fans.
这种起用老年模特并保留她们天然发色的行为,大受时尚一族的赞扬 。
She is one of the many photographers who have embraced the granny hair trend.
【英文奶奶口语 奶奶怎么说奶奶用英语怎么说】她和其他众多摄影师一起加入了这股“奶奶灰”潮流 。