雅思写作 犯罪 雅思青少年犯罪范文

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Task:Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crimes. Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Sample answer:
With a rapid increase of crime, more citizens are scared of aggressive acts all over the world. As to whether more measures can be taken to stop crime, there is an endless debate. From my personal view, although more actions cannot fully guarantee the security of the whole society, it is not the reason for which people can surrender to violence.
Clearly, actions such as enacting more strict laws and legislation can effectively curb the frequency of crime. Fearing punishment is usually the mature of humans, so when they are informed of the consequence of committing crimes, they are more prone to stop doing anti-social acts. In addition, providing more education contributes to raise people’s safety awareness and consequently prevents crime. As the Internet prevails information about laws and legislation are more achievable, and thus there is a possibility that people are given more opportunities to learn how to distinguish right from wrong.
However, feasible measures are still not a panacea to the establishment of a completely safe society. If governments fail to guarantee a basic living standard for their citizens, crime rate will hardly be controlled. It is widely believed that a decent job and sufficient disposable income can reduce the possibility of committing socially unacceptable behaviour. The insecurity of society can also be attributed to the fact that it is less possible for governments to eradicate all factors leading to crime. Illegal drugs and alcohol are more accessible than before. People may have to commit crimes in order to get these items.
To conclude, reasonable actions including making severe policies and offering educations are of great help to control criminal events. However, they may still not be able to ensure a secure living environment for people if fundamental needs of materials cannot be fulfilled.

雅思写作 犯罪 雅思青少年犯罪范文


Task:Some believe policemen should be armed with guns in order to prevent street crimes. However, others think this measure would raise the level of social violence. What is your opinion?
As opposed to the extensive use of weapons in the US, people in the UK, even the police are not allowed to take guns. Some people argue that it may trigger off insecurity of city dwellers, whereas others assert that it can eliminate the whole violence in the society. Hereby, I would like to discuss both perspectives in the following paragraphs.
Some people believe that the absence of carrying guns is disadvantageous in many aspects in any nations. It has been a trend that the violence is increasing in various parts of the world. More and more criminals these days carry guns and other dangerous weapons, but our police force only have pepper spray and batons for protection (as well as bullet proof vests). This is not enough of a deterrent, not enough in today’s society. If the police have proper equipment, such as, carrying a gun, they would hopefully not lose their lives and the residents will feel safer and better protected.
Others, however, hold the opinion that the police should not be allowed to carry guns. There have been plenty of cases that some robbers or thieves who commit crime but do not deserve death were shot down by police. Furthermore, some unqualified and irresponsible policemen may hurt some innocent citizens even to death when they are pursuing some culprits. Additionally, guns of police may often be lost and will touch off an even worse situation. And thus, it will reduce the overall violence in our society by not allowing guns to the police.
In conclusion, both opponents and proponents of such a practice have their respective reasons and justifications. However, as a person always expecting a peaceful life, I personally agree with the latter view. If the guns and some of other weapons would be totally restricted in the modern globe, the serious phenomenon of violence and other relevant behaviors would vanish. Hence, it is my sincere wish that governments of other countries would follow the example of the UK to avoid the whole violence in the world.
Task:Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent do you think the human nature produces crimes? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals?
Does a child’s performance at the age of 3 decide whether he or she would be a criminal in the future? Personally, I partially agree that gene defects in some cases indeed cause some illegal actions, while it is unwise to attribute all crimes to the gene problem, and my reasons will be explored as below.
【雅思写作 犯罪 雅思青少年犯罪范文】Admittedly, to the extent of Geneticism, this assertion is reasonable, because some of human behaviors, attitudes and characteristics are determined by DNA, and there is always homeotypical continuity from inappropriate behaviors in childhood to criminality in adulthood. For example, symptoms of gene-based psychological abnormality, which stems from the imbalanced secretion of hormones in brain, can be reflected in the very young age as inattention, restlessness, apathy, the lack of guilt about wrongdoings, and unkindness to other children. In adulthood, there is a high possibility that these morbid emotional traits evolve into anti-social minds–specifically, disregarding of rights of others or rules of society, irresponsibility, aggressive personalities and misperceptions about the right and wrong.
However, I strongly believe this assertion is problematic, for the reason that it completely underestimates more fundamental influences of other aspects on children after their birth. Firstly, parents always play a key role in children’s formative education that directly shapes behaviors, minds and values of them. For example, poor parenting skills in daily life, such as violence and corporal punishment, tend to make personalities of children aggressive and rude, even irritable, which might turn into dangerous behaviors and anti-social minds in adulthood.
Besides, violent contents on the internet, TV programs and video games are also responsible for juvenile crimes. It is because youngsters, unlike adults, are lack of abilities to distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, too much violence in the virtual world could twist the social values of young viewers. As a result, they, more often than not, consider violence as the main or even only way to solve problems, thereby leading to crimes.
In conclusion, there are more factors that might result in delinquencies of the youth than genes, and the impacts from parents and media on children’s growth are bigger than that from DNA.
Task:In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on the TV and the general public can watch them. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
It is a common phenomenon that we are surrounded by crime reports transmitted by a variety of media audits like television. Some believe that it is likely to impose negative impact on our society. Personally, whether such publicity of violent scenes is positive or negative is still under question.
It is of course the true case that violent information exerts a detrimental influence on people subconsciously, particularly on children lacking the ability of judgment. In this way, children are of great likelihood to mimic what they have seen in violent television programs. It is also fair to say that this is evident for some adults. By that I mean violent images lead people to be more anxious about their safety, since they may automatically presume whatever disastrous sufferings they saw on screen or newspaper may fall on them. Therefore, being to meticulous about their security, many perspectives of their lives such as working efficiency and life qualities are the collateral victims.
However, in spite of this, there is no adequate reason for the eradication of criminality on screen. Those who are negatively affected are just a result of the disability to psychologically control themselves properly, which cannot be attributed to media, and it is incumbent upon it to inform the massed of what have happened around them, no matter good or bad. In addition, objectively, it is indisputably persuasive that the description of crimes actually serves as a deterrent to these potential criminals, who harbor the conspiracy to break the law.
In conclusion, the appearance of anti-social behaviors on television demonstrates both its upsides and downsides in society. However, age limitation should be carried out in case the very young who lack judgment go astray.