1 雅思 口语领导话题
雅思口语话题种类很多,所以想要在完胜雅思口语,重在积累,下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语领导话题的资料,欢迎查阅 。

Describe a leader you admire.
You should say:
who this person is;
how you know this person;
what skills he or she has for leadership;
and explain why you think he or she is a good leader.
Sample Answer
I’m going to talk about a leader that I really look up to, who probably inspire me the most in my whole life. His name is Binh, a very famous leader of the VOVINAM martial arts in my Uni back to Vietnam.
To start off the speech, I would like to approach the context of how I got to know him. Everything happened when I was a new sophomore. As a first year student, everyone should choose at least a club to sign up for. So initially, I did not have any intention of joining VOVINAM club cuz I don’t have any taste in it if I don’t want I don’t wanna say I hate it. However, my mom, she always insisted me on taking part in that club with view to loosing my weight. So I had to obey her. But later it turned out that my determination wasn’t bad. And then on the meeting members date, I got to know him via the club manger’s introduction.
Moving on to the next point of skills he possessed for the leadership, I would like to highlight his brilliant speaking and listening skills. As a politician, more specifically, as a diplomatic spokesman of Vietnam, he had a sound speaking skill. Presenting his perspective coherently and nicely as one of the essences of his job, Binh successfully gained everyone’s belief in him and the club. Furthermore, it is of note that listening skill substantially helped him to be a leader in terms of feedback and other people’s stories. Even though he is really busy at work, spending five minutes listening to you doesn’t matter him.
Finally, if I still have time, I would like to talk about the reason why I assume that he is a good leader. I always tell with my parents that he is an elastic line and other club members are the points. Spot connecting is exactly what he trying to do to connect everyone as a team to remain the club’s sustainability. Upon all the devotions he got for the club, I just have three words for him: influential, accomplished and dedicated.
I think the most adventurous person I have ever known has to be my brother. It was in the last year of his Bachelors that he realized his flair for travelling. When everyone was looking for jobs, he decided to travel. Earning some money through freelancing he started travelling. It was in those travels that he picked up day jobs, to let him survive and let the journey going.
It was after one long year that I met him and the stories that he told were amazing. He went hitch hiking from Dehradun to Kanyakumari, taking with him an initial amount of only 1000 rupees. So, there were times when he took lifts, did jobs to let him earn some money and mixed with local people. In the entire journey he was able to learn the basic language for almost 5 languages and can now very well interact with us using those language. He made friends and there are people he goes to meet even now.
When I asked if he did any adventurous sports, he replied saying he did lived an adventurous life. And this was something that did strike me.
Knowing absolutely nothing about what can happen the next moment and then having the faith that everything will work out fine is something that he has learnt from this trip. Although he has taken up a job, but the adventure in him is still alive, the reason why he takes trips every six months.
Describe someone who is very professional

You should say:
Who this person is
Who this person does
How you knew this person
And explain why this person is professional
描述一个非常专业的人 。考生遇到此类话题,需要着重强调个人的优势在哪儿,不一定要说某个领域特别尖端的人 。可以说某个人特别擅长什么,以及带来的影响,导致你特别受用终身 。推荐考生描述老师,父母的职位,或者某个好朋友的特点 。
In high school, my math teacher is very professional and has a great influence on me. Before high school, my math grade too low to hate math. I think math formulas so hard that memorize, and the answer steps also complicated. However, after I met Miss Li, she taught me many different skills.
The biggest difference between Miss Li and other math teachers is using life experience to explain math problems. In general, many math teachers encourage students memorizing lots of formulas and doing a lot of exercises. Sometimes it is hard for me to know where this formula comes from and why it should be done. However, Mr. Li easier to solve mathematical problems by telling the history of mathematical formulas. Sometimes, even if you didn't need extra time to memorize, you could remembered the formulas in class.
Although Miss Li is not the most successful math teacher in our high school. Nevertheless, his teaching style is clearer and easier to understand mathematics. So I always thought he was the most professional math teacher.
我高中的数学老师特别专业,对我影响很大 。在高中之前,我数学分数低导致我特别讨厌数学 。我觉得数学公式很难背,而且解题步骤复杂 。然而,当我遇到李老师之后,她教会了我很多不一样的技巧 。
李老师跟其他数学老师最大的不同是结合生活经验进行分析 。很多数学老师会让学生背大量的公式和做大量的练习 。有时候我很难知道这个公式来自哪里,为什么要这样做 。然而,李老师通过讲述数学公式的历史和实际生活的应用让数学题变得更加容易 。甚至有时候不需要花额外的时间进行记忆,就能在课堂上把公式记下来 。
李老师虽然不是我们高中获奖最多的数学老师 。但是对于而言,他的教学风格能够更清晰和简单的了解数学 。因此我一直认为他是最专业的数学老师 。
1. Do you like chocolate?
Yeah I love chocolate! I think it tastes great, and I have to control myself when I start eating it coz it’s just so difficult to stop, if you know what I mean! So yeah, you could say I’m a bit of a chocoholic!
2. How often do you eat chocolate?
If I’m gonna be truthful with you I’d say pretty much every day, which I know is not the most healthy of habits, but I just can’t help it! You know, I always keep a stock of chocolate at home, and I’ll normally have some after lunch or dinner, cos it’s just a really nice way to finish off a meal.
如果我对你说实话,我几乎每天都会说,我知道这不是最健康的习惯,但我就是忍不住!你知道,我总是在家里储备一些巧克力,我通常在午餐或晚餐后吃一些,因为这是吃完一顿饭的好方法 。
3. What’s your favourite flavor?
I guess it would have to be milk chocolate, simply because for me it tastes the best! I know that dark chocolate’s meant to be, like, the healthiest and all that, but it has a kind of bitter taste to it. And white chocolate’s a little bit too creamy for me, so I normally always go for milk chocolate.
我想那一定是牛奶巧克力,因为对我来说味道最好!我知道黑巧克力的意思是,像是最健康的和所有的,但是它有一种苦味 。而白巧克力对我来说有点太奶油了,所以我通常都会吃牛奶巧克力 。
4. Is chocolate expensive in China?
I think it really kind of depends on what chocolate you’re talking about, because there’s a lot which is made here in China that’s pretty cheap. For example, you can get a small bar of chocolate for only a few RMB, which I think’s pretty reasonable.
我想这要看你说的是什么巧克力,因为中国有很多便宜的巧克力 。举个例子,你只需要几块人民币就能买到一小块巧克力,我认为这很合理 。
But if you want really nice chocolate imported from places like Belgium and Switzerland, then it’s pretty expensive. I mean, you’re looking at, like, a hundred RMB for a box, something like that.
但是如果你想从比利时和瑞士等地方进口巧克力,那就太贵了 。我的意思是,你看,比如说,一百元一个盒子,诸如此类 。
5. When was the first time you ate chocolate?
Geez, I honestly can’t remember. I imagine it must have been when I was a small child, but I honestly have no idea what age I was. Let me see…um… If I was to hazard a guess, I’d say I was probably, like, 4 or 5, cos my parents were always really good to me as a child and I’m sure I must have persuaded them at some stage to let me try some!
【好领导雅思口语 雅思口语六大话题】哎呀,老实说我记不起来了 。我想这一定是我小时候的事,但我真的不知道我是什么年纪 。让我想想……嗯……如果我冒险猜一猜,我会说我可能是,比如4或5,因为我的父母在我小时候总是对我很好,我肯定在某个阶段说服他们让我试试!
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