商务英语口语大全 商务英语常用句子大全

All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查 。下面介绍更多商务英语口语常用句子,希望对各位有所帮助 。

商务英语口语大全 商务英语常用句子大全


1 Is the production line fully automatic?生产线是全自动的吗?
2 What kind of quality control do you have?你们用什么办法来控制质量呢?
3 All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查 。
4 What's your general impression,may I ask?不知您对我们厂总的印象如何?
5 I'm impressed by your approach to business.你们经营业务的方法给我留下了很深的印象 。
6 We had expected much lower prices.我们希望报价再低一些 。
7 They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere.这些报价比其他任何地方都要低得多 。
8 I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours.我可以把比贵公司报价低得多的价目表给你看看 。
9 When you compare the prices,you must take everything into consideration.当你在考虑对比价格时,首先必须把一切都要考虑进去 。
10 I can assure you the prices we offer you are very favorable.我敢保证我们向你提供的价位是合理的 。
1 I don't think you'll have any difficulty in pushing sales.我认为你推销时不会有任何困难 。
2 But the market prices are changing frequently.但是市场价格随时都在变化 。
3 It's up to you to decide.这主要取决于你 。
4 The demand for our products has kept rising.要求定购我们产品的人越来越多 。
5 How long will your offer hold good?一般你们报盘的有效期是多长?
6 We have new methods like compensation trade and joint ventrue.我们有补偿贸易和合资经营 。
7 I think a joint venture would be beneficial to both of us .我认为合资经营对双方都是有利的 。
8 Please give us your proposal if you're ready for that.如果你们愿意做合资经营,请提出你的方案 。
9 Please go over it and see if everything is in order.请过目一下,看看是否一切妥当 。
10 Do you have any comment on this clause.你对这一条款有何看法?
1 If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来 。
2 I can see you have put a lot of time into it.我相信你在制定这个计划上一定花了不少精力吧 。

商务英语口语大全 商务英语常用句子大全


3 We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here.我们真诚地希望你们在这里过得愉快 。
4 I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.我想能否在我们访问结束时为我们安排一点时间购物 。
5 Welcome to our factory.欢迎到我们工厂来 。
6 I've been looking forward to visiting your factory.我一直都盼望着参观贵厂 。
7 You'll know our products better after this visit.参观后您会对我们的产品有更深的了解 。
8 Maybe we could start with the Designing Department.也许我们可以先参观一下设计部门 。
9 Then we could look at the production line.然后我们再去看看生产线 。
10 These drawings on the wall are process sheets.墙上的图表是工艺流程表 。
1 They describe how each process goes on to the next.表述着每道工艺间的衔接情况 。
2 We are running on two shifts.我们实行的工作是两班倒 。
3 Almost every process is computerized.几乎每一道工艺都是由电脑控制的 。
4 The efficiency is GREatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased.工作效率大大地提高了,而劳动强度却降低了 。
5 All produets have to go through five checks in the whole process.所有产品在整个生产过程中得通过五道质量检查关 。
6 We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂 。
7 Therefore,we always put quality as the first consideration.因而,我们总是把质量放在第一位来考虑 。
8 Quality is even more important than quantity.质量比数量更为?38 Quality is even more important than quantity.质量比数量更为重要 。
9 I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble.我希望这次来参观没有给你们增添太多的麻烦 。
【商务英语口语大全 商务英语常用句子大全】10 Do we have to wear the helmets?我们得戴上防护帽吗?