关于描写人物的英语作文 写人物的英语作文100字

人一般指特定的人 。学英语离不开写作文,英语作文里也有人物 。你想知道写人物的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的英文作文 。让我们来看看!
Li Yan, an engineer, was born on February 9, 1965 in Beijing, China. After he graduated from Qinghua University in 1987, he made an important decision in his life. He decided to go to the United States for his further study. After four years' hard work, he mastered new management ideas an advanced technologies in computer field. In 1992, he got his doctor's degree. In 2008, he made another decision that to return to his motherland and started a company. However, his wife and daughter had got used to the American way of life, so they still stay in the United States. But they still can meet frequently, because of the convenient transportation, and his wife and daughter often visit him in holidays.
李岩是一名工程师,1965年2月9日出生于中国北京 。1987年于清华大学毕业后他做出了人生中一个重要的决定 。他决定去美国进一步深造 。经过四年的努力,他掌握了计算机领域新的经营理念和先进的科技 。1992年,他获得了博士学位 。2008年,他做了另一个决定——回到祖国开公司 。但是他的妻子和女儿已经习惯了美国的生活方式,所以他们仍然待在美国 。但是,因为交通方便,他们仍然可以经常见面,而且他妻子和女儿放假的时候经常来看他 。

关于描写人物的英语作文 写人物的英语作文100字


Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the discussion about if he can be a super star has never been terminated. As we know , Yao is a quite high and strong player in NBA. And depending on his height and
weight ,Yao can control the restricted area easily just like O'Neil.
Besides his body , his skills are more comprehensive than other
centers. By this I mean comparing with other same-position players ,
Yao is very successful because he can use more advantages to face different players. In this aspect , Yao has already been a super
star. On the other hand , Only playing well is not enough to make a man become a god. Why people pay more attention on Kobe , James ,
Iverson? Those players are not only playing well , but also mark
matches with their own signs. They make their matches differ from
others. Although they may have weaknesses , people still like to
watch there performance. So , if Yao can put his feature into matches , it will be soon to get a great achievement.
All in all(总之), in my view point(在我看来), Yao has a good future considering his ability and faith.
The world's first prize winner Einstein full name:Albert Einstein.World ten big outstanding physicists,the founder of modern physics,synthesizer and founder,is also a famous thinker and philosopher.Einstein in 1900 graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of technology in Zurich,the Swiss nationality.
Doctor of philosophy degree from University of Zurich in 1905.Patent Office in Bern,Zurich,Prague Industrial University in Germany as a university professor.Returning to Germany in 1913,Berlin emperor William Physics Institute and professor of Humboldt University Berlin,and was elected to the Prussian Academy of sciences.1933 by the Nazi regime persecuted,immigrated to the United States,Princeton Advanced Research Institute Professor,engaged in research in theoretical physics,in 1940 into the American nationality.
There is a familiar motto is:" everything is relative." But Einstein's theory is a philosophical hackneyed and stereotyped expressions repetition,but is a more precise mathematical formulation of the method.In this method,the scientific measurement is relative.Obviously,the time and space of subjective feeling is dependent on the observer itself.
题目:你接受了一项写作任务,要为英语校报写一篇人物介绍 。请根据以下信息,介绍一位热门人物 。
姓 名:莫言(管谟业)
出 生 地:山东省高密一个穷苦人家
【关于描写人物的英语作文 写人物的英语作文100字】性格特征:开朗、幽默
教育经历:1986年毕业于解放军艺术学院( PLA Academy of Arts) ;
1991年毕业于北京大学并获文学硕士学位 (Master’s Degree of Arts)。
2012年获诺贝尔文学奖(Nobel Prize in Literature) 。
评价:第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国作家,被誉为是对中国文学做出巨大贡献的作家之一 。
Born into a poor family in Gaomi, Shandong Province on February 17,1955, Mo Yan, whose original name is Guan Moye, showed great interest in reading and calligraphy in his early years. What’s more, not only is he outgoing but he also has a strong sense of humor.Having graduated from the PLA Academy of Arts in 1986, Mo Yan went on further education and received a Master’s Degree in Arts from Beijing University five years later. With a talent for literature, he won China’s high estliterary prize, Mao Dun Literature Prize by his book Frogin 2011. Toall Chinese’s excitement, this year he became the first Chinese writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, which will certainly make great contributions to the development of Chinese literature.