民族文化英语作文 民族复兴英语作文

民族文化英语作文 民族复兴英语作文


From the cartoon,we can,that the audience, the majority ofwhom are foreigners, 。applauding for the Peking Opera performance.Meanwhile, it is really ironic that the only two Chinese sitting behind just follow what others do, totally not knowing what is going on .We should feel sad about the scene, or maybe we should even feel sadder about our not feeling sad about it.The spirit of tradition is gradually dying away,which has become a serious problem we have to face·Take Peking Opera for example. Ittried to be the most popular type of entertainment,but now it seems to be struggling to survive from the invasion of the foreign pop culture.Young people today,to whom Peking Opera is too difficult to understand,are unwilling to accept and enjoy it after comparing it with the new culture. The long-standing fans of Peking opera are becoming older and older, the number of whom are on the decrease. Consequently, the existence and development of Peking Opera have fallen into a vicious circle, as other traditional cultures do.As a result of what has been mentioned above, we must think ofgood ways to confront and solve the problem.And I believe, the best way to keep a tradition and make more and nwre people appreciate it is to get it across to people. In my opinion,we can try to bring different traditional cultures into education,offering them as optional or even compulsory courses for students.In addition, we can set up new websites, which cover every aspect of Chinese culture.Perhaps these will help to promote understanding between cultures and I think,by this means,our tradition could be handed down from one generation to another as well as appealing to,and,foreigners.
深圳环球雅思北美学院资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以深圳环球雅思北美学院为您提供关于民族文化的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发 。
从漫画中,我们可以看出,观众正在为京剧演出鼓掌喝彩,其中大多数观众都是外国人 。同时,具有讽刺意味的是,坐在后面的仅有的两名中国观众也跟着别人一起鼓掌,却全然不知是怎么回事 。看到这幅画面,我们应感到悲哀,或者我们更应为自己对此现象的无动于衷而感到悲哀 。传统的梢粹在渐渐地消逝,这是我们必须面对的一个很严重的问题 。以京剧为例,在过去它曾是那么地受人欢迎,而到了如今,却只能在外国流行文化的冲击下挣扎着生存下去 。如今的年轻人觉得京剧很难理解,因此,在将京剧与新的文化做了比较之后,他们根本不愿接受和欣赏这种艺术形式 。那些铁杆京剧迷年纪越来越大,这也使得京剧的观众群越来越小 。因此,和其他的传统文化一样,京剧的生存和发展已经陷人了恶性循环 。综上所述,我们必须想出好的方法来面对和解决这个问题 。我认为.保留一种传统并使越来越多的人欣赏它,比较好的方法就是让人先了解它 。在我看来,我们可以尝试将传统文化纳人教育中,使其成为学生的选修甚至是必修课 。另外,我们可以建立网站.介绍中国文化的各个方面 。这些也许会推进文化之间的沟通,而且,我相信,通过这种办法,我们的传统既可以一代代地传下去,也可以吸引越来越多的外国人 。
【民族文化英语作文 民族复兴英语作文】深圳环球雅思北美学院认为,托福写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言 。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论 。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习 。深圳环球雅思北美学院小编希望本篇关于民族文化的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发 。